I need help :( idk what to do...

I have been over weight for 6 years now. With my first child I gained 65lbs. I went from 105lbs to about 160lbs. I lost before I started gaining... I ate whatever I wanted and didnt think to much about it. After my son I was about 150lbs until I got pregnant with my second child. I lost 20lbs with her and gained only about 25lbs. After her I was about 147lbs. I gained about 9lbs after that and in 2011 I lost a total of 14lbs with diet an exercise. I now weight 142lbs sometimes 140lbs but I cannot get below 140. Idk where to start which approach to take and exactly what I should do... I know I need to cut out soda, and coffee, and fast food.... I need to eat more whole foods, more fruits and veggies.. lean meats etc. I just donno where to start :( any advice?


  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    My advice to you- start with the soda and refined sugar :) do that for a week your gonna crave sugar even possibly have withdrawals , eat fruit instead like strawberries or sweet mandarin oranges . I myself couldn't break below 147 till I changed my workout completley the weight is coming off now tho. Shake up your excersie routine as well.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Take it one step at a time. All those changes you've identified would be good, but its a bit daunting to take them all on at once.

    I agree, start with the soda. Why do you need to cut coffee?

    Also what height are you - I think after having 2 children aiming to be back at 105 pounds might be unrealistic.
  • blu_meanie_ca
    blu_meanie_ca Posts: 352 Member
    Start by tracking what you do eat. Be honest, and keep your diary open. You will find that once you feel accountable (and feel like someone is watching), you may eat a bit cleaner right away. Either way, record. Find out where you actually are, how much you are currently eating, ect. It may turn out you are not as "bad" as you think you are.
    Don't feel like you need to completely overhaul and go from burger king to bulgar salad. There is an inbetween, and most of us are happy here.
    Don't give up coffee... or, if you do, don't ask me to give up mine. I'm down to 2-6 cups a day, and I'm not kicking down any further.
    Poke around other people's diarys if you need some ideas. Take a look at mine if you'd like. I have light days, heavy days, and mostly "healthy" days. Again, most of us here do, and we're all happy.
  • Markwells01
    I think you have identified what you should NOT eat......Sugar (soda), Fast Food (More Sugar, Fat, Salt and a lot of other bad things)....

    What you now need to do is identify the things you SHOULD eat and in the correct quantities.

    Stop delaying and making excuses, focus, read MFP dairies, recipe ideas, start your food dairy.... etc and get cracking on the rest of your life...it is possible to change when you decide to.
  • Chichitas12
    I am 5'1. I am not very tall. I don't want to be 105lbs again though I know that is unrealistic because I was much younger then. But I would like to be a healthy weight of 120lbs. Less if I could do it.
  • Chichitas12
    The only reason I feel I need to cut out coffee is because it is mainly a meal replacement for me. I drink at least 6 cups a day and it surpresses my hunger
  • mikegl1
    mikegl1 Posts: 238 Member
    Where to start? Remove as much of the bad food in your house as you can.
    Stop the fast food UNLESS you can get something healthy. Lets take "Wendy's - Spicy Chicken Sandwich, 1 sandwich" -- Put it in as a food you eat. JUST that sandwich is 530 calories. Too much.

    I like apples sauce in the house since it is sweet and still pretty good for you (but mostly just sugars) - still MUCH better then candies and other things that will satisfy the sweet tooth.

    I don't know what you are eating exactly but you do need to enter it in and see what you end of day totals are. Go over, you don't lose.
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    Like everybody else has said, take it one step at a time! I had been struggling for a long time with eating fewer calories so I just kept fairly consistent with at least logging what I ate and being honest with myself and the past couple of weeks I have started doing much better---bought some fruit and have been craving that instead of junk. Trying to stay away from fast food as much as possible because it makes me go over *plus it's extra money!*. You got this!