Neighbor smoking pot. What would you do?



  • AGGUK73
    AGGUK73 Posts: 91 Member
    Sorry I've not read all the replies but my eldest bro has made a living out of selling weed ( & more) to all & sundry, including his own kids & it revolts me :( I was watching a TV programme last night following a council estate (in the UK) & the people being interviewed were saying 'It's normal everyone smokes it',.......well actually no they don't cos I don't know many that do, other than spaz bro that has no life other than druggie mates!!!
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Warn the mother, if she doesn't step up, call the police. The kid can go smoke pot at his friend's house.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Talk to the mother and threaten to call the cops next time. It's not worth your wife losing her license over.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Is the saying "snitches get stitches" only valid in California?

    Realistically, you probably won't get them to stop, even with the cops involved. I don't smoke but even though it is "illegal" weed is such a grey area.

    I do think the vaporizer is a fabulous win-win option. It would also give you an up-hand with the neighbors if you ever needed their help with anything, but that's just my laid-back keep everyone happy attitude :)

    *Katt Williams Voice* "Weed is not a drug. It's just a PLANT! It just grows like that!" (sorry! can never help to quote Katt Williams!! :laugh: )

    As much as I'd like to support this idea, you can still smell the odor of cannabis even with a vaporizer, and it actually makes the 'green' smell even more potent. A health inspector would still be able to detect it if it was happening that close to the kids' playground.

    Aw, thank you, I didn't know that :)

    Learn something new everyday. Womp for my idea tho....

    Yeah haha, I only know that because when I smoked daily, my friends and I actually invested in a vaporizer because we were tired of coughing, and it's gentler on the lungs. But woo-WEE did it make the place stink!!!
  • swarovski75
    swarovski75 Posts: 195 Member
    I would buy the kids a vaporizer

    This ^^ A pipe/bong cuts down on the smell but with a vaporizer they could smoke out of sight and mind in their basement without leaving a smell.

    ETA: it hurt me to right this. I believe pot is best enjoyed in the great outdoors, but I understand your situation. :)
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    Personally, I'd talk to the mom first and then call the cops if nothing happens. You can't be worried about causing someone to maybe lose their job if they obviously don't care about your wife losing her business, either.

    couldnt have said it better myself !!! let her lose her job since she allows it to happen..for all we know, she may even buy the drugs for them..weed is illegal everywhere except colorado and washington..if they arent worried about yall, then you dont need to worry about of luck to yall
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    really cause you sound like its wedged firmly between your cheeks it was made illegal for racist reason and not to mention it was going to hurt some senators bussinesses are those kids morons oh you bet ya no doubt they are just trying to be cool. He just needs to get some real advice and he isn't going to find it on myfitnesspal :P

    What??? :huh:

    I second that "What???" :huh:
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    Regardless of whether kids being next door to pot smokers is dangerous or not, and whether or not the gov't will shut them down, you can't ignore the fact that already one parent has wanted to take his or her kid out of the day care.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    Personally, I'd talk to the mom first and then call the cops if nothing happens. You can't be worried about causing someone to maybe lose their job if they obviously don't care about your wife losing her business, either.

    couldnt have said it better myself !!! let her lose her job since she allows it to happen..if they arent worried about yall, then you dont need to worry about of luck to yall

    How do you know the mom is "allowing" it to happen? The kids are most likely smoking outside because if they smoked inside the house, the place would smell, and the mom would notice and they would get in trouble. It's a slim chance that she's encouraging or enabling their behavior in any way, and she probably doesn't know about it at all.
  • Ramberta
    Ramberta Posts: 1,312 Member
    I would just like to say that I love all of the judgmental people assuming that a) the mom is enabling / purposefully ignoring the kids' behavior, b) hasn't raised her child right (because of course, NO good kid would EVER do drugs of any kind ever in their life, right??), c) knows that her neighbor's business could get shut down and 'doesn't care' or d) calling the cops is the absolute right thing to do because marijuana is illegal, horrible and wrong.

    You're almost as amusing as the potheads who are leaping to defend marijuana...
  • MaryB2
    MaryB2 Posts: 331 Member
    Personally, I'd talk to the mom first and then call the cops if nothing happens. You can't be worried about causing someone to maybe lose their job if they obviously don't care about your wife losing her business, either.

    couldnt have said it better myself !!! let her lose her job since she allows it to happen..if they arent worried about yall, then you dont need to worry about of luck to yall

    How do you know the mom is "allowing" it to happen? The kids are most likely smoking outside because if they smoked inside the house, the place would smell, and the mom would notice and they would get in trouble. It's a slim chance that she's encouraging or enabling their behavior in any way, and she probably doesn't know about it at all.

    She is agreeing with talking to the mother first and seeing if she does something about it. Then IF she does not they know and are not assuming that she is allowing it to happen.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    My wife runs a home based day care and, a large part of this day care is outside time in our back yard.
    The problem is that the teenager next door and his buddy enjoy smoking pot outside. The smell is strong enough to come into the back yard.
    It is also strong enough to where I can smell it as soon as I get out of my car (approx 50 yards away).
    My wife has talked to the kids (well, 18 years old) and explained that the state could potentially shut her down because of the unsafe environment.
    One parent who smelled the weed has threatened to pull her kid out already.

    It happened again today and my wife went over there to explain it one more time but this time, she said that she was going to talk to the boys Mother.
    The reply was "go ahead and tell her. I don't care".

    So, should I
    1: Talk to the Mom?
    2: Just have my wife call the cops the next time?

    The problem with calling the police is that if word gets around that dope was found in the house, the mother could lose her job as a school teacher and that would suck.


    I smoke weed and this is how I would react. They clearly don't respect your wife or their mom so sending her to talk to their mom is not gonna solve anything. They would probably smoke more in spite because they are immature 18 year olds. If you care to, as the man of the house I would let them know that smoking weed or any illegal substance within 10 feet of a daycare will get them more jail time or a higher fine if it gets to the point where police are called. Ask them not to smoke that close to the fence during business hours. If the problem persists the next day and you still don't want to call the police buy your wife incense for outside or start growing lavender. Otherwise call the police on them because they obviously don't care. Don't threaten to call the police, just wait until they are smoking, dial 911 and say I have a day care and my neighbors are doing drugs in their backyard and this is bad for the kids. The mom will not lose her job unless she is the one who is arrested for drugs or unless someone says hey this teacher's son just got arrested for smoking weed. Even if the cops don't get there in time to find the evidence the neighbors will know its not a joke and try to be more discrete (in theory).
  • andeehrdz
    andeehrdz Posts: 59 Member
    Question, what time does the day care close? Maybe you can give them a schedule.

    Like I'm not saying you CAN'T smoke, but maybe you can hold off the contraband activities til after whatever hour the kids are gone?
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    I'd spray them down with a water hose.
  • brendadale1
    brendadale1 Posts: 90 Member
    My wife runs a home based day care and, a large part of this day care is outside time in our back yard.
    The problem is that the teenager next door and his buddy enjoy smoking pot outside. The smell is strong enough to come into the back yard.
    It is also strong enough to where I can smell it as soon as I get out of my car (approx 50 yards away).
    My wife has talked to the kids (well, 18 years old) and explained that the state could potentially shut her down because of the unsafe environment.
    One parent who smelled the weed has threatened to pull her kid out already.

    It happened again today and my wife went over there to explain it one more time but this time, she said that she was going to talk to the boys Mother.
    The reply was "go ahead and tell her. I don't care".

    So, should I
    1: Talk to the Mom?
    2: Just have my wife call the cops the next time?

    The problem with calling the police is that if word gets around that dope was found in the house, the mother could lose her job as a school teacher and that would suck.


  • andeehrdz
    andeehrdz Posts: 59 Member
    I would just like to say that I love all of the judgmental people assuming that a) the mom is enabling / purposefully ignoring the kids' behavior, b) hasn't raised her child right (because of course, NO good kid would EVER do drugs of any kind ever in their life, right??), c) knows that her neighbor's business could get shut down and 'doesn't care' or d) calling the cops is the absolute right thing to do because marijuana is illegal, horrible and wrong.

    You're almost as amusing as the potheads who are leaping to defend marijuana...

    I also love how everyone is so righteous. "punk kids" "call the cops!" like they've never sinned a day in their life!! I wish ya'll were this morally upstanding in real life, world would be a better place :D
  • AllAboutThatTreble
    AllAboutThatTreble Posts: 156 Member
    I agree with everyone else who said talk to the mom first. Very possible that she doesn't know, and since she's a school teacher, I doubt that she would accept her son smoking weed around her house. I would also mention that if they don't quit it, then you're going to call the cops the next time it happens because your wife's daycare is in jeopardy.

    Then if it still doesn't stop, totally call the cops. Whatever other's stance on marijuana is, that doesn't change the fact that it's illegal.
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    give the neighbors a one-way ticket to Washington
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    The only next reasonable step is to talk to the mother and make sure she understands that from that moment on, there will be zero tolerance and more serious steps will have to be taken. If she understands the situation in those terms, she should put a stop to it.
  • Proyecto_AN
    Proyecto_AN Posts: 387
    COPS; and record the whole show.
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