Why i'm fat! My story so far.

I'm fat because i had no idea what i was putting in my body. For me a 12-inch Italian BMT at subway was healthy... and then I'd top it off with added bacon, double cheese, 2 cookies and a pop. I left Subway thinking i had make good choices! (I feel pretty stupid now) I'm also a soon-to-be-recovered McDonald's addict. I can't for the life of me get in the car and NOT think about getting a Mcdouble with mayo. I'm trying really hard to eat better... I'm not quite there yet but it sure is improving (I'm not eating nuts, only green veggies and almond milk just yet) I've lost 14 pounds in the last 25 days, but no inches... which i kinda understand because for a few days i was really sick with a stomach flu.

As far as exercise goes... I've been going to the gym pretty much everyday since I've started (except for when i was sick). I proud of myself because i started out doing 2 minutes on the bicycle and I wanted to cry. Now i go for 30 minutes on level FOUR! :D I also just started 30DS today and i love it! I will definitely keep doing it!

Anyhoo... this is my story, I'd sure love some friends... i have motivation but I need support! :)


  • Tannedtiffers
    Tannedtiffers Posts: 558 Member
    kinda sounds like where i was at when i started....thank you for sharing!
  • Cariñosita
    Cariñosita Posts: 184 Member
    Great job so far. Just stick with it!
  • I can relate....You're doing exactly what you need to do..START...now don't quit! Feel free to add me. Good luck!
  • :huh: i like chicken ninja:laugh: :mad: :love: :ohwell: :smooched: :drinker: :sad:
  • Thankyou for sharing! I love McDonalds breakfast!! And their fries!! Buy anyways, congrats on your success this far!! you can add me if you like!
  • :smile: you can add me. don't worry too much about measurements. Just keep sticking to healthy habits and soon it'll just be natural. I shake my head sometime cause I think of the days when I would crave a hamburger. I now crave quino and salmon. We are creatures of habit and if we just replace the bad habits with good ones our bodies will crave good habits. I'm not a health freak but i just found that by changing little things at a time it's made a difference.

    I also always think that I didn't gain all this weight in 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 months, but YEARS of bad eating and lack of exercise. Find something you like to eat/do and just keep going!

    I'm here if you need some advice/motivation
  • I can totally relate to your story! I added you, and hope we can help inspire and motivate one another :)
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    You can eat whatever you want and lose weight as long as you are within your calories. Before people jump down my throat, that doesn't mean you wont feel like crap, have a heart attack and develop diabetes- but know if you cave and hit McDonalds your day wont be ruined. However, you will have a hard time working it into your calories.

    Good luck! Whatever happens, logging your food honestly and correctly is half the battle!
  • sjacks14
    sjacks14 Posts: 68 Member
    I can totally relate! I didn't realize how many calories I was really eating until I started MFP about a month ago. You're off to a good start! Keep it up :)!!
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
    My story should be called confessions of a McDonalds Junkie, because 2 and a half years ago that was me. I was addicted to carbs, and McDonalds was my best friend. It took a while but I can now say that I've broke my addiction. And like most addictions (smoking, drinking, drugs etc) putting myself in a bad situation with McDonalds could be dangerous. So I avoid it at all costs. So am I saying I haven't ate at McDonalds in the past 2.5 years? No, I have, but I make choices that are better for me. Like a burger with no bun and a side salad. Or a Grilled Ceaser Salad no croutons.
  • Furrlicious
    Furrlicious Posts: 11 Member
    Sounds like me and my way of eating that has gotten me into this mess of overweightness! Cause you think that everything Subway is healthy, but it isnt. The cookies suck me in everytime. I am trying to start and take control of what I am doing to. Right now I am walking and watching what I eat. Thanks for sharing.
  • Mmmm Mcdonalds..Now I want a filet o fish.