Can't. Stop. Peeing.



  • mmnichol
    mmnichol Posts: 208 Member
    Good advice from my neurosurgeon: Trust your hypothalamus. It will let you know when you're thirsty--and you're not thirsty before you're thirsty...the key is learning what actual thirst feels like (a lot of us mistake it for appetite, and do wait to drink...once you're keyed into what it really feels like, you won't get to the point of being dehydrated at all.) The average adult needs to drink about 2 liters of water a day, and just a little bit more if they're consuming caffeine, and a little more than that if you're working out hard. If you're peeing every 30 minutes, you're likely drinking more than you need to. Six times a day is average for a normally hydrated adult. If you're urinating and it's very pale yellow or almost clear, you're drinking enough...there's no reason to take in more.

    Only reason I know any of this is because in 2002 I started drinking like a fish--so thirsty all the time that I was slugging back any cold liquid I could in huge quantities--thirsty enough to eye the fish tanks at Walmart and think "that might be enough water"--and was peeing every 15 minutes. That's a bad combination...

    First thought was diabetes, but my blood sugar was perfectly normal. Long story short, the marathon drinking and peeing was caused by a pituitary tumor which caused Diabetes Insipidus (what one normally thinks of diabetes is Diabetes Mellitus, or "sugar diabetes." What I have would more aptly be called "water diabetes." Because of it, I have to be as balanced as I can in water consumption, not too little nor too much, depending on how well my meds are working.

    The big thing I learned with this is that you can really screw up your electrolytes by drinking too much or too little. If you're drinking so much that you're peeing every 30 minutes, you're probably diluting the amount of sodium in your blood; if you're not drinking enough, just the opposite.

    If you're drinking that much because you are truly that thirsty, then you need to see a doctor.

    If you're drinking that much because the Internet said to... just remember that there is to much of a good thing, and water intoxication is not a happy thing to put yourself through.

    Yellow or dark urine = drink more
    Pale or clear = you're drinking enough ... shoot for that instead of consuming too much.

    Good info!!
  • Rhyssa6
    Rhyssa6 Posts: 33

    If you're drinking that much because the Internet said to... just remember that there is to much of a good thing, and water intoxication is not a happy thing to put yourself through.

    Yellow or dark urine = drink more
    Pale or clear = you're drinking enough ... shoot for that instead of consuming too much.

    Most people are drinking that much because they read somewhere (probably on a website) that they're supposed to. However a lot of recent studies suggest that this isn't actually true. Do a google search for yourself and not only will you find plenty of websites that tell you to drink 8 glasses of water a day but also plenty that say this is a myth.

    Everyone repeats it because "everyone knows it's true". No-one can say where this idea originated though.

    Your body needs a certain amount of water per day, but you also get water from other sources - fruit and vegetables for example contain a lot of water. It's only been about the last ten or twenty years that everyone has suddenly started going on about drinking 8 glasses of water per day. Were we all seriously dehydrated all our lives before that?

    The everage adult should be peein around 6 times a day. If it's pale then you're drinking enough, if it's dark then you need to drink more. Listen to your body an do what it tells you.

    p.s. I drink all day and I usually manage to drink 3 - 4 cups of water (I have it premeasured in bottles). I pee at least 8 times a day and it's clear or pale in colour and I'm a very healthy person - that's good enough for me.
  • thendrick
    thendrick Posts: 102 Member
    Oh my. Very confusing. You're right. I'm drinking more water b/c I think I'm supposed to........that it will help with my weight loss. It's not that I'm actually thirsty (except after working out b/c then I'm really thirsty!)
    Pee is very light yellow, so I suppose it's definitely enough.
    Now I'm worried I'm drinking too much! :)
  • NYIceQueen
    NYIceQueen Posts: 1,423
    Good advice from my neurosurgeon: Trust your hypothalamus. It will let you know when you're thirsty--and you're not thirsty before you're thirsty...the key is learning what actual thirst feels like (a lot of us mistake it for appetite, and do wait to drink...once you're keyed into what it really feels like, you won't get to the point of being dehydrated at all.) The average adult needs to drink about 2 liters of water a day, and just a little bit more if they're consuming caffeine, and a little more than that if you're working out hard. If you're peeing every 30 minutes, you're likely drinking more than you need to. Six times a day is average for a normally hydrated adult. If you're urinating and it's very pale yellow or almost clear, you're drinking enough...there's no reason to take in more.

    Only reason I know any of this is because in 2002 I started drinking like a fish--so thirsty all the time that I was slugging back any cold liquid I could in huge quantities--thirsty enough to eye the fish tanks at Walmart and think "that might be enough water"--and was peeing every 15 minutes. That's a bad combination...

    First thought was diabetes, but my blood sugar was perfectly normal. Long story short, the marathon drinking and peeing was caused by a pituitary tumor which caused Diabetes Insipidus (what one normally thinks of diabetes is Diabetes Mellitus, or "sugar diabetes." What I have would more aptly be called "water diabetes." Because of it, I have to be as balanced as I can in water consumption, not too little nor too much, depending on how well my meds are working.

    The big thing I learned with this is that you can really screw up your electrolytes by drinking too much or too little. If you're drinking so much that you're peeing every 30 minutes, you're probably diluting the amount of sodium in your blood; if you're not drinking enough, just the opposite.

    If you're drinking that much because you are truly that thirsty, then you need to see a doctor.

    If you're drinking that much because the Internet said to... just remember that there is to much of a good thing, and water intoxication is not a happy thing to put yourself through.

    Yellow or dark urine = drink more
    Pale or clear = you're drinking enough ... shoot for that instead of consuming too much.

    Oh man....I've been going a lot lately too...I hadn't even thought of the pituitary thing...I've had a pituitary tumor that was on again/off again, so now I'm wondering if it's back?

    @ everyone -- what if it's basically clear until you take your vitamins? Do you then have to worry about getting it light/clear again? Also, I might be having some kidney issues -- is drinking all this water good for me?
  • ThumperWabbt
    ThumperWabbt Posts: 82 Member
    Oh man....I've been going a lot lately too...I hadn't even thought of the pituitary thing...I've had a pituitary tumor that was on again/off again, so now I'm wondering if it's back?

    Do you have increased thirst with the higher urine volume? I know for me it wasn't just being a little more thirsty and peeing a little bit more; it's violently thirsty and peeing like a racehorse every 15 minutes.

    If you're even remotely a bit thirstier or unsure at all, see your doctor. Since you have a history of pituitary tumors, you want to stay on top of it...and if you have a new tumor positioned on the gland so that it's causing DI, there is a really good medication to treat it. But mostly you don't want to let it go unchecked, just in case. You just don't want something growing there in your brain... (ok, well, I don't...I don't knOw what thrills other people ;) )

    My tumor turned out to be something that, after it was removed, is not likely to ever occur again, but it did leave me hormone deficient in a few areas, but the big one is the loss of Vasopressin, which is why I now have Diabetes Insipidus. But I don't need to worry about a new tumor, at least not of the same type...
  • After having 2 big kidney stones removed a couple of years ago, the Urologist said I had to drink no less than a gallon of water a day to prevent further kidney problems. The bathroom breaks were outrageous but I was afraid to stop drinking the water for fear I'd develop kidney stones again (not fun!).

    I did some research and found that when you first get the urge to pee, immediately squeeze your pelvic muscles (kegel exercises) and hold; do this a couple of times. The urge to go should subside in about a minute's time. If you get another urge within a few minutes after that, then it means you need to go. Otherwise, you should be able to hold it for another 30 minutes. The idea is you shouldn't be going to pee more than every 2 or 3 hours. If you are, you either need to retrain your bladder or decrease your water intake, like others have said. :)
  • Sidecar
    Sidecar Posts: 3
    I keep a large travel mug full of green diet tea and drink as I go thru my day. It is a truck stop travel mug and holds 60 ounces. I fill it twice a day and no problems peeing except maybe 3 times a day. Maybe all these problems is a woman thing. We are built differently with different plumbing.

    I use to drive long haul trucks and would only stop once in morning and once in evening before bed.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I drink alot of water and used to have to pee more frequently but as someone shared the body does get used to it. I only have to go every few hours or so. I think someone mentioned eating to much sodium, I think that's a good point, to much sodium and your body is trying to rid itself of it, that's a good time to take in more water to flush it out even if you do pee more, you're get all that extra out.
  • lilcowbell
    lilcowbell Posts: 12
    Man I hear ya sister!

    This is a huge problem for me..... I simply cannot be peeing every 15 minutes while I am working, I have a career that just doesn't fit being in the toilet (or near one for the matter) that often. I have to somewhat change my "drinking time" to after work and days off. Then I find I get up several times in the night. Ughhh, BUT I gave up my addiction to table salt a few months ago and this seems to have helped. Also, I recently began juicing so ya, the ole bladder is in overdrive. I just keep telling myself it's a good thing.
  • recently i Just cnt seem to stop My self 3 time's i went last nite In 45min's Its crazy! I diD look And It Was clear but then i went this morning And Its Really dark? What Do i Do drink more today because Its dark but then I'll be pee'ing All day again? :-( i Have read Your's reply's on here And If anyone cud tell me How i can check sodium In food And drink maybe That cud be It? Thanks.x
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    I drink between 16-19 glasses of water a day. 10 of those are during my working day, which I have every hour, without fail. I find if I space this glass over the hour, I only need to pee once every hour and half, maybe more sometimes, or maybe less. However, I find gulping down a glass of water tends to make me need to pee every 15 minutes too. So slow down with your drink! Also, it does get better the more water you drink!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Then explain to me something.... I have days where I struggle to drink even one glass...... yet ALL day I'm peeing..... ALL DAMN DAY. No joke.

    I can have a glass with my vitamins in the morning...... lunchtime I've gone about 12 times....dinner still no more to drink & I'm still going.
  • Jolene8992
    Jolene8992 Posts: 127 Member
    U could be diabetic
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Hmm, I just drink until my urine runs clear and I don't fuss about the rest, unless I'm thirsty or exercising a lot. Most believe you have to drink 8 glasses, others believe it's a myth. I personally function fine on 4-6 cups a day and it reduces the trips to the washroom.
  • ikinga
    ikinga Posts: 4 Member
    I am facing the same problem, especially on Mondays. THe thing is in the weekend I eat pizza and other "not-proper-for-diet" foods, don't drink that much (or drink coke). So, on Monday, when I start drinking and getting active, I eliminate the water I drink (about 10 glasses) plus some other 8 glasses I accumulated in the weekend with all the salt I ate... On Tuesday it gets better, and down to normal on Friday (still weeing every 1h or so). :) I also hope I will get used to it as last summer, when weeing get almost normal, like once every 1h30min, even if I was drinking 2l of water.
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