Do I need a food scale?

I'm wondering if I need to invest in a scale to weigh my portions. I'm having trouble determining portion size. I think this is my biggest downfall. I generally eat healthy but I eat way too much at times. Does anyone have any thoughts or advice about weighing portions? I'm open to any and all ideas.


  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    I think that a food scale (or even measuring cups/spoons) can be a really powerful tool when you are learning to eat better. You will find that you will learn very quickly what 1 cup or 100g (or whatever size is relevant) of a food looks like on your plate so you probably won't need to always measure. But yes, I think it's useful to know.
  • KiriKiriKiri
    KiriKiriKiri Posts: 227 Member
    I think it is a GREAT tool!!! You don't have to purchase an expensive one either... don't buy into that fancy stuff if you don't want to. Not necessary! :) Good luck!
  • janetgardiner
    yes I think scales are a great tool to have. I was very bad before with guessing how much I had a on my plate.
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I have found it to be tremendously helpful for me. The one I got on was pretty inexpensive (maybe around $12-15) and I use it all the time. It is really nice when I don't want to keep getting measuring cups/spoons dirty and it is helpful for measuring things like meat.
  • cjrss03
    cjrss03 Posts: 22
    I got one on sale and I've found it very helpful! I was way under-estimating the size of things. Since I bought it, I've started losing again. :smile:
  • AllisonMS
    AllisonMS Posts: 104
    I haven't taken the plunge on buying a scale, so I just use the old trick of visualizing a deck of playing cards. That's 4 ounces.
    And I use my measuring cups and spoons all the time.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    I would suggest getting one and using it. They come in handy when you are not sure of how much something weighs. It has saved me a few times.:laugh:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    If you are going to get one (and I think they are a great idea), get one with an add and weigh feature. That's what I use and I find it extremely useful x
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,750 Member
    I'd be lost without my food scale. In my opinion, it's a necessity, not a luxury.
  • MrsE2010
    MrsE2010 Posts: 63
    Great input. Thank you so much. Now my next question is...what should I pay for one?
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    You should be able to get an add and weigh style scale for about $10.00 x
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I DEFINITELY recommend a digital food scale.

    Measuring solids by volume is pretty inaccurate. May just be 10 cals here and there but when you add that up over a day you can have easily over- or under- estimated by several hundred calories basing serving size measurements on volume instead of weight. I know I personally can shove a WHOLE LOT more than 60g of ice cream into 1/2 cup. :tongue:
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    I would not live without mine! Even using measuring cups and spoons, I was STILL overmeasuring. This is ok on things like fruits and veggies that are not calorie dense, but for things like peanut butter and salad dressing, you can be WAY off! Over time it really adds up. IMO eyeballing is just not an option unless you are maintaining, and even then you should be checking periodically.

    Definitely look for one that is digital, and offers measurement in both ounces and grams. That will make it easier for entering foods on here. Mine just has a switch I flip and can go back and forth. You should be able to find something that does everything you need for $10-$15.

    I also will measure what's leftover on my plate when I don't finish something, so that I am not over estimating calories too.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    I got mine for about $10 at Walmart.
  • AllisonMS
    AllisonMS Posts: 104
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I know I personally can shove a WHOLE LOT more than 60g of ice cream into 1/2 cup. :tongue:

    Meeee tooo! Also, I can really fit a bunch of peanut butter into a tablespoon. Actually weighing out 15 grams of the stuff has helped me be realistic about the calorie-dense stuff.
  • lab_goddess
    lab_goddess Posts: 170 Member
    I absolutely LOVE my food scale. It has been key to my portion control! It is tedious in the beginning, but the payoff for me has been huge. It is part of my routine now...
  • breyrhodes
    I bought mine at walmart for $10 its VERY handy:)
  • lds25
    lds25 Posts: 68
    I am so glad that I brought mine along when i moved out of my ex-husband's place, I know that I will definately be using it more. I agree, that there are so many benefits to having one. I weighed out my food tonite to put it in my list and I found that i had lots of food on my plate and therefore wasnt panicking about starving.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I find a food scale way helpful for ebay as well. lol

    I got a great brand at Bed Bath and Beyond with those great coupons they mail out. It's a Sathers. I love it!!

    Hope you find a great deal and one you enjoy. Using the plastic plate and measuring cup/bowl that comes with has helped me so much :)
