Cravings during menstrual (keepin it real!)

edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
Ok LADIES and nutritionists!!!! How do you ignore and/or substitute chocolate, caffiene, potato chips, ice cream, and some of those other items that some of us crave during that time of the month? This is a biggie for me, need some help on substitution ideas.........and fast!


  • curlygirl71
    curlygirl71 Posts: 15 Member
    sugar free chocolate pudding
    yogurt covered raisins
    Lays light chips (made with olean)
    carrots (with a little ranch to dip them in)
    Skinny Cow ice cream sandwichs and bars

    I'm with ya, going through it right now :-)
  • SammyLynn010
    SammyLynn010 Posts: 293 Member
    I'm noy good at substitutions (sp) soooo I exercise tons and eat the real thing...sad but true! lol

    Dark Chocolate is a good alternative is better for you than milk chocolate and it tastes yummy! =)
  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member
    I can all too relate. I'm a huge fan of all, but you have to stay strong and keep sight on your goals. Do you have your "WHY" or goals posted in front of you on a daily basis? That's really helpful for me, especially when it's on the fridge, so I won't open those doors to reach for the guilty stuff.

    With that being said, don't entirely deprive yourself, as then you'll binge. So here's a few things to think about:
    1. Caffiene - best in moderation. If you have a cup of coffee each morning, ok, but just say NO TO SODA!!
    2. Chocolate - if you have to give in, reach for organic, fair trade dark chocolate with at least 65% cocoa. Limit yourself to 1 square a day. Or carob chips.
    3. Potato chips - make your own sweet potato chips, so you can munch on them, if you need that "crunch". Or reach for some carrots, as they can often satisfy that crunch appeal we are going for.
    4. Ice cream - go for a natural fruit sorbet, if you have to. Otherwise, try and resist and get the dark chocolate fix instead.

    I hope this is helpful. I know it's hard to resist, but I think you'll find it easier and easier, if you mentally prepare yourself before your period, instead of trying to fight it the day it arrives.
  • dansdeb
    dansdeb Posts: 164
    :flowerforyou: I used to (don't have to worry about it any more - yea) go ahead and eat the real thing, just add a little more exercise. I found if I didn't eat the real thing, the witch in me would come out and then I would binge. That always started a downward spiral for me. good luck!
  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member
    sugar free chocolate pudding
    yogurt covered raisins
    Lays light chips (made with olean)
    carrots (with a little ranch to dip them in)
    Skinny Cow ice cream sandwichs and bars

    I would just be careful of the sugar free stuff and chips with Olean. They are chemicals, thus harmful to our bodies and will significantly slow your desired results and compromise your health (immune system). Just a thought.. :flowerforyou:
  • mynulife
    mynulife Posts: 28 Member
    Try the cocoa roasted almonds - they are a great "fake" candy bar! and the almond part is good for you!
  • CatRodger
    CatRodger Posts: 105
    I eat the real thing and add it to my calories goal, I also sometimes opt for the WW Double Choc Chip Brownie there lush at only 167 calories :D INfact its my TOM on friday and ive not got munchi attack yet but it will come :D

    Ive added Choc to my MFP diet anyway as when I move on to retain weight I dont want to be held by restrictions, so I still eat choc, the only thing ive totally cut back on almost completely is THE REAL COKE lol, I now drink Coke Zero or even better Pepsi Max anything with no Sugar.
  • heebiejeebie
    heebiejeebie Posts: 32 Member
    Have a little of the real thing and don't feel guilty for it.
    Account for it in your calorie goal.

    I find reminding myself of my long term goals helps control the urge to overindulge.
  • heebiejeebie
    heebiejeebie Posts: 32 Member
    sugar free chocolate pudding
    yogurt covered raisins
    Lays light chips (made with olean)
    carrots (with a little ranch to dip them in)
    Skinny Cow ice cream sandwichs and bars

    I would just be careful of the sugar free stuff and chips with Olean. They are chemicals, thus harmful to our bodies and will significantly slow your desired results and compromise your health (immune system). Just a thought.. :flowerforyou:

    Water is a chemical. Vitamins are chemicals. Chemicals are not all harmful to our bodies.
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    I have recently started taking Evening Primrose Oil vitamins to try and keep my hormones from taking over my mind before that TOM. I will let you know how well it works... my friends swear by it! In the meantime for the crunchy cravings I eat pistachios and for the sweet cravings I have jello with light coolwhip. Sometimes I do break down and have an Oh Yeah! protein bar to satisfy the uncontrollable need for CHOCOLATE...

    We are all the same ;) make it a great day!
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    I have heard from some that taking Cinnamon pills helps with the sweet cravings. I haven't tried it. I find that giving in to the craving opens the door for more. I have my once a week treat (a scone from Starbucks) and try really hard to not have anything else. I had some donut holes this weekend. I had 5 :blushing: But I know had I not had one I would have been fine. Acknowledging the craving and making a healthy choice works best for me. IE Eating strawberries or yogurt with honey.
    I also just wanted to agree that artificial sweeteners are not good for our bodies, but I suggest that each person do their own research and come to that conclusion on their own. :flowerforyou:
    SHAMEKALACHELLE Posts: 25 Member
    HEEEY thanks for all the great advice.
    I did go over to the health food store and got some organic bananas (sweeeet), some raw almonds, some soynuts, and got me some Quakers granola bars with caramel and nuts (not from the HF store). The granolas are only 140 calories as opposed to my usual snicker bar at 280! So I'm working it! Caffiene I can handle, I may do a little coffee, 2 tsp non dairy creamer, 1 tsp sugar, and I'm good. Thanks a lot! I'll try some of those others too, esp the jello! I love sherbert, so that's works too.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member

    Water is a chemical. Vitamins are chemicals. Chemicals are not all harmful to our bodies.

    Love it!
  • deedeee
    deedeee Posts: 7
    chocolate rice cakes
    fiber one bars
    or vita muffins warmed in the microwave

    jolly time ff popcorn is awesome (kettlecorn is my favorite)
  • Barneystinson
    Barneystinson Posts: 1,357 Member
    I'm a big fan of really dark chocolate... no less than 85% all the way to 100%. This and fresh-brewed espresso with whole cream.

    Both of those knock cravings away fast.
  • taryn_perry
    taryn_perry Posts: 193 Member
    sugar free chocolate pudding
    yogurt covered raisins
    Lays light chips (made with olean)
    carrots (with a little ranch to dip them in)
    Skinny Cow ice cream sandwichs and bars

    I would just be careful of the sugar free stuff and chips with Olean. They are chemicals, thus harmful to our bodies and will significantly slow your desired results and compromise your health (immune system). Just a thought.. :flowerforyou:

    Water is a chemical. Vitamins are chemicals. Chemicals are not all harmful to our bodies.

    You are right, they are chemicals - and some are not harmful to our buddies. Although these (water, vitamins, etc) being naturally derived chemicals and not genetically enhanced or modified in a lab to provide a flavor that is not otherwise, natural, much like the sugar free and olean products. I'm just saying there are other options to satisfying the sweet tooth, then reaching for these "chemically engineered" type foods, just because they are low in fat or have little to no sugar.
    SHAMEKALACHELLE Posts: 25 Member
    I have a new found like for dark chocolate too. Interesting.
  • lyparish
    lyparish Posts: 3
    I eat ice. I put a cup of ice and pour some water in it for a half hour. Dump the water out, and chomp on the ice. Helps me... lol I'm a serious sugar addict.

    Probably not good for your teeth but... whatever works, eh?
  • cornmffn
    cornmffn Posts: 4 Member
  • allykat8
    allykat8 Posts: 237
    I am going through this right now and it is kicking my @$$

    I have found that having some of the following has helped:

    Hershey Special Dark Chocolate Bar
    Chocolate Covered Pretzles (100 calorie packs)
    Strawberries topped w/Truvia
    Vita Top Muffins (I eat them frozen)
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