Nasty question that I think's been answered before but....

Should I count foods that I throw up immediately after eating? I apparently have gastritis and suddenly while eating breakfast, it all came back up.

Ugh. This is extra upsetting because I spent a while making breakfast and it was all colorful and healthy! :(


  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    If it didn't have time to digest in your stomach, then your body didn't intake the calories/nutrients from your breakfast, so I would say don't count it.
    Feel Better!!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I don't think so. I got food poisoning about a month ago and threw up my whole lunch. I didn't count it 'cause I knew I got it all up and I didn't get any of the calories & nutrition because it probably wasn't 20 minutes after I ate so there's no way I digested any of it, obviously. The rest of the day I just had water and chicken broth.

    Hope you feel better, hon *hugs*
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    I've researched bulimia because a cousin suffered from it and a calorie is counted from the moment it touches your tongue. You should at least count half the calories.
  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310
    I agree with this post, sorry about the gastritis sweetie hope you get a handle on that real soon. :flowerforyou:
    I've researched bulimia because a cousin suffered from it and a calorie is counted from the moment it touches your tongue. You should at least count half the calories.
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    I've researched bulimia because a cousin suffered from it and a calorie is counted from the moment it touches your tongue. You should at least count half the calories.

    But if a calorie is counted from the second it touches your tongue (that is, if your body absorbs the nutrition as soon as you put food in your mouth), then wouldn't bulimia be an entirely unsuccessful method of weight loss?* I am confused!

    *Note: by implying that bulimia is successful for weight loss, I'm obviously not implying that it's a good idea. I'm simply stating that most bulimic people are thin (as a result of not getting nutrients from their food), so it seems to follow that tasting food is not the same as absorbing nutrients from it, right?
  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    some carbs are turned into sugars and absorbed by ur saliva.
    but definitely not HALF of ur meal should be recorded.
    actually this all depends on how long it was in ur stomach for.

    and i know this is gross but... when it came out was it pure liquid or was it so soon that u could still identify ur food?
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    I've researched bulimia because a cousin suffered from it and a calorie is counted from the moment it touches your tongue. You should at least count half the calories.

    But if a calorie is counted from the second it touches your tongue (that is, if your body absorbs the nutrition as soon as you put food in your mouth), then wouldn't bulimia be an entirely unsuccessful method of weight loss?* I am confused!

    *Note: by implying that bulimia is successful for weight loss, I'm obviously not implying that it's a good idea. I'm simply stating that most bulimic people are thin (as a result of not getting nutrients from their food), so it seems to follow that tasting food is not the same as absorbing nutrients from it, right?

    To the OP, I hope your feeling better and I agree with everyone that said to count some of the calories, even though that should be the last thing your worried about at this time.........

    And actually there are plenty of people that have bulimia that are NOT thin...........that is why it is able to be so hidden. Especially all the binging and then purging. I know, I am speaking from experience.
  • bacallmarie
    Bulimia is an entirely unsuccessful means of weight loss. Most people with bulimia fluctuate in weight primarily because of the binge and how frequently it happens. When you puke the body automatically absorbs something ridiculous like 60-70% of the calories. The danger in bulimia is not in extreme weight loss, unless it is coupled with anorexia, it is in the acid that burns important arteries as it comes up. Learned getting my bachelors degree in psychology...

    Anyway to answer the question I would say count 50-70% of the calories just to be safe...sorry I know that really sucks. I have a hernia in my esophagus and sometimes involuntarily vomit to dislodge the food so I understand = (
  • sngnyrslp
    sngnyrslp Posts: 315 Member
    That makes sense. Thanks for the further information everyone :)

    (OP: sorry for hijacking your thread!)