Staying Motivated

I've changed my diet and exercise (finally) and been consistently on track since January 1st. However, I've hit this place in the journey where I'm struggling to stay motivated and focused with the scale slowing down and my energy starting to lag. I exercise at home and in addition, recently joined a gym. I'm not bored with my routine as much as I'm just plain tired of being so diligent and preoccupied with counting each calorie, etc. I know this is a lifestyle change but it's getting more difficult to stay on track. I attribute this somewhat to the cold weather and lack of sun where I live and I'm hoping that once I can get outside for regular walks, the scale will move again and I'll feel more energetic and focused. In the meantime, I was wondering if anyone could share what motivates them to stay the course when they don't really feel like it. I'm not looking for an easy way out - I'm just looking for ways to keep going during a plateau and a sudden lack of energy.


  • jaybernal
    We r in the same boat sista! I was so motivated but since last week I'm not as into it as I was! Let me know if u find the solution to get back on track:)
  • kaseybellman
    Just stay positive...I stopped dieting because I got sick of it and i gained half of the weight I lost back and wish I never gave up! It will get challenging but just stay strong and you can do it! You have done amazing so far just keep going!
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I need a measurable and realistic goal to be working on. When weight isn't coming off reframe your experience, ie. you are practicing maintenance! Look at how much you have already accomplished and be proud if yourself !! Adjust one thing just a little, ie more protein, more steps, heavier lifting, whatever works.

    Last October I started feeling depressed because of some health issues and the sun stopped shining at the same time. The weather where I live is basically rainy and cloudy with short days. I bought a light box and have sat near it for 15 minutes every day. I think it was very helpful, I noticed that I enjoyed going outside more than usual even when it was grey outside.

    Another thing that has kept me motivated is calculating my TDEE. I know that as long as I don't go over then I'm not undoing my success. If I did go over I just made up for it in the week.
  • Antonia2501
    Antonia2501 Posts: 121 Member
    If you have done this well keep up the amazing work. I did such a good job working out for three weeks and then had a rough few weeks. The hardest thing is starting over so just keep up the amazing work and find your inner motivation. You are rocking it!
  • erin4455
    erin4455 Posts: 135
    Thanks to all of you for taking the time to comment...supportive words like that really do make a difference. If any of you want to add me, please feel free. I like getting ideas from other's food diaries and exchanging words of encouragement!
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I like to set small, non-weight goals. For me, it's keeping track of how much I am lifting for each of my workouts each week. Each session, I try to get closer to doing the full reps for all sets or, if I've already done that, then bumping the weight up. That way, I can have something achievable several times a week. It helps to offset the monotony of tracking everything.
  • stellafgus
    stellafgus Posts: 29 Member
    I also am losing motivation and getting tired of counting calories I do allow myself one day a week to eat what ever without tracking and then get back on track the next day. But lately everything that could go wrong has and I guess that is what is causing my motivation loss.
  • ricochette55
    ricochette55 Posts: 68 Member
    I feel same way! Winter is dragging me I try and think about summer and the beach and I turn on some of my favorite summer time music (some good Zac Brown Band usually does the trick) and I try to recapture some of the feelings of warmth :)
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Someone told me that you have to renew motivation every day. It's true if you think about it, so every morning I wake up and say LETS DO THIS! haha :) So cheesy but honestly thinking about it as a daily thing helped me a lot.

    Also, you've already come so far and that is amazing! A lot of people can't even make it past the first week, nevermind the first 2 months, so you know what to do. You have the tools. Maybe buy some different fruits and veggies at the store or mix up your recipes a little, or try a new type of workout you've never done before.

    You can do this!!
  • _AllieCat_
    _AllieCat_ Posts: 515 Member
    It really boils to whether or not you want this new lifestyle and new body enough to keep going. Once you want fitness over your previous lifestyle, everything will fall into place.
  • stellafgus
    stellafgus Posts: 29 Member
    I keep reminding myself that in a month my husband and I are renewing our vows, today I tried on my dress for the first time after buying it to give myself some encouragement. It still fits, but would like to drop at least 5 more pounds between now and March 21st , so could use all the extra support I can get, And help remotivate me
  • tmoyer1209
    tmoyer1209 Posts: 215 Member
    I am having a tough time too. Part of what keeps me going is pure stubbornness! I don't want to have to waste time going backwards, just to have to gain the ground again. I can't stop. I can't be that mom that can't do things with her kids, I can't keep living like that! It has been over a year since I started, and right now feels like the most difficult time to stay motivated. Part of it is the weather, Southern Colorado has been more cloudy and dreary than usual, but I keep telling myself it will be sunny and warm before too much longer! Just try a little each day. Make yourself exercise if that's the only way you will do it. We clean the house, and do chores, even though we don't like to, we know we have to. Some days it's a tough win, but still a win anyway!
  • stellafgus
    stellafgus Posts: 29 Member
    A tough win! I kind of like that, will keep this in mind A tough win!
    Also every day is a new day with a new challange and set a goal for that day.
  • thatcrazykat
    thatcrazykat Posts: 73 Member
    I start everyday as the first day. Don't look back. Only look forward. The groups that have daily or weekly challenges work the best for me. I feel accomplished and in control. Loosing steam? Set a small reasonable daily goal and go to bed at the end of the day with a smile on your face.
  • catrinafinney30
    When I was younger I was overweight. So I went on thing huge diet, etc. I know what your talking about.... But if your losing inches that's ok... Inches come off before you lose the weight that's why people give up on there diet that hump, gets its all. If you use weights for sit ups that will help with the inches.. keep going up in the weight size that your lifting. instead of more sets helps also... I had kids and now im at my biggest I even been... I'm doing the diet I was on before... try that for a little bit I hope it helps
  • carolynmdavis1961
    What keep me motivated is trying on clothes. I started with a closet full of large and XL with boxes in the basement of the small and mediums. When I lost 10 I could get into my large and take in or get rid of the XL. I do that every couple of days--try on clothes. I have goal pants from high school I keep wiggling into a little at a time. First they came to my knees, now they are to mid thigh. In about 15 more pounds they will be buttoned. When I want to snack and its not time to eat, I go try on clothes. It's a distraction and a positive motivator.
  • sheilajonesdavis
    I hear ya Ladiies "LOUD & CLEAR!!! I was once in this position myself before, until I thought it through "THOROUGHLY"! I figured it like this; this is a "LIFESTYLE CHANGE" meaning living it (Healtheir) in a style like you would Life noramally on a daily basis. With that being said; life most often times can be very unpredictably. You know what has or needs to be done, but don't always know what all it will entail once you embark upon accomplishing it. So it's with that focus in mind that I channelled my journey on the road to becoming My BEST Me. When I arise each morning I know what has to be done (HEALTH WISE) so I enbrace IT spontaneously by choosing in/at each moment and/or appropriate time; what is condusive to my energy level, mind state, physical capability, and actual time constraint. Which allowed me to perform "DIFFERENT" Workout Activities (to keep things exciting and interesting) to the "BEST" of my ability, without putting pressure on myself to do what was not considered, or shall I say what I considered to be my "Normal Lifestyle!" I also applied this Mindset to My Gym Activities. ~VARIETY IS THE "SPICE" NEEDED IN A HEALTHY LIFE(STYLE)!!!!!~ Hope this helps or works for someone as it did me? Whatever you do LADIES...*DON'T QUIT* You have come so far; may you SUCCESSFULLY continue!! (*_*) Oh yeah.. one more thing as it relates to tracking and counting calories. What works/worked for me is/was; as I learned what worked for me (eating wise) what I liked, and what liked me back (calories wise) and ate that way on a consistant basis until I got to the point where I knew what I could add and subtract from my menu daily to stay within my zone(balancing my 3 meals & 3 snacks). Without putting stressfull emphasis on what I can or can't have.
  • erin4455
    erin4455 Posts: 135
    Wow, I don't even know where to begin except to say to you as a group that it's nice to hear that others have struggled but also overcome the same frustrations. I never wanted to quit because I worked hard (as we all have) to get to this point, progress-wise but I think I've really had a difficult time facing the long winter and going through the motions. I do need to mix things up a bit and cooking more is one of my goals. I really want to take ownership of my situation and I'm definitely willing to stick it out. Health is worth it to me. If any of you want another weight-loss pal, please feel free to add me!