What was your motivation to start a healthier lifestyle?

TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
edited September 20 in Chit-Chat
What was your "aha" moment? The moment you decided to lose weight and get healthy!

Mine was being put on blood pressure medicine. That scared me! I want to be here for my kids. I have lost almost 30 pounds and lowered it but not enough yet to get off meds....yet!


  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    ON Christmas day my brother asked me if I was pregnant again. :explode: GGRRRRR.but hey it (along with my upcoming wedding) was all the motivation I needed.
  • superstarcassie
    superstarcassie Posts: 296 Member
    Mine was finding out that I had sleep apnea and would then have to wear a CPAP machine at night. boo! I am bound and determined to get rid of it! Also- finding out about my Thyroid disease and getting on medicine. I was sick of feeling awful, tired, and unhealthy! Yay to feeling better already.
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Looking in the mirror and NOT liking what I saw! I have always, shall we say, had a pretty nice shape,but in the past 5 yrs, I look like an old flabby whale!!!! Now before it's all said and done, I need to lose about 35 pounds! Plus I have lung disease and it is hard to breathe when I have all this extra weight.
  • LongMom
    LongMom Posts: 408 Member
    When I was in my early 20's someone told me I was "just like my Aunt"...my Aunt is 350+ lbs, has diabetes, high blood pressure and is infertile. I think I signed up for WW the NEXT DAY.

    This time it was pure laziness that put the pounds on and kept them on (post pregnancies that is, I don't "count" the weight gained during pregancy as part of the lazy fat). I always knew I had to get back into that frame of mind that helped me succeed when I previously lost weight and I finally did - thanks to MFP!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I gained 30 lbs in 3 months, getting to my highest weight and reaching "obese" level for my height & BMI.
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    The moment I realized I was going to die way to early if I didn't change.
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    When I realized that I am mentally/financially/emotionally ready to have children and found the right person to have them with.......now I need to get my body physically ready...and keep it there!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,029 Member
    When my dad died last summer. He had diabetes and congestive heart failure, and I've known for more than 20 years that because of my genetics, I need to take care of myself. I've always been moderately fit, but I'd been lugging around an extra 20 to 30 pounds my entire adult life that I always told myself I would lose "some day." After Dad was diagnosed with diabetes all those years ago, he completely cleaned up his eating, he started exercising, and he quit smoking. But the damage had been done. After losing him, it was a huge wake-up call to me that I need to make the changes NOW — not tomorrow; not next week, month or year, but now.
  • OnionCookie
    OnionCookie Posts: 272 Member
    My motivation is sort of pieced together from different things happening. My dad got a new house and just by changing the way he ate just slightly and working on that, the dropped 33 lbs. He now can bend over and jump and do things he could never do before. Then it was when my mother was smaller than me and honestly not meaning to gloat, keep bringing up the fact she was smaller than me. (You'd have to know my mother to recognize she meant nothing mean about it.)

    Then it was the fact I couldn't walk up to my dad's house without feeling like I was going to die.

    The last straw is a bit of vanity. I went to a shop and saw these cute knee high boot marked down from 60 to 2 dollars! I couldn't get them around my calves because of the fat. Also all the cute clothing are for much thinner girls. I want to look cute and not have rolls of flab hanging out.
  • Innerglow
    Innerglow Posts: 1,074 Member
    I'm a newly single mother and decided I hate the way I feel....I've changed everything else in my life this year so why not make something positive out of overhauling my life? I started using MFP in December of 2008 and lost about 25 lbs. I've been back at it a week and a half and i've already dropped 4 lbs. I know I can do it this time!!
  • hotpink82
    hotpink82 Posts: 4 Member
    when I saw myself in photos and when my slacks started to fit snug. I also avoided mirrors which is a HUGE no no!

    people from high school saying wow you look so different god i hated that!

    Im tired of being fluffy. I refuse to gain weight. gotta get to it!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I am 43 years old and I felt 60. I teach special ed kids and I was just physically exhausted every single day. I wasn't strong enough and decided I had to make a change. Along the way, I discovered a Vitamin D deficiency that has since been corrected. I've been eating healthy and exercising for the last 6 1/2 months and I feel better than I have in 20 years.
  • balfonso
    balfonso Posts: 370 Member
    When my doctor told me that I had high cholesterol and I could never get it lowered because of my kidney problem no matter how healthy I ate or how much exercise I did. I want to at least make more of an effort to SOMEHOW lower it especially that I have high blood pressure as well and have to take tablets for the rest of my life.

    My aim is get more healthy so I don't have take so much medication.
  • dsjolley
    dsjolley Posts: 12 Member
    I was on vacation in Seattle and went to the Pacific Science Ceter - they had an exhibit on the heart and part of it was a scale/BMI thing. I was 234 pounds. I came home and joined a gym immediately. Now, 10 years later I sit at 150, and am training actively for a 500 mile bike race. My blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, and all of my readings are off the charts - but on the good end. I guess you can learn a lot at a science museum!
  • sonjark
    sonjark Posts: 2
    Wanting to be here for my daughter as she grows up.
  • crking
    crking Posts: 175
    when I first joined the gym in October and found out how much I actually wieghed
  • I was a chubby baby. Once I got in my teens and filled out I started losing a few pounds (without trying) and weighed 125-130 all through high school. Been married and divorced twice, but it was my second marriage that the weight really started piling on. Got pregnant 4 months after the marriage and gained 50 pounds. I think I might have lost 15 of that. Nine years later I was pregnant again and was told by my doctor I needed to eat more, so I did. After she was born the nurses weighed me and i thought I would croak when the scale showed I was over 200 pounds. I had a really hard time losing the weight after that since my ex was abusive and constantly called me names and putting me down. I've been divorced now for over 10 years and my highest weight since the divorce was 250. Alot of that was because of being depressed with a failed marriage, plus I was scared to death I was now on my own. I lost 50 pounds a couple of years ago, but just couldn't get the will power to keep going. During these past two years i have gained 40 of it back and I was determined not to hit the 250 mark again. I have a wonderful life now, with the addition of a grand daughter. And I want to live a long and healthy life to be able to see her grow up and hopefully live long enough to see her graduate. I want to live life to the fullest and do alot of traveling after I (finally) retire. Been on this site since March 2010. Since I've been on this site, I've lost 16 pounds but I was dieting before I joined and had lost 7. I also have HBP, border line diabetes and on thyroid meds. Would love to get off of all three. With the friends I have met on MFP and my family I now know I CAN do this. Sorry this is so long. Didn't realize it was this long.
  • LotusF1ower
    LotusF1ower Posts: 1,259 Member
    What was your "aha" moment? The moment you decided to lose weight and get healthy!

    Mine was being put on blood pressure medicine. That scared me! I want to be here for my kids. I have lost almost 30 pounds and lowered it but not enough yet to get off meds....yet!

    A few factors made me take the plunge into wanted slimness, one being how much my poor feet hurt first thing in the morning when I got out of bed. To say I hobbled to the loo was an understatement, the only thing I was able to wear to get me there was a pair of crocs on my feet, why that was I can only think because they are springy. The other thing was, that I could no longer get into the clothes I adored wearing when I went out at night.

    I stuck a few photos of me up on our hallway wall indoors, taken just two years ago when I was 40lbs lighter than I was when I first joined MFP, every day I glance at them and it is enough to motivate me to move my big butt and get exercising! :laugh:
    DJDUFFY Posts: 98
    I am 41 years old and i used to get into a size 16 in jeans now i am in a size 20 in jeans heading to a size 22,Grrr.I also have type 2 diabetes,High Blood pressure.I have never been this over weight.I think when i get depressed i eat and don't realize that i ate so much that i gained the weight,But this website is helping me lose the weight by reading other people's stories.
  • lauraparkerrr
    lauraparkerrr Posts: 86 Member
    Not being able to fit into any of my clothes, i still have this problem but they're all too big now :)
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