Hi, looking for support and motivation!

Hi, I'm hope some of you guys n gals can support and motivate me to get my lazy butt in to gear and to loose the last of my baby weight (my daughter is now 4!!!!) would love to hear from you tips exercise ideas ect please add me as a friend xxxx much love xxx


  • If you want it bad enough you can do it! :) good luck!
  • Katedineo
    Katedineo Posts: 10 Member
    Hey. Me too. Ive put on about 20 lbs and i keeping getting knocked off track. i would love to support each other. im trying to do this 90 days to rediscovering health. im actually blogging to help me stay focused. let me know if you'd like to buddy up.
  • Thank you, I have all ready lost 6 stone this last 18lb keeps going up and down and won't budge!! :/
  • lcorrea
    lcorrea Posts: 10 Member
    Welcome to the group! For me, the first step was making up my mind to do it. I really want to get into my skinny clothes, which is great motivation for me. You can do it! Take one day at a time and plan out your meals... this will keep you from easily eating something else that you shouldn't. Good luck! :)
  • Thanks every one!!