Running while abroad

Joanneh Posts: 40 Member

My hubbie and I are planning a six month travel trip starting in a couple of months time. I run a lot here in Ireland and am wondering how I'll keep up my fitness while abroad. Basically I don't want to lose all my good work and start getting pudgy again what with all the eating and drinking I know I'll be doing. However I'll be in places like Thailand and Vietnam where I know its going to be really really hot - I don't think I'd be able to handle the heat if I even brought my running shoes.
I am going to do swimming lessons in the next couple of months so at least I'll be swimming but any thoughts on this?


  • heebiejeebie
    heebiejeebie Posts: 32 Member
    Run early - before it gets too hot.
  • linzismith
    linzismith Posts: 139 Member
    I've lived and traveled a lot in other countries and it's true, it's very hard to fit in regular workouts. there's always some issue. I'd say, go running whenever you can. we were just in the philippines and I did fit in one run where I ran along the beach then made a big circle around the town. dusk was the only time I could tolerate it. still light enough to be safe but not too hot.

    the rest of the time, print out some workouts from this website: and do them in your hotel room. many of them don't require much space. it's a different kind of workout than running, but it's still a good workout. if the workouts have exercises you won't have the right equipment for (like pullups) substitute it for something similar or something that works a completely different muscle group (for example, do lunges instead). one killer one I just did that you could easily do in a hotel is the burpee - squat thrust pyramid (I subbed lunges for squat thrusts because I knew my arms and shoulders couldn't handle 20 min of burpees AND squat thrusts).

    another great workout that involves staying in one place is jumping rope ( i just pretend that I have a rope). Jump for one minute, do 30 seconds of some kind of strength training like pushups, jump one minute, and so on. If I do cardio/strength intervals like this I usually go for 20 min.
  • mookiemoomoo
    mookiemoomoo Posts: 53 Member
    just do plenty walking get a pedometor and do over 10.000 steps day . or walk in the sand thats good for toning legs have fun
  • Joanneh
    Joanneh Posts: 40 Member
    linzismith I really like the jump rope idea, mixing cardio with strength. I could do 20 mins day - achievable even with a mild hangover I'd say!!

    Yes I am sure I'll be doing a lot of walking but walking alone doesn't cut it for me - I do not want to start getting pudgy and I know I am going to be eating and drinking whatever I feel like, so I need some proper cardio/ strength work outs. I think I'll even buy a jump rope and bring it with me.

    Re: running before it gets hot - yes that is definitely an option, thanks! Need to avoid those dawn and dusk mozzies I'll not want to be getting up too early :glasses:
  • Joanneh
    Joanneh Posts: 40 Member
    Hmmmm have just looked up burpees, they might be more practical given the typical size of a hotel room, a jump rope would be catching on things....thanks!
  • linzismith
    linzismith Posts: 139 Member
    and like i said, i just pretend i have a jumprope. i live in a really tiny apartment in seoul south korea right now and surprisingly, just putting your arms our and rotating your wrists as if you have a rope actually burns your arms too! mix up the type of jumping (high knees, kick your butt, jump in and out like a jumping jack, jump side to side like your skiing, etc).