Jillian Micheals online..worth it?

I was trying to figure out some new things to motivate me to really start focusing on diet and weight loss, so I joined the Jillian Micheals online site. It's free for a week and then they charge you $52...has anyone used that site and has it worked for them? Or are there any better online options out there that you know about? Let a lady know.


  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Hey Ashley,
    I joined a site called MFP and haven't regretted my decision yet! :wink: :tongue: I'm not sure what you get for $52 from Jillian's site but I do know what all you get from here at no cost. Tons of motivation from other members, awesome friendships, terrific tools to help you on your journey, well, the list goes on and on.

    Oh did I mention it's free?:laugh:

    You can get the Jillian Michaels newsletter for free if you want to by signing up on her site, under 'free newsletter', it's got some quotes and some bits on excercise etc. I used to get it but it started coming too frequently and MFP has never stopped working for me so I've stuck to this.:flowerforyou:

    Curious why you feel the need to go to a pay site that would give you something you already have access too? :flowerforyou: I wanna suggest you jump on the message boards and really dig your heels in and get to know others and you'll feel more a part of things.:wink::drinker: I noticed you joined in Jan. and have posted 6 times. Nothing wrong with not posting as much but really getting into a site and the ppl involved in it will empower you even more to get where you desire to be:love:

    The best to you,
  • ClaudineK
    ClaudineK Posts: 1
    I am not sure on her website but her workouts are awesome. You can get a 3dvd pack at walmart for under $25.00
    Her 30 day Shred is a good place to start. It is only a 30 minute workout. It is with cardio and weights. Using weights is very important while trying to lose weight. Much success to you.
  • yazi_livefit
    yazi_livefit Posts: 51 Member
    Keep your money in your pocket hun. For $52 a month you can stock up your fridge with delicious lean meats and veggies as well as purchase some new workout gadgets which will definitely help you lose weight. The only motivation you really need is the one that comes from the inner you. You need to sit down and think about your goals. Don't just keep them in your head. Write them down and cross them out as you reach them. Then you need to review your diet and ask yourself few questions like: Are you eating every 3 hours to keep your metabolism working? Are you eating the right stuff? Are your meals consisted of equal portion of whole grains, proteins and vegetables? Do you consume too much soda, junk food and sugars??Then also analyze your workout technique, or how much of it you add to your daily or weekly routine? Once you do your homework and change your eating/exercise habits, the pounds will start coming off- and that my dear will be the best FREE motivation you ever needed!!

    I recommend reading "The lean body promise" book by Lee Labrada, Its free to borrow this at your public library and it is a great tool that teaches you how to eat and maintain the healthy eating habits to achieve that lean and fat free body you always wanted. Its fantastic!!

    Just keep in mind that Jillian doesn't really care if you lose the weight or not, she will take your $52 even if you decide to read what she has to say or not. If you are not motivated to put things into action, no one's preachings will make you slim down.

    Hope this helps any :flowerforyou:
  • AllisonMS
    AllisonMS Posts: 104
    Before finding MFP, I did the "free trial" on Jillian Michaels' site, and found it annoying after 4 days. I still get the newsletter and it is not informative at all.

    I agree -- I think it's all here on MFP -- community support, great functionality with food and exercise that's easy to input, all questions answered by a big community of like-minded folks.

    I get my Jillian fix by doing the 30-Day Shred.
  • Beastmilk
    Beastmilk Posts: 14 Member
    You know what, you guys are right. You're so smart.
  • ChellieIrish
    ChellieIrish Posts: 593 Member
    Ohh yeah I joined her site yes I did pay lol I should have tried the trial first but I am impulsive like that lol ;) I stuck it out for about 4 months and honestly there is such a click in there it's hard to find out info or get to know anyone :wink:

    I have to say I bought a few of her DVD's and they are brilliant and if you want to keep in touch with her she does podcasts for free that you can watch and get some great tips from :bigsmile:

    Honestly the best decision for me anyway was the day I joined here ... everyone is friendly, helpful and will give you support when you need it :heart:

    You can always give the JM site a go after all it's free but bet ya you'll be back with us :laugh: :drinker:

    PS if you decide to stay send me a FR :flowerforyou:

    Podcasts : http://jillianmichaelspodcast.com
  • MusicalMe
    MusicalMe Posts: 64 Member
    I agree with everyone else. I did the free trial and I wasn't impressed. There wasn't anything new or exciting on there. I think a lot of people sign up for the "clique" of Jillian Michaels. The only thing I thought was interesting was that they put together a customized meal and workout plan, based on your profile. However, you can easily figure that out through research and MFP. Save your money for things that will help you more...or for a reward when you lose a certain amount of weight!
  • AllisonMS
    AllisonMS Posts: 104
    One more thing: I remember now why it was so annoying:

    The customized meal plans were so involved, complicated and unrealistic! When I went to cancel my credit card with an actual human being, that's the feedback I gave them. There's no way I could stick with the suggestions, and Ialready cook dinner every single day. It wasn't the cooking, it was the lack of routine to the food and the complicated shopping.

    OK, my 2 cents are now done.