


  • czmmom
    czmmom Posts: 236 Member
    I did C25k a couple of years ago and was a total non runner. I was not terribly overweight - probably had about 10 to lose. It took about 9 months for me to really like running. However what kept me going were the milestones I was hitting and I wanted to see what I could do next. For example, the week that I ran 5 minutes without stopping. I couldn't believe I could do that. So then it was well lets see if I can do 10 and then 20, etc. I also liked the way my body felt and looked after I started running. Now I love it and will be running my second half in May.
    Make sure you have a good pair of running shoes. Good luck!!
  • fresh_start59
    fresh_start59 Posts: 590 Member
    I am so glad you asked this question, RawTriGal. I absolutely love reading everyone's responses.

    At 10,000 steps a day, I would think you would do well with the program.

    I am 53, 5' 4" and weigh in at 237 pounds. Worse ... I have been on the "couch" for years and years. I pulled out my old pedometer in November to get some baselines numbers. I was walking between 600-1,000 steps a day for the past two years, mostly at the low end unless I went to the grocery store.

    As you can imagine, my cardio ability leaves a lot to be desired. So, I slowly started walking. Last week, I worked up to a goal of 5,000 steps a day.

    On Saturday, I tried a bit of slow jogging, just through the house. I did not time myself, but I estimated it to be five or six minutes. Sunday, I was exhausted (probably from lack of sleep, not the exercise) and barely walked 2,000 steps.

    Then, today (Monday), I tried the jogging again. I kept moving, more than a brisk walk, less than a real jog. I estimate that I did about 140 steps a minute and kept at that rate for 15 minutes. Of course, my "jogging" steps are teeny tiny, so distance-wise, I did not make it very far. Doesn't matter. I'm still very excited about the progress. I can't remember the last time jogged anywhere!

    I think it's time to get on my treadmill (which for the past 10 years has served as a wonderful clothes hanger). I hope to work up enough stamina so that this time next month I start the C25k program.
  • lilmzritz
    lilmzritz Posts: 176
    Good for you for getting C25K! Great start towards your goal of a healthier you :)

    I started C25K mid-October last year and I was almost 100 lbs overweight then. It was tough because my knees hurt so much and I felt that I was going to pass out and that my lungs are going to explode on Day 1! But I kept following the program. If anything hurts, I stop and rest/pause then work at it again. Listen to your body and mind your pace as well. You don't have to run fast, just run in a steady pace and make sure you're breathing properly. Just keep at it and the next thing you know you're running for a full minute, then 5 minutes, then 10 minutes! Happy to say that C25K worked for me since I just did my first 5K on January 19 and I ran without stopping! I am now using the 10K app prepping for my first one in mid-June.

    Good luck and keep going!
  • stephlaughs
    stephlaughs Posts: 5 Member
    I just started! I have a significant amount to lose and I am heavier set and I have no problems that physically limit me from doing it. It's more so that I am really out of shape, so I have to do the first week twice until I feel better about moving to the next level. Definitely move at your own pace and pretty soon, you'll get there!
  • RawTriGal
    RawTriGal Posts: 190 Member
    I LOVE YOU ALL!!! Thanks for the supportive responses and sharing how you have been working it! Thanks especially for the suggestion of the app for my android.... that is exactly what I was looking for and it worked perfectly! I just completed W1D1... WooHOO!!!!
  • I am on week 2 day 2, and I am loving the program so far! I downloaded the free app on my iphone, and a voice prompts me when to start walking and when to start jogginhg! I have never been a runner! Literally. I used to skip gym class the days of our physical fit test days....I am still in the early stages but I feel great, and already have noticed a change in my endurance!

    Also I just registered for the color run in ATL on April 6th!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    I'm on my 3rd time doing this program. This time I just did week 1 day 1 and it felt great., I felt like I could keep going., but I took it slow. I'm doing it on the treadmill,. I just don't know what I should be setting it on when I walk and run. That's the only thing ..,.
  • I'm on my 3rd time doing this program. This time I just did week 1 day 1 and it felt great., I felt like I could keep going., but I took it slow. I'm doing it on the treadmill,. I just don't know what I should be setting it on when I walk and run. That's the only thing ..,.

    I warm up/cool down at a 3.0 walk 3.5 and jog 5.5.Anything slower doesn't feel like I am "briskly walking" and jogging. But those definitions are different for everyone! I asked a trainer at my gym, and that is what he suggested. I know you've read it a million times, but it's really about adjusting the program to fit you. If you feel like that is too fast, change up the pace.

    I should note my trainer did say these speeds would be challenge...but who's not up for a challenge?
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    I'm on my 3rd time doing this program. This time I just did week 1 day 1 and it felt great., I felt like I could keep going., but I took it slow. I'm doing it on the treadmill,. I just don't know what I should be setting it on when I walk and run. That's the only thing ..,.

    I warm up/cool down at a 3.0 walk 3.5 and jog 5.5.Anything slower doesn't feel like I am "briskly walking" and jogging. But those definitions are different for everyone! I asked a trainer at my gym, and that is what he suggested. I know you've read it a million times, but it's really about adjusting the program to fit you. If you feel like that is too fast, change up the pace.

    I should note my trainer did say these speeds would be challenge...but who's not up for a challenge?

    Last night was my first time working out for about 6 months. So I took it slow, but after a week , I'm going to up my speed, thanks for your imput.
  • Hi you all, I just did W1D1 today, and it was very exhausting and exhilarating for me. The last time I attempted this program I was weighed alot less !!! I injured my knee by running outside to soon without the proper shoes, I now have some running shoes and plan on keeping it on my treadmill at 1-2 % incline to help transition outdoors, it is one of my fitness dreams to run a marathon, I am in need of much support, I am afraid I will hurt my knee.

    Is there any strengthening exercises I can do that will specific help my lower body to help prevent injuries in my running ?

    I really don't want to give up on this program.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    Last night I just walked at 3.6 on the treadmill for 5 minutes, then I ran for as long as I could at 5.1. Then I would walk for 1.5 minutes then run again , I kept on doing this for 35 minutes. I'm going to do this everyday and take weekends off. Then in the morning I do the 30Day Shred. I hope this will work. I want to do a 10K in May
  • I restarted C25K again last week! I've missed a few days simply because I was out of town, it rained and my hotel didn't have a gym. So, this week, I'll need to double up to get back on track. I dislike running in the rain...Rain drops beating on my face, it kinda hurts. Funny thing is, I'm home, and it's raining here too! LOL...

    Anyway, I say, give it a go because you'll see your endurance and stamina improving. I'm 270+ and I do a combination of running and walking. More running though...when I do slow down, I add an extra 3 mins or so to jog at the end. Stay hydrated and stay focused. You can do it...:smile: