What to do when you just CAN'T exercise?

I can't exercise because of serval medical conditions, and yes I'm suffering from an ED and is having problem with my eating. What can I do now that I can't exercise?


  • RobinMSills
    RobinMSills Posts: 27 Member
    It's hard to answer your question without knowing more specifics. Did your doctor tell you that you are not allowed to do any form of exercise? If you were able, what kind of exercises would you do?
  • suet_sze
    suet_sze Posts: 4 Member
    My heart rythm is said to be a little bit weird sometimes when occasionally it beats one more time between two normal beats. And my heart rate climbs to a dangerously high180or higher whenever I'm doing cardic (e.g. jogging at a slow pace). Even if I walk a little bit faster my heart rate would climb to 130-140.

    The other issue with me is that I feel dizzy very easily. I usually feel dizzy whenever I gets up and when I stand up. So it's hard for me to do any kind of exercise at all.
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    you really need to have this discussion with your doctor, or better yet a specialist in your condition. don't think any advice from this board will be suitable for your condition.
  • suet_sze
    suet_sze Posts: 4 Member
    I asked but they only said if I feel sick, than don't do it. But I just wonna know if I don't do exercises what other ways can I do to help me lose the weight.
  • RobinMSills
    RobinMSills Posts: 27 Member
    Mworld is right that we can't really advise you. Perhaps you should see a nutritionist? Getting your nutrition really on point will definitely help you. Also, can you take walks? Not anything high impact or even speed walking, just a stroll around the neighborhood, or even around your house? Just because you can't "work out" doesn't mean you have to stop moving. I think that's the trap a lot of people fall into (myself included). Don't stop moving just because you can't move fast!
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I asked but they only said if I feel sick, than don't do it. But I just wonna know if I don't do exercises what other ways can I do to help me lose the weight.

    The majority of the weight that you lose is from diet, not exercise. Focus your energy on eating healthy and drinking plenty of fluids. I tend to get the dizzy spells if I havn't had enough to eat or drink. Please listen to your doctor's advise and only exercise if you feel 100%.
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    I just noticed you were at around the 100 lb mark and list yourself as needing to lose 22lbs. Are you sure you even need to lose weight?

    From pure speculation I would guess the big issue is you needing to eat healthy before even considering doing any physical activity...you need energy to do exercise.
  • kspeach
    kspeach Posts: 179 Member
    I just noticed you were at around the 100 lb mark and list yourself as needing to lose 22lbs. Are you sure you even need to lose weight?

    From pure speculation I would guess the big issue is you needing to eat healthy before even considering doing any physical activity...you need energy to do exercise.

    I can't imagine that you need to weigh 80 pounds.....be careful and be healthy!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Sweetheart, you are dizzy and sick because of your eating disorder. You must know this. Take a couple weeks, maybe a month, to just eat as healthfully as you can. Lots of protein and veggies. You should feel better that maybe you can start walking.
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    Wow, you defiantly should not be wanting or losing weight and your calories are less than 500 per day.
    Your Dr. or Nutritionist should be the one advising you on how to eat more food.
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    I would strongly recommend getting help from a dietitian or nutritionist. You are doing more harm than good to your body at this point.


    The Sacred Heart Diet is a fad diet that has been circulating for many years. The diet was supposedly thought to come from the cardiology department at Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital where it was used for overweight heart patients. However, like most of these diets – this is an urban myth.

    The Sacred Heart Diet has been called a number of different names (such as the Spokane Heart Diet, the Cleveland Clinic Diet, Sacred Heart Memorial Hospital Diet and the Miami Heart Institute Diet). The diet also bears a striking resemblance to the cabbage soup diet.

    The Sacred Heart diet is a soup-based diet, and claims that you will lose 10-17 pounds in the first week. This may be true, but most of the weight will tend to be water – and will be gained right back very soon after the diet.

    This diet is very clearly an unsustainable fad diet, but is not as nutritionally unsound as similar diets. Most of these diets claim some magical fat-burning science is involved, or that there is something special about the combination of foods. This is simply untrue – it is nothing more complex than a reduction in calories!

    This diet is not recommended

    * The Sacred Heart Hospital in Montreal Canada (Hôpital Sacre Coeur) issued a press release in 2004 stating that “no nutritionist at the Hospital took part in the development of this diet”.
    * The American Heart Association have claimed that the diet is phony (ref).
    * The Sacred Heart Medical Center also disclaim any association with the diet (ref).
  • karins4
    karins4 Posts: 50 Member
    Please get help for your eating disorder. Your body is already telling you you need help. Eating less than 500 calories a day has put your body in starvation mode, and you can't last very long like that. It is what is making you so weak and dizzy and most likely is the cause of your heart issues as well. Instead of trying to lose weight you need to focus on getting healthy (two different things!). You need to go to a doctor who specializes in eating disorders. We will be here to support you but a doctor is the only person who can give you the treatment you need.
  • Mom2Emery_Liam
    I agree that your focus should be on nutrition and getting over your eating disorder. Have you always had this heart condition or is it due to the ED? If you feel like you must be active, try something low impact like pilates and yoga. Neither should get your heart rate up too high. However, it is super important you see a nutritionist, therapist and find a support group to help you get over your disorder. 100 lbs isn't drasticly thin if you're short like me, but the fact that you want to lose more scares all of us.
  • suet_sze
    suet_sze Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5ft. and I've been having this heart thing all the time. I just can't get myself to eat unless somebody force-feed me and the medics won't do that because I'm not underweight. I'm Asian, by the way.