Need to find self control on the weekends.

Eating right workout hard all week long, To let it go to waste on the weekends. Have to find some control on the weekends can't over do it. . SMH


  • Daveb1355
    Daveb1355 Posts: 42 Member
    I can do that too. Especially when I am hanging out around the house. I tend to gravitate to the fridge, and have a bite or two of something. Or tell myself its ok to reward myself with something because I was good in the week.

    How I plan to combat this is to pre-enter my meals for the day on my tracker. Then I can tell myself to wait until ___ when I get to have ___. I hope that by knowing for sure what and when my next food is, it will stop me from just grabbing something, or over-doing it.

    I also plan to get out and remove myself from the kitchen. Keep my hands busy doing something. Or go out for a walk. Or anything that keeps me busy.
  • TheeAshmeister
    I struggle with this as well... My social grp is big on going out for drinks... That's a LOT of empty calories in my margaritas... So I've allowed myself one day of drinking I try to do friday night since I get a lot of movement in while on break at work... But Saturdays I've been trying to make it a habit to be the designated driver... This means less time at the bar stool and more time on the dance floor, shooting pool, bowling or chasing around my intoxicarted friends... Lol also I'm a HUGE movie buff... So now I've devised a game similar to movie drinking games. I'll watch a movie (B-rated horrors are my favs) and then I'll have certain things set up that I KNOW will occur and when they happen in the movie I have an exercise for them and also incorporate a deck of cards. For example: If some1 is being chased that means I jog/run in place, if some1 is murdered I do crunches/sit-ups (because they KILL me) when boobs come out lol those are jumping jacks, ect... Then I pause the movie, flip over a card from the deck (I use BlackJack values) and then will count in my head the # of reps for that action. So let's say I'm watching a flick, some1 is off'd by that deformed moutain inbred, I pause the movie flip over a card, score an Ace now I go do 11 crunches/sit ups then unpause and continue... I'm going from a sedentary lifestyle to active and just started so if you are more advanced maybe you do the mins involved... A great way to get the heart rate up while still being able to enjoy what you want. I also just bought an elleptical machine and watch tv while on that, but the revised shots game is a lot more fun for me AND I'm switching up what I'm doing... :)

    Also the mall is weekend stop of mine, I park as far away as possible and at the opposite end of my destination so I have to walk longer steps to get to where I need to go. I walk up the escalator now instead of riding and make extra trips to browse. Its fun when I go w/my friends and their kids... They are all over the place which means so am I :)

    I don't do the gym or anything yet, I'm not ready for that, I also do at least an hour's walk a day as well (which of course will be translated differently depending on where you are in your work out level) but I do what I can to add extra movement where I would typically just be lounging around. And I try to make it fun :) weekend content can remain the same and yet still be more active if you get creative... But so far this is what has worked for me... :)