Today's oopsie...

SO I was doing all well and good today on my calories. I wasn't able to exercise today or yesterday though because I somehow, unbeknownst to myself, sprained my ankle, or did something that has made it puff up to tomato size. So I was giving it a rest and will resume, or at least try, my exercise regimin tmrw morning. ANyhow, I was without my exercise calorie safety net today so I did my best to keep myself within my boundaries. I did ok until dinner, during which I thought I was ok still but I didn't realize that the freaking mayo I put on my tortilla wasn't the kind I thought it was and no less than two tablespoons later, I had consumed 20 grams of fat just like that. I was ticked when I realized as I ceared the table. Everything else I was under on, except the stupid fat. I went over by ten. Not much but I had been doing so well!!!! So of course I decided, well I alredy screwed up, might as well enjoy it. So I followed up with some cool whip and strawberries, and some trail mix. I didnt overeat or anything, but I decided not to let my mistake cost me the rest of my night. Did I make the right decision? Just though I'd overshare and get some advice... thanks!


  • jessrenee
    jessrenee Posts: 1
    hey, if today wasn't perfect...there's always tomorrow! doesn't sound too terrible though :-). Good job!
  • pykieprincess
    I think it must be the moon or something because I did something similar. I’m literally just starting out and went WAY over my goal calories. Don’t beat yourself up about it though. You already realize what you did and are thinking ahead of what you can do about it when you’re all healed. Just worry about getting better and keeping your eye on the prize. :wink:
  • Rockwelll
    Rockwelll Posts: 1
    You are fine! You have to treat yourself every now and again...your mental health is just as important as well!
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    I think all of us need to mess up. occasionally--it gives us that push to get back on the correct calorie/carbs/fats/protiens/sodium kick.
    Hope your leg is better soon. What about working your arms, and other non-ankle parts?
    Are you elevating the ankle? that might help a little.
  • Chrissy25
    Chrissy25 Posts: 17
    Thats okay! Everybody has oopsies sometimes! Tommorrow is a new day!
  • ShastaAngel
    I had friends visiting from out of town this weekend and went over on EVERYTHING Saturday. I felt like a failure! But... it just made me more determined to stay on track even tho my "foodie" friends were here, and yesterday I did geat, and today I did well too. Do not beat yourself up over ONE day. You are making a life change, and that is huge in itself. Sounds to mee like that one little step back is just a tiny drop in the tidal wave of accomplishments you have made in your journey. A drop is nothing to a tidal wave, hun. You WILL reach your goal and you WILL maintain it!:flowerforyou:
  • gecallo
    gecallo Posts: 135
    Enjoy it, but remember your goals! :o]