Any future friends also freezing in Michigan ??

Hey all , The snow isnt letting up .... and its hard to get outside! Anyone else in MI wanna commiserate and share some winter support ? :flowerforyou:


  • chall0688
    chall0688 Posts: 15 Member
    I made the stupid mistake earlier of going out to the grocery store right as the storm was setting in! Thankfully I managed to zip through the place and made it home in one piece before it got too bad...
  • hintc
    hintc Posts: 15
    wow - someone was asking abt ppl in florida and had like 50 responses in half an hour .... everyone in MI must be hiding under the covers !!
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    I'm in MI! My daughter is hoping for another snow day tomorrow, but I swear they've already had 50. Or at least 5.
  • chall0688
    chall0688 Posts: 15 Member
    Several school districts in my area announced that they'd be closed tomorrow early this afternoon... Before the snow even hit! I hope my commute to work won't be too bad in the morning.
  • hintc
    hintc Posts: 15
    yes , lots of snow days this year !! i dont think we can afford anyone to clean the roads anymore ..... and def no school here tomorrow for the high schooler .... i dont know/ think they cancel community colleges very often do they ?
  • sbbhbm
    sbbhbm Posts: 1,312 Member
    It's crap here in Sparta. I watched a moron in a 4x4 driving like it's June. Wish I could've seen the "Oh Crap" look on his face as he started whipping 360's down the highway. Luckily he didn't hit anyone and spun off into the ditch.
  • chall0688
    chall0688 Posts: 15 Member
    They do sometimes. Some of my friends attend a local community college that's closed tomorrow. I guess it depends on how bad they feel the roads are gonna be.
  • hintc
    hintc Posts: 15
    Yeah, the idiot drivers are scary .... more because they endanger everyone - not just themselves. I wasnt in an accident, but broke down near detroit about a month ago - almost froze to death in 15 degree weather waiting for a tow ..... winter is just TOO much anymore...Is it any wonder most of us are stressed and depressed all winter ? I need a hot beach - STAT :)
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    I shocked even myself and planned ahead to the gym early enough to finish my workout and get home *right* as the icy roads that was awesome lol. I'm hoping the roads get bearable tomorrow so I can workout at the gym...otherwise I'll be tapping into my stock of workout DVDs lol.
  • hintc
    hintc Posts: 15
    Good for you !! Me too ... i worked out hard today and feel really good ! Keep up the motivation ! Working out is all that saved me so far this winter ...
  • delor44
    How about former Michigander? Moved five years not miss at all what you are going through. I was there last winter and swore I would NEVER go back to the state in the winter again. August was much more pleasant. Hope you are all doing okay and are safe - you have been drilled this winter and deserve a fast and beautiful spring!
  • teschy123
    I am right there being miserable in this yucky freezing weather I am so OVER WINTER!!! I am ready for spring and to be able to run outside again
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    Ugh this winter has been the WORST...I want last winter back :(
  • kentermom4
    Not in Michigan but in Ohio-did the same thing-stopped at the store after work-flew in and flew out but the frozen rain set in before I got home lol-my daughter is hoping for at least a delay in the am
  • wikitbikit
    wikitbikit Posts: 518 Member
    My girl still has school tomorrow as of this moment, but it looks like it's going to get colder tonight yet which could turn this into some icy and ugly. Brr.
  • AvalonsUnicorn
    AvalonsUnicorn Posts: 425 Member
    I live in the U.P :) I don't know that I can stand much more snow :( I want spring to come so can hike in the woods. Any one who wants feel free to add me!
  • LaLaAlways
    LaLaAlways Posts: 50 Member
    Lansing here
  • Katrina_H
    Hi Everyone, On our way home we saw people slipping off the road; just when we thought Spring was coming. I was thankful that I made it home before dark though! Loving the longer nights; can't wait for Daylight Savings time...1.5 weeks..yay!