Low Carb Dieters

Is anyone else on a low carb diet? I've been struggleing lately staying within my allowed carbs. Just curious if anyone else is out there on a low carb diet & have any pointers for me?


  • Runs4CupCakes
    i have just started i am clueless to the process and how to maintain my energy i had a head ache the last 2 days and caved and ate
    pretzels i would love some advice or else we can figure it out together as we go....
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    Most days I TRY to stick to under 100g of carbs a day. I eat a lot of fruit, veggies and protein. Once and a while I'll have some grains, but not nearly as often as I used to. So far the weight has been coming off steadily and I'm feeling pretty great!

    Maybe you're feeling low on energy because you're not eating enough?
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Is anyone else on a low carb diet? I've been struggleing lately staying within my allowed carbs. Just curious if anyone else is out there on a low carb diet & have any pointers for me?

    Start a different diet that is easier for you to adhere to
  • smpreston
    smpreston Posts: 262 Member
    Carbs are not evil or toxic. What kind of carbs are you currently eating in a typical day?
  • bamaboy13fly
    bamaboy13fly Posts: 2 Member
    during the change-over to a low carb diet, your gonna feel like crap for a couple days. your body is switching from buring carbs to burning fat so your gonna get flu-like symptomes and feeling kinda spaced out or out of it. its a normal process. it doesn't happen to everybody but i know i went through it when i started it.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Is anyone else on a low carb diet? I've been struggleing lately staying within my allowed carbs. Just curious if anyone else is out there on a low carb diet & have any pointers for me?

    Start a different diet that is easier for you to adhere to

    Definitely. The effective diet is the one you stick to.

    The first week can suck for some people, after that it can get a lot easier. Some people just don't do well on it.
  • Me48Plus2
    Your body NEEDS carbs. The difference is the good carbs vs the not-so-good carbs. Don't deprive yourself, just know when to eat them. I can have salads, but I need that crunch of something, so I add a few croutons. The key is to balance out the carbs with a veggie or protein, don't eat the carb by itself as this will spike your blood sugar. Also, eat the carbs after exercising, this way your body burns it FAST.
  • asaw00
    asaw00 Posts: 1,904 Member
    Start off slow. Remove carbs from your dinner first. Swap out carbs for veggie equivalants. Cauliflower rice or mashed, butterfnut squash fries, spaghetti squash, eggplant or portabello mushroom pizza. Use low carb wraps for lunch or lettace for bread. For breakfast have 1 slice of sprouted bread or 1/2 c oatmeal. If your not happy with what your eating or you don't feel good it won't stick!
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    i have just started i am clueless to the process and how to maintain my energy i had a head ache the last 2 days and caved and ate
    pretzels i would love some advice or else we can figure it out together as we go....

    The withdrawl will go away after about 2-3 days (at least for me) and your body will use the other food you eat for quick energy. Sugar and carbs are the go to for your brain so it's no surprise it freaks out at first. Try stepping down gradually or doing a lower carb diet rather than the 50g or less low carb I am pretty consistantly between 150 and 200 and I don't get the super horrible bread/cake/cookie cravings I used to get.
  • sosidity98
    That sugar withdrawal headache is the worst. Been there many times, but once you get past it, it all gets easier. For me, the low carb diet is the easiest to follow as I am not a big sweet eater to begin with. Make sure you plan your day, with a variety of approved food and snacks ready to go. Trouble brews when you are hungry and don't have any low carb food. Then cheating is very easy to do.
  • naomicp
    naomicp Posts: 16 Member
    I've been following a low carb diet for the past 10 days. Ive also managed to switch from drinking 2-4litres of diet coke to that same amount in water & herbal tea.
    Dont get me wrong, it hasnt been easy, but i can see the difference around my tummy already, so much flatter. I would say I have lost around 6lbs already.
    Breakfast is the hardest meal for me as im not a morning person and find I have little time to prepare anything, but when I do have time, I fully enjoy crispy fried bacon, eggs & mushrooms.
    For Lunch I enjoy a salad, try the peppery leaves like rocket & spinach as opposed to boring iceberg, it has more fibre too, I then throw in more crispy bacon, fried chicken, crumbled boiled egg, grated cheese a dollop of full fat mayo.
    For dinner I am enjoying pretty much everything I normally would, with the exception of potatoes, rice & pasta. The other day I made a really yummy curry and substituted the rice for grated cauliflower fried in a small amount of butter.
    I will add, im feeling very full and dont suffer from hunger pangs at all like I used to when I was eating a high carb diet. I will of course start indroducing carbs back in to my diet, 1 type at a time to find out what my body doesnt necessarily digest well.

    If you want to add me for some motivation, feel free :)

    Keep up the good work :-D
  • JadeLovesGin
    You'll notice quite quickly that posts like this will be flooded by people pushing their 'wisdom' and demand that you eat according to their 'rules' because they know best. Some do, some don't so don't take everything you read too seriously.

    If low carb is for you then that's your decision to make but I've done it and I've failed miserably at it....hundreds of times. It does get easier once the first few days are over though. You're experiencing 'carb flu' and your body is becoming 'fat adjusted'. Eat plenty of fat, bacon is your best friend and drink lots and lots of water and wait for it to pass. Like I say, it does get easier but it's hard to maintain.

    My advice is to eat lovely, natural, colourful food. To some extent, carbs (in the form of processed, beige, junk food) are definitely not cool but they're not all bad just don't go eating rubbish like chips. Try some sweet potato roasted in coconut oil and I guarantee you will feel like a million dollars :happy:
  • kgoodman0108
    Try gradually going low carb. Over the course of a week or two I went from eating 100 a day to 20-30. Now I'm eating around 30 net carbs a day (usually around 50 before I subtract my fiber). When I would feel sick in the beginning, I'd eat berries. Berries are fairly low carb, low in sugar and high in fiber. Blackberries are my favorite. They're enough to give you a little bit of sugar without throwing off your diet. You also want to be sure you are getting enough fat and protein, which are what help keep you satisfied. :)
  • peepsnmax11
    Thank you ALL so much for all of your help & pointers. I'm going to give it one more try before switching to a new one. I'm hoping with new friends & support I CAN DO THIS! :)
  • IrishChik
    IrishChik Posts: 464 Member
    I eat 20-25 NET carbs a day.

    For ME carbs ARE evil.

    I get so sick of people trying to tell others that carbs are OK.
    For some people they aren't. Some people cant have them. Some people dont like them. And some people just cant metabolize them.

    No bread, pasta, rice, cereal, wheat, grains, legumes, starchy vegetables or sugar (with the exception of the natural sugar in a few pieces of fruit I eat). Meaning I dont eat beans, corn, and things of that nature.

    It is a personal choice. And I see a lot of the "advice" given here is actually a personal opinion.

    I think ANYONE who is curious about what foods they should or should not eat should seek out a qualified medical person to help them.

    Not to mention, most diabetics eat low-carb. So if it is so bad, why is it so good? Makes no sense to me that so many people follow low carb no matter what disease they battle or dont and do so well with it.

    I have PCOS which causes me to be insulin resistant. For me carbs are evil. I can't lose weight if my diet is too high in them.

    Since adopting low-carb I have HIGHER energy, clarity and focus. I sleep better and I am a long time sufferer of insomnia. I have been treated for clinical mental problems in the past and I am now off all my medications. I am also now off all of my medications for my PCOS. Low carb helped me with that. I feel better overall. No more IBS, no more GERD. And plenty of other things that are positives since going low carb.

    I get my carbs from vegetables and very rarely some fruit. I eat meat from a butcher that processes from a local farm, my eggs are farm fresh. My produce comes from the farm behind me in season. I don't eat bad and all of my doctors tell me I am getting better every day.

    I have osteoarthritis in my hips and degenerative disc disease in my back. It is painful. Going low carb helps with the inflammation which helps me get on the treadmill every day.

    So, for some, certain carbs can be bad.
    For some, the only way to find out is with the help of a medical professional.

    Personally, I see no nutritional value in a bowl of spaghetti drowned in pasta sauce that is full of sugar despite the tomatoes. Not to mention, I dont like the crap feeling I get when I do eat them.

    Carbs are a personal preference and members here shouldn't be told to give up their lifestyle choice.

  • heish7146
    heish7146 Posts: 30 Member
    I'm on a very low carb, low fat, low calorie diet. I eat 600-1000 calories a day, less than 25g of carbs, less than 35 g of fat. Before anyone gets on their high horse, I'm under a doctor's supervision, I go in for weekly check ups. I also take appetite suppressants before each meal, fiber pills, vitamins, and biweekly b12 injections (for energy). For me it was a hard switch. I love bread, and milk... etc. This is what I have to offer you.
    I eat five times a day with this calorie break down:
    Breakfast: 200
    Snack: 100
    Lunch: 200-250
    Snack: 100
    Dinner: 200-250
    Some days I don't eat any snacks, other I eat all of my alloted calories. For the first three days, all that I ate was lean protein. It was tough, but kicked me into ketosis. I then got to add good veggies, which was semi difficult given my carb allowance. Day 15 you add fruit 1-2 times a week.

    The biggest thing that helps me stay on track is keeping low carb snacks handy (Sugarfree Jell-o is a god send). I also precook/portion my food so all I have to do is grab a container and heat it up.

    Walden Farms makes a bunch of awesome everything free dressings, sauces, etc. They really help. Chicken gets old after awhile.
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    Low carber! :) Love it.

    I dont think carbs are horrid. But for me they trigger cravings! The more time I go without, the easier and easier it is to eat and crave healthier foods. Now a days the pastrys just SMELL wayyy to sweet and am turned off by them.

    Ill always be a lowcarber :)
  • sunryse00
    sunryse00 Posts: 36 Member
    I've been low carb for 2 months sticking to about 20 carbs a day.

    It's hard at first thinking you can't eat anything and people against what they perceive as a fad diet. Also the realization that you can't eat bread, rice, potatoes or apples and bananas is hard but you get used to it. Somewhere I read that white=carbs so other than jicama (best thing ever and I don't know why I'd never heard of it before) I stay away from anything white. That includes anything that has starch or flour.

    I try to find equivalents that I can substitute for my favorites. For bread I eat a low carb wrap or a minute muffin (do a search). It's very useful for everything from french toast to "cereal" to making a sandwich (leave out the cinnamon). I searched out low carb fruits and veggies and stick with those. I mainly watch for anything that has less than 5 carbs a serving. For snacks I go with low carb nuts and as someone above said, "Sugarfree Jell-o is a god send". Also I go by the NET carbs which is found by subtracting fiber and any sugar alcohols, which opens up a variety of different foods.

    I also embrace the fat. Butter, bacon, egg yokes, cheese. It tastes good, stops cravings and fills you up. So I stick to the low carb high fat diet information.

    Also since going know carb I no longer have swollen feet and ankles, GERD or cravings. I've found it easy to stick to once I got past the first few days of my "there's nothing to eat" fear.

    My suggestion is research low carb diets. There are hundreds of websites that have recipes, forums and general information. There are different low carb diets that hit a range of different needs including Atkins, Paleo, LCHF, Fat to Skinny (book that got me started), Keto diet. See which one works best with your way of eating. It might not be for you just as counting calories and fat wasn't for me. Going low carb was the best decision I've ever made and I'm glad I stuck with it.
  • MsipiGRITS
    MsipiGRITS Posts: 128 Member
    There are a couple of Group Forums you might join, too. "Low Carber Daily Forum....The Group!!!" and "PCOS and Low Glycemic Eating" are two that I can think of to which I belong. Low-er carb is not impossible, but it does take doing some homework and just paying attention. I also have PCOS, so, for ME, processed sugars are the DEVIL!! I have a really hard time eliminating them. So, I don't try to, just try to moderate it. My diary is open to my friends if you want to swap ideas... Today was a poor example day, but I logged it and will move on... Every day I start fresh... Good luck!
  • MsipiGRITS
    MsipiGRITS Posts: 128 Member

    Also the realization that you can't eat bread, rice, potatoes or apples and bananas is hard but you get used to it. Also since going know carb I no longer have swollen feet and ankles, GERD or cravings. I've found it easy to stick to once I got past the first few days of my "there's nothing to eat" fear.

    ^^ This! I had myself a good pity party when I realized my body simply does not do well with too much simple carbs and/or sugar! Not fair I can't eat like everyone else - Waah Waah! :o) But, then I sucked up and acknowledged that you simply have to work with what you have been given in this life. Whining about it won't change it. So, I just pull up the bootstraps and go with it! Finding alternatives (love quinoa) has become a game. I give in to sweets a lot still, but I am still acknowledging it and just working at it every day.... I don't beat myself up if I slip; I just plan to do better next time.