New here, have a few questions.

hi! I am 245 pounds right now. Used to be 260, but lost those last summer and have not been able to lose any more since 9went from working six to seven days a week standing to sitting six to seven days a week learning...) I am 21 and want to get to 180 pounds before my husband and I are ready to have children. I do not really want to lose quickly, just steadily.
But I had a couple questions. I understand the calorie part of the counter. You get so many, you excerse you get to eat more. But what about the fat andprotien bars? Are they just suggested or do you have to reach those levels every day? I guess what I am saying is do I *have* to eat 64 grams of fat a day, or if I only manage 30 is that okay?


  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    It's a suggestion and you can adjust it to suit the way you want to live. Some people do low fat, some low carb, some try to stay balanced and others, like me, ignore it completely.

    The only thing I'll say is don't get hung up on eating low fat foods thinking fat makes you fat. Your body needs fats to operate properly. Eating too much makes you fat not the fat you consume.
  • Emilylozinski
    Emilylozinski Posts: 1 Member
    I originally tried to keep track of my protein, fat, carbs, salt, etc...It became too overwhelming and discouraging. Generally, I think the bottom line is you need to burn more calories per day than you take in. No, all calories aren't created equal, but to begin just focus on reducing the number eaten while increasing the number burned. Congratualtions on your inital weight loss and good luck achieving your goal. I have 4 children and one of my concerns is that with me being overweight, I will pass on my poor health habits to them.