Day 1 of 159 days! - 30’s here I come

Today I start my personal mission to reach the goal i've set for myself now that i'm turning 30 this year! wow.. it kinda becomes more real just as i'm writing this up.

So my quest will be to try to loose as much weight to get to my goal weight by the time i'm 30.

I got married 2 1/2 years ago and since then i've gained a lot of weight (all the weight i'm trying to loose). So i know it's not unrealistic since i was just at that weight not too long ago.

SO here I go... I have 159 days, about 23 weeks to do.

Weight to loose: 66.4
Start: 176.4
Goal: 110

I just need to do it, stick to it and DO IT! I really want to feel pretty and happy and wear all my pretty clothes again ;'(... Gaining all this weight has really affected me, my relationships and I just want to get out of this and I know it OBVIOUSLY can be done, i just have to do it.
So no turning back... here is to hoping I finally stick to my plan and loose it once for all... again... :)


  • I'd be happy to be supportive on this journey of yours! Feel free to add me
  • almost 3lbs a week... yeah that sounds like a healthy goal.

    it took you 2.5 YEARS to gain it. Maybe you should think about that before expecting to reverse the effects in 23 weeks.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I wish you all the best in reaching your goals.

    However - and I'm trying to help here, not be a jerk - your goal is too aggressive. Perhaps you're the "shoot for the moon, land in the stars" kind of person, in which case fine. But if you're likely to get demotivated when you see after a month or two that you are not on track, then you should probably scale back a little. Give yourself at least a year. You might manage 3 pounds a week for the first few weeks, maybe even a month, but you won't sustain that.

    Better yet, don't put an arbitrary time frame on it. Just eat as well as you can, and get there when you get there. You might not give 30 year old you a whole new body, but at least you'll give her a new healthy lifestyle and the tools to finish the job.
  • holdenwj
    holdenwj Posts: 4 Member
    Great goal! Now is the time to get it off, as the older you get the harder it is to lose. Also you will reduce your chances for a heart attack or other illness. Been there done that, Still working on weight reduction at 60. W.Holden
  • she didnt say all the weight, she said as much as she can in the next 159 days. I wish you the best of luck on your journey!
  • boomdistraction
    boomdistraction Posts: 10 Member
    almost 3lbs a week... yeah that sounds like a healthy goal.

    it took you 2.5 YEARS to gain it. Maybe you should think about that before expecting to reverse the effects in 23 weeks.

    It may be a big goal, but there is no reason to be so sarcastic and negative. That isn't helpful in the least, and just makes you look mean. Constructive advice would be more appreciated.

    That said, I am also turning 30 this year and am looking to shape up. OP, feel free to add me! :-) Good luck and do the best you can!
  • FionaDFair
    FionaDFair Posts: 125 Member
    I wish you all the best in reaching your goals.
    Just eat as well as you can, and get there when you get there. You might not give 30 year old you a whole new body, but at least you'll give her a new healthy lifestyle and the tools to finish the job.

    This seems like great advice! My weight loss has been taking me longer than I initially expected, but I'm becoming happier with the lifestyle changes that are taking place as a result. I'm a lot more conscious of my dietary habits and enjoy working out with a friend. I know I'll get there, and I know you can too! Feel free to add me as a friend if you like; I'm always up for sharing some encouragement. Wishing you all the best!
  • FionaDFair
    FionaDFair Posts: 125 Member
    Great goal! Now is the time to get it off, as the older you get the harder it is to lose. Also you will reduce your chances for a heart attack or other illness. Been there done that, Still working on weight reduction at 60. W.Holden

    My mother-in-law just turned 60 and is working on losing weight with my husband and myself. Any age is a good age to do good things for your body. I'm proud of you for giving it a go, W. Holden!
  • Pkeenan1229
    Pkeenan1229 Posts: 51 Member
    I have a similar amount of weight to lose and would love to help each other stay motivated!
  • dainoram
    dainoram Posts: 16 Member
    :smile: Everyone – thank you so much for your replies! This is the first time I’m here and it is really very motivating that there is a network out there of people that are so kind and willing to offer such words of encouragement :D

    PS – I’m planning on posting my status every day (so I can have some accountability) … I’m thinking in the morning with a look back of the day before and encouragement for the day to come
    for future posts reference.. where do you guys post most of your messages, do you use one main message board or do you switch around. Since I’m new I’m just not sure.:heart:

    rachellefitz - Thanks for the support and will definitely and you both. I really think that the ability to add people as your friends who share the same goals and hopes will really be SO helpful! Really looking forward to just having that network right there whenever it’s needed

    TigressPat and FionaDudley– thanks for your message. I know where you are coming from and it makes sense. I am realistic that, yes, it may be too much in too little considering the time it took to pack on. But honestly, I was very concious as to how badly I was eating. I was in the mindset that I’m married.. I don’t have to fit in a dres… I have a man! LOL and we went out to dinner almost every night, or take outs and it was outragious how mnay calories I’ve probably consumed since then. But I’m pretty smart about counting calories (and good type of calories no 100 cal packs of cookis.. although those are also good once in a while).But my point is that, I know that the healthy habits I’m trying to go back to hpefuly will counteract a lot of the heavy calories I used to consume.

    douglanglois – don’t worry, I don’t see your post as being ‘jecky’ or ‘negative’ at all. But where I’m coming from for my goal is not like lala land. I’m really going to make big changes that I feel could yield the results I’m looking for. If not, then like you said it is better than where I am now so I’ll still take it

    boomdistracti and jennifermarie – Thanks for being so sweet and sort of stickingout for me! Hehe. boomdistracti - Glad to add you and yes we can motivate each other to not loose sight of such a big turning point year in our lives.

    THANKS AGAIN :flowerforyou:
  • dainoram
    dainoram Posts: 16 Member
    I have a similar amount of weight to lose and would love to help each other stay motivated!

    Yes! our goals seem VERY similar.... I like how you came up with your goal timeline. I havent yet set my profile info but I really like your set up :) already added you so def let's keep in touch and accountable :happy:
  • almost 3lbs a week... yeah that sounds like a healthy goal.

    it took you 2.5 YEARS to gain it. Maybe you should think about that before expecting to reverse the effects in 23 weeks.

    It may be a big goal, but there is no reason to be so sarcastic and negative. That isn't helpful in the least, and just makes you look mean. Constructive advice would be more appreciated.

    That said, I am also turning 30 this year and am looking to shape up. OP, feel free to add me! :-) Good luck and do the best you can!

    Support her 1100 calorie a day regime of which she isn't even consuming 900 calories of.
  • dainoram
    dainoram Posts: 16 Member
    almost 3lbs a week... yeah that sounds like a healthy goal.

    it took you 2.5 YEARS to gain it. Maybe you should think about that before expecting to reverse the effects in 23 weeks.

    It may be a big goal, but there is no reason to be so sarcastic and negative. That isn't helpful in the least, and just makes you look mean. Constructive advice would be more appreciated.

    That said, I am also turning 30 this year and am looking to shape up. OP, feel free to add me! :-) Good luck and do the best you can!

    Support her 1100 calorie a day regime of which she isn't even consuming 900 calories of.

    I’m 5’2 so having 1100 calories is not unhealthy when trying to lose weight. I had 900 so you are saying if I just had 200 cal of empty cal cookies after, then it would be more beneficial to my weight loss? Calories alone don’t mean anything. I have a day full of protein and healthy vegetables. I think that counts more towards changing the way my body is metabolizing.

    And how is that post helpful? though All it is it’s a judgmental remark that does not add ANY value and all it has is a negative cogitation.

    You can have differences of opinions for what others do on this site but support it by how you feel you can help others. Passing judgment without offering help is just being mean. It’s also interesting that your profile is ‘private’… maybe to not show others how mean you are on this site.