Any PCOS victims?



  • noey72
    :happy: Amen! I'm not a victim either - PCOS is just a condition that I have and I don't let it control me anymore. I still have carbs, but I choose healthy carbs - whole grains, fruits,veggies. I also eat smaller meals or snacks every two to three hours so my metabolism stays revved up. Been doing this for about a month. I have lost ten pounds so far just changing eating habits and I have now started exercising so I am confident that the weight will continue to drop.
  • Jennisin1
    Jennisin1 Posts: 574 Member
    I have had PCOS since I was 12 Im not about 23 and deal with every symptom there is. Its very frustrating Ive always been up and down with my weight but currently at my highest I wasnt even this big when I gave birth twice :/ Im 5"2 and 182lbs Ive been working out almost every day not and extreme work out but I try to get in atleast a half hour of walking a day on the treadmill I lost 4 pounds in december and since gained 1 back and now its like Im stuck I just dont know what to do I just want to cry and my appearance isnt helping much since I get the acne facial hair and hair loss plus on top of it the depression.

    Controlling PCOS has a lot to do with diet....Sodas/Cookies/Junk Food are the staples of your day.... and it really doesn't matter how much you exercise.... A calorie is not a calorie when you have a metabolic condition which processes some food groups differently.

    I would suggest meeting with a nutritionist and getting on a whole food, low carb (severely limiting grains/breads/pastas) diet....

    I eat mostly unprocessed foods and stay far aways from carbs that aren't from fruits/veggies and have lost weight fairly easily and my symptoms have greatly improved.
  • surgkeish
    surgkeish Posts: 13 Member
    good tips thanks a lot my doc told me low carb diet no numbers so I am confused I thought about seeing a nutritionist for PCOS
  • Getyourshineon
    Oh yes... it sucks but I try very hard to not think about the condition. I refuse to let it define me! I will lose the weight, despite the medical issues associated with PCOS!!! I used to use it as a crutch when I was lazier about losing weight but I'm stronger and more mature than that now and way past it!! You can get past it too!!
  • LetGo23
    LetGo23 Posts: 5 Member
    I too have PCOS. I should do a poll so I can create a white paper with some sort of trends because I am finding out a lot more women have it. There must be a commonality amongst us... 70s babies, McD generation, something!

    Anyway, I have been dealing with it for years and it seems they put you on birth control to start and then you see commercial recalls that the b.c. causes DEATH. So then due to insulin resistance (PCOS causes I believe) they put you on Metformin or Actos (Also scary commercial danger). It is a lot to contend with....

    Between the other autoimmune elements I am dealing with I have a hard time losing so I haven't tried. Now I am going to put effort to see if I can, whether or not I do at least I will be living a healthier lifestyle. So thanks to those who gave inputs on eating fruits and thanks for the original poster for bringing it up.
  • EmmaPR83
    yes! add me if u like
  • emiliewright
    emiliewright Posts: 148 Member
    I had/have PCOS and I am not a victim...Much like other posters, I have defeated this icky condition and continue to everyday. The best advice I can give you is to work your butt off, seriously.

    I lost close to 50 lbs by running and following my calories on this site.

    There is no magic pill or formula, just hard work.

    I ate cake, ice cream, cheeseburgers, etc...but in moderation.

    Another tip, try to get the majority of your foods from their original not packaged.
  • brittskinny2014
    I have pcos and I would say that Iam some what of a victim. It really messed with my fertility and ability to start a family. Thank god I have a wonderful husband that understands what Im going through. It took me 5 doctors to finaly find the right doctor who diagnosed me 2010 I was on metformin for a year then got off of it. I hope that starting this weight loss jerney will rid me from pcos. Im staying away from sugar and ating low carb.
  • laurie41565
    laurie41565 Posts: 64 Member
    I now have PCOS symptoms under control.I found making exercise (walking/JM 30DS/jogging) a part of my everyday life just like I do brushing my teeth,taking showers etc has helped BIG time.

    I didin't and don't follow a "diet" I just have healthier eating habits.Food wise I eat things in moderation and cut out soda even diet soda.NO soda tastes as good as knowing I am healing my body and being called "tiny" now is a bonus lol

    My macros are 40% protein 30% carbs 30% fat (usually don't eat the full 30% of fat and carbs though) my sugar intake is 20-24mg and sodium is usually 1,500-2000mg.

    Best of luck doll!!

    How do you manage to stay at 24 grams of sugar? I have one banana and a sweet potato and that sets me over. I think I managed 24 once and that was only because I didn't have my sweet potato or fruit that day. I am usually around 38 or so.