Water Water I keep forgetting the Water

Ok, it seems simple to drink water...but for some reason I have a really hard time reminding myself to stop at work and on the go to drink water. I tend to only drink about 3-4 glasses a day which is weak. Any suggestions out there on remembering water or getting in more than I am? I know simple, but apparently not easy to remember for me.


  • Realtree2429
    Realtree2429 Posts: 81 Member
    The only way that I drink enough water is that I keep a gallon pitcher of water in my fridge (I only like really cold water) And whenever my glass is empty, I just refill it. It was hard at first to remember, but now I find myself having to refill my pitcher throughout the day :)
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    After my morning coffee, I only drink water. It is the only way I can get enough and not having wnough interferes with my ability to lose weight.
  • I set an alarm on my phone which tells me to chug a whole glass of water every hour while at work. Thats the only way it works for me since I am so busy I forget to drink it. I find that drinking it all at once makes it alot easier as well.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Try always having a bottle with you. If you always have water with you you will be more likely to drink it.

    Drink a cup of water before eating. Drink while exercising. Drink a cup of water as soon as you get up.

    If you really can't get in enough water drink tea, flavoured water, anything liquid that isn't full of calories. Add fruit to your water. In the summer I keep a pitcher of water in my fridge that has lemon and lime slices in it. Or orange slices... or cucumber.. or strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.
  • nicolemtracy
    nicolemtracy Posts: 301 Member
    I have a hard time with water too. Until last week I literally lived off of, maybe 3 glasses a day and that being on the high end. My thing I noticed about myself is I was was more likely to drink water if I didn't have to get up to get it. (lazy right?) So I bought a 72oz water bottle from the grocery store, fill it up in the morning and take it with me every where! Every few minutes or so I mindlessly take a swig and set it back down. It has really helped me out. I have never peed so much in my life! (lol)
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    I always carry a bottle of water with me to class and work. I find that if I take a sip of water between slides that I drink at least half a bottle (which I guesstimate as roughly a cup/glass) per class period.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    If your urine is pale yellow then don't worry about it. You get lots of fluids from the foods you eat.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I drink plenty of water by anyone's standards, since milk and water are my only drinks and I don't even particularly like milk straight.

    I have a cupboard full of water bottles. Cute ones, like threadless.

    I take a water bottle to bed with me, so I can literally start drinking as soon as I sit up. In actuality, I usually wait until I get downstairs, but the bottle is already full, so there is no delay. When I work outside the house, I fill up three bottles to take with me - the water on campus is that bad. I sip at them all day long. When I watch TV at night, I have a bottle with me. When I run errands, I have a bottle in the car with me. We have even taken these bottles into restaurants with us. At sit down restaurants, we request that they just go ahead and bring a carafe or pitcher.

    I am never in a situation where the thought of thirsty crosses my mind and I don't have water with me. I get a little anxious if I don't know where my next sip is coming from.

    Even at that, I cannot imagine chugging water regularly. I think it would make me nauseous to chug it.
  • Thanks for the ideas! I might have to try and set my alarm and also a larger jug could help as well. Not to sound lazy but if my smaller bottle runs out I can't seem to leave my desk to refill it...like right now lol Thanks again! :)