Exercise Calories - do you eat them?



  • stamfordjules
    stamfordjules Posts: 26 Member
    My lifestyle is set to sedentary (I sit in front of a computer 8 hours a day!), for a 1lb a week loss I need to eat 1270 calories - I call this my basic. But, because I'm set at sedentary, for every bit of additional activity I need more energy intake! I track my exercise calories and eat them all back, anything else I do (housework, school run walk) I don't worry about tracking.
  • I did, and got to goal weight, now I'm doing TDEE because it makes more sense.

    What is this TDEE?
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    Yup I try to eat it more or less. just bigger portions or some shakes on the days I exercise more.
  • Annieapple12
    Annieapple12 Posts: 122 Member
    I do mostly but I don't force myself to eat every single one if I am not hungry.
  • agggie550
    agggie550 Posts: 281 Member
    I Eat 3000+ calories a day so that I can net somewere between 1400-1700, its awesome. The only thing I find a little difficult is making sure that i am eating 3000+ healthy, clean, benefical calories, and not just filling the calorie void with junk.
  • lanmagmega
    lanmagmega Posts: 5 Member
    I would agree,
    Please feel free to comment on my Mathematics :)

    We have 3 stages and related calories counts:
    1. Only regular activity, and you already setup MFP in order to lose weight ( let’s say 1200 cals)
    2. Fitness activity (it is body stress) let’s say you burnout 1200 cal
    3. Most important stage body recovery (muscles, heart, bones, etc) need good calories as well : protein, carbs, minerals, etc . How much, it will depend on activity type and the tense – and will last between hours to 18 hours ( lets arbitrary say additional 500 cals)

    Summ: we ate 1200 – 1200 (exercise) -500 (recovery) = -500
    *Without recovery I can’t improve fitness and as result can’t burn more calories and fat.
    So you end the day with (minus)– 500 calories, sound good. IT IS BAD!!!!
    We don’t eat for fun we eat because we need to sustain our lives.
    In case that you have calories deficiency your body eventually will be in stress and as result you may lose weight but it will be only temporary result since when you will start eat your body will be warehouse for energy in the fat form. Since In next stage body have enough food and energy however because of the previous stress in order to be prepared to next ( DIET- deficiency ) he will store fat as a part of self reservation process.
    I tried on my personal experience and it is how it works for me.

    I’m tried different combination and as for me I take about ~80% of daily MFP calories + what I burn during exercise.
    PS: My apology I’m not native English speaker. If some thing wasn’t clear please feel free to be in contact with me.
    “The slow way is a faster one”
  • TDEE .. total daily energy expenditure
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    I think as long as you are eating your 1200 cal/day, then you have the choice of eating your excercise calories or leaving them in order to lose weight faster. Sometimes you can even save them up for the weekend. As long as you are burning more than you are eating you will lose weight.

    No, No, No...just no...


    fast, faster, quickly, etc should never be used in the same sentence as the words weight & loss...

    *facepalm*, ignore this advice, pleeeeeaaaasssseee.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    Sometimes I do, and sometimes I dont

    All depends if my little stomach is making noises or not....If not.....Nah!!!!
  • I've been eating more calories than I have in months on this program. some of it junk and I'm losing weight, gaining muscle, etc. I wasn't eating enough, barely hitting BMR. Thought I was doing the healthy thing. Obviously not. My diet, profile is public. Was supposed to lose about 3 pounds by now.. close to 5. I might have to eat more because I'm surpassing the plan goals. I only want to lose 0.5 a week-to maintain.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Eat above your BMR and below your TDEE. If you don't know what that means, do your homework. Google is your friend
  • I like to save them all up and then drink 25 beers on Saturday...That's not bad right?
  • I 2nd that!
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    Hi, no I wouldn't eat all of them! Because to me I worked out hard for no reason!

    Bad logic. MFP sets you at a deficit to lose weight without working out. MFP does not trust you to work out, this is why they recommend you eat back your exercise calories. If you are set to consume 1200 calories to lose two pounds a week, and you burn 500 calories in a workout, and you eat back those 500 calories, then you net 1200, and you're still at a deficit to lose two pounds a week. So, in this case, your hard work out wasn't in vain because you actually get to eat MORE and still lose at a healthy rate and not risk damaging your body.

    Edit: I always ate 80-100% of my exercise calories back, and I've lost 115 pounds since joining MFP. Now I have my exercise figured into my daily caloric intake, this way I am eating the same amount of calories everyday, which, in my opinion, is better if you are disciplined enough to work out when you should.
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    Here is why you must eat -

    Your brain
    Your lungs
    Your heart
    Your liver
    Your kidneys
    Your pancreas
    Your veins
    Your skin
    Your immune system
    Your speech
    Your hearing
    Your wanting to change the channels on the tv
    Your not being able to find the controller
    Your crossing the floor to try to figure out how to do it from the screen
    Your accusing your wife/husband/partner of hiding the controls
    Your walking on the remote in bare feet
    Your loud cursing
    Your eventually changing the channels on the tv
    Anything else I left out

    ..... this all takes fuel to run. Like a car engine needs petrol, diesel or electricity when it is in motion, 'uman beans (us) need a minimum amount of calories to function. Except we need it all the time, not just when we are hopping around the front room in agony cos we stepped on the sharp edged remote with our little tootsies.

    If you exercise, you use up your cals that your body needs to keep the engine running so you have to eat those to keep you in peak condition. So eating your engine ticking over level + your exercise cals burned keeps your body in tip-top condition and makes you fitter too. WIN.

    I currently eat about 2000+ cals a day and lose 2lbs a week.
    My ticking over level is 1280 and I exercise another 700-1000 cals on top of that which I enjoy every mouthful of eating back.

    You need to work around with the figures and find out what works for you.

    Some have to eat more protein to keep them fuller for longer.
    Some have to eat more carbs as they already have very active lives outside of exercising to lose the weight.
    Some have to take a serious look at their sodium levels

    Personally, during my TOM, I take my weightloss goal down to 1/1.5lbs per week because I get so hungry. Works for me and I keep on losing.

    Read the motivation stories in the motivation forum for the 'how I did it' accounts. They tell a consistent story of eating back your exercise cals.

    This is a great post on how (and why) to work out your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure

    This is a great calculator to help you workout what you should be eating:
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    I always eat at least some of my exercise calories. It all depends on how much calories I burn. My daily intake in set at 1460 and on average I eat about 1700 - 1900 cals a day. Some days I burn just enough to eat it all while other days when I have a very big burn I will leave some. I look forward to eating my exercise cals as I work darn hard for them. In my opinion it is my reward for all the hard work.

    The one day a week that I don't exercise I always go over my calories but it all balances out over the course of the week.
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    Some days I do some days I don't.
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    I like to save them all up and then drink 25 beers on Saturday...That's not bad right?

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    i do not eat exercise calories back ...I have my MFP settings on TDEE - 25% right now ...which already factors in the fact that I work out 5 days a week. ...
  • SamanthaClarexo
    SamanthaClarexo Posts: 353 Member
    Yes I eat them. I never used to, because I was in mind set of "Why the hell would I eat them back?! Doesn't it defeat the object..?"

    But now I understand that even if I eat all of my cals back I will still lose the weight because I'm in my deficit still.

    I usually have my protein shake and a plate of chicken when I'm done x