What am I doing wrong?

I posted last week but did not get much of a response. I'm on my knees begging you right now. I'm getting married in August and I am really becoming frustrated that I am not going to look good in my dress.

I've really increased my water intake (I used to drink none), I've stopped eating most of the junk that I used to, and yet I'm still not losing weight. I'm at 1620 calories per MFP.

My diary is open, if you'd like to take a peek. I'm not sure where I can improve aside from drinking more water, and working on the sodium content. I've only lost 4.4 pounds since January 2. I seem to be losing and gaining the same few pounds over and over.

I'm currently nursing an injury so working out much more than a walk isn't possible until I

Maybe I don't have something set right? I'm set at sedentary, 5'6, 208.2 pounds (as of today). I work with elderly clients- some of which I am constantly on the go with (grocery shopping, cleaning, personal care), and some I am sitting on the couch keeping them company and assisting with cooking or personal care.

Please, I welcome any suggestions.


  • Bobbie63
    Bobbie63 Posts: 55 Member
    I haven't had great weight loss yet, but I am in the pool every morning, now at 6 am. I did water aerobics, til I figured out what she was doing, now I am doing it. I do 30 minutes of weights, and a variety of exercises in the pool and then I go to the deep end, hold on to a noodle and walk, run, bike for 30 minutes. I will say I look better and I feel better. Perhaps I have lost weight, or replaced fat with muscle, but, especially for an injury, the pool is the way to go.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    You say you can walk for exercise. . . are you walking *for exercise* most days? As quickly as your injury will allow? Have you considered incorporating any strength work? Look for ways to burn extra calories in addition to limiting your caloric intake. It's great that you've wiped out most of the junk and upped the water, but you do need to exercise rather consistently. And, with 5 months til the big day. . .you want to do whatever your injury will allow.

    And, regardless of the number on the scale come the big day, you will be a beautiful bride! Beauty has little to do with your figure and more to do with the love that radiates between you and your groom! Best wishes for a wonderful wedding day and a long life of loving each other!
  • WendyBlendy
    WendyBlendy Posts: 124 Member
    I would def. work on sodium...to little is better than too much!
  • If you don't have a food scale, you should get one. That is a more accurate way to measure your food. You should also weigh prepackaged items and items that list servings in a volume or count along with a weight.
  • monjacq1964
    monjacq1964 Posts: 291 Member
    try lowering your carbs, upping your protein. Start every meal with protein, especially if you're active. Aim for about 70g/ day.
    Ratio should be 40% carbs, 30% protein, 30% fat

    also, take measurements, y ou may be losing inches, but not weight.
  • AliceNov2011
    AliceNov2011 Posts: 471 Member
    Cut out processed foods, baked goods, and refined sugar and I bet you'll see a change.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    You are not sedentary, your job requires moving around. try changing to Lightly Active. I'm eating at 1600 and I'm 5'3", 160lb. Those three inches of height make a difference.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    At that rate you are losing over half a pound per week, that isn't a bad pace by any means. You didn't gain the wait in 7 weeks and can't lose it in 7. I will look at your food diary in a minute and comment again. Add in some weight training as building some muscle will increase your metabolism more than just cardio. Also, the pool suggestion is a good one if that is an option. It's low impact and high resistance. Swimming is a great full body exercise or even walking in waist deep water.
  • Carbs have NEVER worked for me. You're eating the bulk of your food from carbs. I'm doing keto, and I've lost 7 in water weight/glycogen in the last week and a half. It's worth checking out?



    Feel free to add my as a friend and check out my diary (I'm not sure if it's super public like yours?).

    Best of luck. And remember, don't stress! Just keep making good decisions =)
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Even though some of your sugars are fruit it might be higher than you need. Try doing three meals and just two snack, try some light weights that you can manage with your injury (at work, move around their caned goods and such but put them back where they were so they don't think they are losing it!) Pool access??

    The holidays totally derailed me and I got to eating way too many sweets and increased snacking so if I can get that under control I can get back to it.

    Good luck!
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I am absolutely no expert, but I think you need to start working out more. I know its really really difficult with a full schedule and the injury you mentioned, but that might be what your body needs. Strength training and some cardio will help boost your metabolism. You don't eat terribly......have you tried reducing your calories? Maybe going 100-200 calories less might help. Eat as much fresh fruits and veggies as possible, lean protiens and cut fats where you can. I hope this helps a little!
  • Colli78
    Colli78 Posts: 135
    What kind of injury are you nursing?

    Have you done any strength training? It's amazing how that will have an effect on weight loss, even though the scale doesn't say so. My advice would be if you wanted to keep up with what the scale says, buy a good scale that breaks down body percentage based on fat, water, muscle and bone. You can find them at Target for less than 50 bucks. Buy a tape measure and take your measurements. With strength training, you may not see the scale number move, but you will see it in inches. If it's a lower extremity that you are nursing, work on your arms, abs and back. Strength training does burn calories...nearly as much per hour as cardio does according to my heart rate monitor. If you can ride the bike, try looking up a HIIT routine for the stationary bike. It will get your heart rate up and burn those calories. Don't take what MFP says for calories burned as the gospel truth. I remember I used to think I burned 1000 calories for an hour on the elliptical because MFP said so. So, I'd eat half of those back. When I got my heart rate monitor, I found out I was only burning 550 for an hour on the elliptical...so I was negating everything I had just done.

    I know it can be frustrating...but stick with it!
  • Agreed with the watching the sodium intake as that will make your body retain more water (more weight) and try to increase your workouts more. According to your diary, you've only worked out 3 times since late January. Even with an injury, you have to try and find other ways to workout and get that heart rate up as that's the only way to burn those calories. Strength training is a great and sneaky way to lose weight as it helps tone at the same time.
  • devan33
    devan33 Posts: 177 Member
    Same advise here....processed foods like the hotdogs, prepackaged meals, snack crackers, fruit snacks....you should really try to avoid that. I don't use butter on toast or to cook eggs. Your sodium will improve if you get rid of a lot of those things. I LOVE pickles, but had to kick those to the curb...Then you have to up the water and walking. I treat myself on Saturdays so I don't need to have a treat every day...you are welcome to friend me.. My diary is open to friends and I am not a super health nut....just trying to better myself!
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    You probably won't like my answer, but weight loss takes time. Almost 5 lbs in a month is actually a very healthy loss so I don't think you're doing anything wrong. But some suggestions is to increase your protein a little, and maybe decrease your calories a little if you're not exercising as much as you were. Make sure you weigh and measure your food accurately as well. Sometimes we eat more than we think. Good luck and congrats on your upcoming wedding! Whether you lose 5lbs or 50lbs by then you will look beautiful on your wedding day!
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    From looking at your diary I would opt for more whole fruits and veggies, whole grains, and lean protein. It looks like in the last few days you've been eating a lot of pre-packaged stuff so try to avoid those items.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I'm not sure of the type of injury you have as you didn't mention it... Do you have access to a pool? Swimming, aquafit, etc are great exercises that are very low impact to help prevent further injury.

    Are you tracking absolutely everything you eat and drink? That bit of mayo on your sandwich? The cream/milk/sugar in your coffee tea? Are you accurately tracking everything? Weighing all foods and using measuring spoons/cups for liquids? Are you tracking your sodium? Are you using the correct entries in the database for what you are eating or are you taking the first thing that comes up? Are you using "homemade" or "generic" entries?

    Edit... looking over your diary I would suggest trying to eat a little differently. YOu eat a lot of processed foods and very little fresh fruits and veggies and lean meats. Always make your own recipes... those Bisquick Waffles for example... with how they are in the database may not be exactly how you make them.

    Some days you also have things that look like you missed tracking. When you don't trakc something you don't know where you are in terms of a deficit. Also, try not to use quick add calories.
  • helenx55
    helenx55 Posts: 48 Member
    Your carbs scare me, also youre not having much protein which keeps you full for longer, my advice is to cut the carbs and replace with protein.
  • rob1976
    rob1976 Posts: 1,328 Member
    I looked back over a few days and notice that you are consistently going over on your sugars. That could be an issue. A large part of effectively losing weight is discovering what foods have a certain effect on your body. Most people find that taking in too many sugars will kill their scale numbers.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Maybe I don't have something set right? I'm set at sedentary, 5'6, 208.2 pounds (as of today). I work with elderly clients- some of which I am constantly on the go with (grocery shopping, cleaning, personal care), and some I am sitting on the couch keeping them company and assisting with cooking or personal care.

    #1 - You are not sedentary. Sedentary is doing a desk job all day and getting no exercise whatsoever.

    I'm no expert, but looking at your diary for yesterday what shouts out to me is that it's a refined carb and sugar fest and that's food your body really doesn't have to struggle to digest. Personally I'd up the protein and lower the carbs and see how you get on.