Exercise Accountability

Koshie Posts: 61
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I have been using the Exercising Log for about two or three days but have been exercising for about two weeks. I Have noticed my weight not dropping as I expected to loose 2lbs a week on the 1200 calories a day. Now I know that I shouldn’t be worried about the weight but I am concerned if the Exercising log is showing the correct calories. I only ask because when you exercising it gives you additional calories and I thought if it is not reporting accurately I am eating to many calories for the exercises I am doing. I do water aerobics, Elliptical, and Resistance training.

Has anyone noticed this? Or how do you measure the calories you have burned while exercising. Mefundslow is visiting this month so I have to be thrifty when it comes to spending on exercising support equipment.



  • kimberly428
    kimberly428 Posts: 237
    I follow what ever the machine shows I burned, MFP, seems to be much higher. As far as the water aerobics, MFP says I only get back like 270 for an hour. I usually dont eat back all my exercise calories.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Koshie: I normally wear a HRM and I noticed that I was burning more calories that what MFP and the machine calculated. So I think if you are only eating the amount the MFP says you burned you should be okay. Kimberly428 might be right, so if there if the machine post something you can use that instead.
  • athenafl
    athenafl Posts: 41 Member
    I go by my HRM. Others here suggest using machine readings if you have one and don't have an HRM. This morning my bike ride registered 637 kcal on my HRM. MFP had it over 1000! That 400 kcal difference is significant.

  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    i tend to go by the machines readings and log them manually here-i havent got a hrm yet but plan to get one for accuracy.
    What confuses me about the exercise log is the fact that it doesnt account the calories for the weight training as far as i can see? i know when i come onto the machines after weight training my heart rate is racing and obviously lifting weights is hard work.

    i should think there must be somewhere on the net that tells you average loss for individual exercise like water sports--then you can compare readings.

    i dont know how you can compare things like cycling to the ratings here because my idea of 'vigorous cycling' might be different to another person--also your weight gets thrown into the equation on lots of exercises like the treadmill
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    i tend to go by the machines readings and log them manually here-i havent got a hrm yet but plan to get one for accuracy.
    What confuses me about the exercise log is the fact that it doesnt account the calories for the weight training as far as i can see? i know when i come onto the machines after weight training my heart rate is racing and obviously lifting weights is hard work.

    i should think there must be somewhere on the net that tells you average loss for individual exercise like water sports--then you can compare readings.

    i dont know how you can compare things like cycling to the ratings here because my idea of 'vigorous cycling' might be different to another person--also your weight gets thrown into the equation on lots of exercises like the treadmill

    You can select "Strength Training" in the cardio section to get the calories burned for the weight training. :)

    The section in the log where you put in your weight routine is just for you to keep track of your progress.
  • writer190
    writer190 Posts: 51 Member
    The MFP estimates seem a little high to me. Unfortunately, I don't own a HRM. I generally try to look at other websites to determine the general consensus of how much I burn, and adjust the time I exercised on MFP to make the calories match. Machines don't give me a good estimate because I'm light (unless I enter in all my info). If I could, though, I would buy a HRM.
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    thanks---i have never reached my calorie count on gym days and this will make it worse--maybe explain why i have stopped loosing weight since i joined here--i was losing regularly before i controlled my diet!
  • sailady
    sailady Posts: 26
    I've used map my run before to work out calories and MFP is about right for me if just slightly under. The danger may be overestimating how hard you worked during your exercise
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