48lb Loss/Progress*Pics*

Okay first of all let me apologize for my mismatched undies and the holey black undies-also, i am really embarassed by these pics and wish i could go back and just put on shorts and a tank but these are the only progress pics i have so here goes nothing! I officially started in August 2012. The first pictures are probably around August of 2011 and i weighed about 200 lbs. I dont have any from August of 2012 (weight:212) and the first picture is the only one i have from when i was in the 200's at all! The second set of pictures were around Nov/Dec 2012 and i weighed 187 lbs. The last set of pictures are from February 8, 2013 and I was 170 lbs. I am now 164 lbs and wanting to get to my UGW of 145 by May! I feel so much better about myself and i cant wait to see how much further i can go! If you need any support or just want to talk you can message me anytime!! I just started MFP about a week ago and i have lost an additional 2.5 pounds, i eat about 1200 calories a day and i walk/jog for about 35 min and do the 30 day shred off and on!--Oh and in case anyone was wondering im 5'6

<a href="http://s1305.beta.photobucket.com/user/kbriner0223/media/fatpic2_zpsaa4662c2.jpg.html&quot; target="_blank"><img src="http://i1305.photobucket.com/albums/s546/kbriner0223/fatpic2_zpsaa4662c2.jpg&quot; border="0" alt=" photo fatpic2_zpsaa4662c2.jpg"/></a>

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*Crossing my fingers that i did this right!*


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