Tips for a Successful Job Interview

emacb123 Posts: 254 Member
Hi All,

I have a job interview tomorrow and it is a fabulous opportunity!

I've been doing my research on the company and on the woman I'll be interviewing with.
I have a new suit, I've printed off extra copies of my resume and I've compiled my list of references.

Any advice on how to successfully interview for and land this job?


  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    i would just prepare a few questions - which shouldn't be hard because you've done your research. I also like to ask a couple questions about who i will be working with, or what my role would be in the department, or something...anything, that i can verbally put myself in the position like i already have the job, so it makes them visualize that.

    i'm not sure that works, but i don't think it hurts.
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    be confident, be well-versed in what the company does and prepare a few questions to ask them. don't forget to smile and be relate-able while still being professional.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    Glad to hear you have a new suit. You'd be amazed the number of people I've interviewed and wondered if they just pulled their outfit out of the dirty laundry basket this morning.

    Research the company you are interviewing with. Know about their competitors, their current strategic direction, new markets they may be trying to break into, any future directions stated by the CEO, acquisitions, etc....

    Have some intelligent questions about the position and prospects. Some people think asking about future prospects is not good, and shows that you aren't focused on this job. But personally when I was running a store, I'd have rather hired an excellent candidate that I knew would be managing their own store in two years, than a mediocre candidate that I knew I'd be stuck with.

    Know what you are bringing to the table. Why should they hire you? How can you make a difference for them?

    Know your weaknesses, and know how you can mitigate them.

    Be enthusiastic, a prospective employer is a bit like a prospective love-interest, they want to feel like they are the only one and not just the next on the list of options. You want a job with them not just a job.

    And the toughest of all (for me) - small talk. You can give yourself a massive head-start by just making interesting small talk between the lobby and the interview room. If I dislike you before we even get to my office, the interview is probably not going to go so well.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Make sure you ask about the job tasks. I got hired for admin, and when I looked at the list of job tasks I'm doing, turns out I'm doing ALL the office maintenance and no admin.
  • dance_fit
    dance_fit Posts: 53 Member

    The best website for job search advice. She has a free guide on preparing for an interview too with the best questions to ask and generally what else you should be prepared for.

    My favorite tip is to remember that you are interviewing them also. You think you want the job, this is a way to find out for sure if you want to be working for them.
  • emacb123
    emacb123 Posts: 254 Member
    Thank you!

    All great advice and things I will keep in mind/make notes to myself about.

    This is a biggie for me. It is a company that I have wanted to work for for years, so I want to just go in there and kill it.