My job sucks...



  • 73Freckles
    73Freckles Posts: 201 Member
    I know what you mean. I've changed jobs so many times. My current employer asked my in my interview why I've worked so many jobs. I was honest and told him that I refuse to work in an unhealthy or hostile environment and believe people should treat people with respect. If I don't get that then I leave and move on. He agreed and hired me. I love my job now!
  • Susan_Rae_1
    Susan_Rae_1 Posts: 154 Member
    Sometimes, it is the idiots who give us the greatest gifts. If you had any doubt about your job, it sounds like the idiot coworkers are removing them and giving you clarity about actions you need to take.

    You are creating a new life for yourself with new goals: eating goals, fitness goals, happiness goals. What do you want for your professional goals? Take time, think about it, journal about it, make a plan, and just like changing your eating and fitness lifestyle, create a plan to change your professional life as well, then start taking steps towards action. Simply perusing available positions, updating your resume, and polishing your interview wardrobe will make you feel empowered.

    In the interim, disengage from the drama. Go into stealth mode, sandwich your day with good things you enjoy before and after work. Focus on yourself and what you want. Life is very very very short. Don't waste it in a toxic environment. Joy awaits you once you have the courage to act on your plan.

    good advice!
  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    you should look for something else (i know thats not easy atm). you spend too much time at work to be miserable.
  • mklassy123
    What I forgot to add in my other post is that when I left I took a part time job. That job is now full time. The pay and benefits are a bit less, but the stress levels are SIGNIFICANTLY less. I have my life back.

    I stayed at that bad job for two years too long. I'm not kidding. When I went into therapy I was told to start looking immediately for a new job, but I was stuck because I was going for my doctorate and work was paying for it. I was told (by the therapist) to leave as soon as I finished. Well, I held on for fear of the unknown. I literally put my health at risk, both physical and mental. When I left I was absolutely paralyzed with fear and I couldn't even look for anything else. It took me a good year to be able to feel as though I could go back to work full time. I literally had burnout. I still get angry when I look back at that place. The point of this is to tell you to NOT let it happen to you. When your physical health and mental well being are being affected, look elsewhere. Life is too short for work to affect your life OUTSIDE of work.

    Every job has it's ups and downs. That's normal. But when the downs are taking over your life and physical and mental well being, it's time to go.
  • greenpointmoni
    OMG. I work with the same kind of people. Unfortunately, my office is small, just me, my boss, and my co-worker. They are evil, manipulative, awful, vindictive, petty human beings. I want to die every day I wake up. Ugh.
  • ocragal
    ocragal Posts: 45 Member
    QUOTE: Wed 02/27/13 10:37 AM

    What I forgot to add in my other post is that when I left I took a part time job. That job is now full time. The pay and benefits are a bit less, but the stress levels are SIGNIFICANTLY less. I have my life back.

    I stayed at that bad job for two years too long. I'm not kidding. When I went into therapy I was told to start looking immediately for a new job, but I was stuck because I was going for my doctorate and work was paying for it. I was told (by the therapist) to leave as soon as I finished. Well, I held on for fear of the unknown. I literally put my health at risk, both physical and mental. When I left I was absolutely paralyzed with fear and I couldn't even look for anything else. It took me a good year to be able to feel as though I could go back to work full time. I literally had burnout. I still get angry when I look back at that place. The point of this is to tell you to NOT let it happen to you. When your physical health and mental well being are being affected, look elsewhere. Life is too short for work to affect your life OUTSIDE of work.

    Every job has it's ups and downs. That's normal. But when the downs are taking over your life and physical and mental well being, it's time to go.
    Edited by mklassy123 on Wed 02/27/13 10:38 AM

    Wonderful advice. Beautifully and boldly stated. Bravo for finding the courage to step out in faith that life offered more for you!
  • elizak87
    elizak87 Posts: 249 Member
    I work in a prison, i promise you, the people that i work around are much worse.

    This. I work in child protection.
  • Daysednconfused
    Daysednconfused Posts: 975 Member
    While I can totally relate and sympathize, I have now been unemployed since April 29th of last year and would give anything to be at work and miserable!

    Good luck!
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I have a sucky job, but my coworkers are pretty much the best part of my day everyday. They are the one part of my job that doesn't suck my soul directly out of my body.
  • ajbaccou
    ajbaccou Posts: 25
    I worked in a call center environment for 7years . I had to set myself up on a path that I KNEW would eventually get me off the phones. So, with an English Degree, I went into Banking. Found that mortgage was my nitch. Worked the phones being a sponge!!! and got to a place where I don't talk to anyone on any phones!!!! I know you may hate it, stick it out ignore the people and get to where you love!!!
  • ReNewYou
    ReNewYou Posts: 49
    I have a great job with great people. My problem is I have lost the passion for what I do. I am working towards a new career in FVIP and Anger Management counseling. I get to do this on the weekends and it is really the only time I feel alive while I work. I believe you have to find your passion and go after. I will be starting my own company by the end of the year.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Thought I would resurrect this thread. Reading through the posts was therapeutic. I hate my job with the white hot intensity of a thousand suns. Dreading tomorrow - performance review. Got a new boss about a year ago after the company is prepping to be sold - the new CEO wants a leaner meaner operation. They fired my old boss who was a really good guy. Hate my new boss - he manages through fear and intimidation. My once super nice colleague has morphed into a grade A butt hole in the past year (I never thought I would live to see a Canadian jerk - they are a rare species). My other colleague is no longer the sneaky jerk he used to be - he just openly throws people under the bus now.

    I'm well respected by the people who interact with me daily but my boss is based 2500 miles away (thank goodness for small miracles). He loves to say that his perception is his reality. The last conversation we had included his suggestion that I find another job. I'm just trying to hang on for another 3 weeks until I get my hard earned bonus. It's been really hard not to pull a Johnny Paycheck recently.

    This job has been hell on my diet - I travel a lot and end up "stress eating" a lot. The boss is right about one thing - I don't have the intestinal fortitude to do this job - it's hard to be a jerk to people. I'm a firm believer that you treat people with respect - the custodian should have the same courtesy as the CEO. Looking forward to starting my new career - I've got a job waiting for me when I'm done with the current position.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    omg, i work with the laziest bunch kids ive ever met! they r so worried bout their phone and their twitter and no their jobs . i end up doing more wok because of them!
  • artickb22
    artickb22 Posts: 411 Member
    Nope, I refuse to be unhappy at a place I have to be at 40+ hours a week. I am a nurse and use to hate the people on my old unit...needless to say I was only there 6 months and that's only because it took awhile to get into psych where I wanted to be. Now I work with amazing and birlliant people all's wonderful!

    if possible, look for alternative employment!!!
  • AnabolicKyle
    AnabolicKyle Posts: 489 Member
  • jennifer907
    jennifer907 Posts: 84 Member
    I can relate. I definitely could not have lost the weight that I've lost if I were still at my old job. In fact, I would undoubtedly be heavier. The stress of my last job taught me the joys of "comfort eating" and when things were going badly (as they normally were every day), nothing made me feel better than sitting in the food court with a greasy burger slathered in mayo (and this was after I indulged in a grande mocha) I don't miss it one bit. I hope you can find something that makes you happy. It's very tough.