New to this! Need support!

kimmynw1 Posts: 97 Member
Hello all,
Just wanted to introduce myself and "put myself out there" so to speak. I am 44 years old with over a hundred pounds to lose. Something just clicked with me the last weekend of Feb where I really want to live a healthy lifestyle. I have bought the Patch and quit smoking and cut all liquids except black coffee and water out of my diet. The hardest part for me is food choices. I tend to run high in sodium and fat on my daily diary. Any suggestions for low fat and salty tasting snacks? I can keep the calories under but intellectually understand that fat and salt are bad. Looking for a network of friends and support. I have a sense of humor and laugh at myself. I don't plan on being perfect and never screwing up but I will forgive myself and keep pushing forward! Nice to meet ya all!


  • tinawolak2
    tinawolak2 Posts: 11 Member
    I also need support and am willing to be there as your sounding board. Anytime. Feel free to add me. I just started this today and am really looking forward to getting back to me..
  • mhooge
    mhooge Posts: 42 Member
    I'm new to this too! I just stared yesterday.
  • qtdwnsth
    qtdwnsth Posts: 1
    Hello all,
    I am also new to this. My doctor recommended it to me. The thing that gets me the most is I never meet my projected goal of calories for the day. Is that good or bad? I am not sure if I need to eat more or eat less. I really want to eat right and stay with this but I am so confused. Hopefully I will get some type of support from others in the group.
  • Ih8thedreadmill
    Ih8thedreadmill Posts: 46 Member
    Hi Kim
    I had that click the end of January.....I quit smoking last January, and this January I quit eating ( or so it seems LOL) Avoid the processed CRAP as much as you can, That will help with fat and sodium I still go over on Sodium if I have canned soup, fake foods etc. If I stick to veggies, real meat,healthier cereal etc, I am usually under on both! Good luck, add me as a friend if you would like!
  • Also increase water and try to stay high on your potassium.

    Edit: to help w/ sodium.
  • Cinabean
    Cinabean Posts: 44 Member
    Hiya, Kimmy! Feel free to add me.

    Love the sense of humor comment...we all need that to make the world an easier place to live. I'm rather sarcastic myself, so always welcome people who can laugh. :)

    If you figure out the sodium thing, let me know. I try to be careful, but will hit "complete" and then be like "??? Where did all that sodium come from?!?!" I'm doing better when I stick to fresher foods and less prepackaged things. I'm also learning that not all fat is "bad" fat, etc. There is so much info out there to sift through & find what works. I wish you luck on finding what works best for you.

    I smoked off and on for YEARS. I quit smoking (for good this time, I hope) on Christmas Day. I jogged 3 miles this past Tuesday and did not need to be rush to the emergency room!! So, it can be done. lol

    Good luck on your journey! You can always drop me a line if you want to chat.
  • Hi Kim, My sodium is through the roof also. What gives?
    I Started this week. I'm excited about where this will go.
    Stay fun!
    Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Welcome newbies! Feel free to add me!

    I'm racking my brain for a salty snack that doesn't have salt. I've lost my taste for salt, but the Nature Valley Sweet & Salty nut bars may not be too bad. Not the cleanest choice, but it's a start, and they don't pump their granola bars full of artificial crap. The sugars are a little high but one vice at a time lol

    Congrats on quitting smoking! How's that going?
  • legalgurl101
    legalgurl101 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey .. fairly new as well ..just learned how to add friends and have been really excited about this site since my friend discovered it.. I have changed my way of eating .. which is not easy and I do have cheat days ..but I try not to go over my calories and I try to excersize ...but its still hard good luck to you and this journey will get easier as the days go on :wink:
  • NYactor1
    NYactor1 Posts: 9,642 Member
    Robyn - check out Oloves - olive snack packs, they are 50 calories, are just plain awesome and can be found on amazon.
  • kelcro40
    kelcro40 Posts: 115 Member
    Over 100 to loose here. 15 down so far! Feel free to add me. My diary is open
  • tisha_rae
    tisha_rae Posts: 216 Member
    feel free to add!
  • kimmynw1
    kimmynw1 Posts: 97 Member
    lol funny you mentined those bars......they are generally my breakfast! The no smoking is easier than I expected but am using the patch so not any physical withdrawls. :)
  • kimmytjoy
    kimmytjoy Posts: 16 Member
    I have found that the processed foods are the sodium killers. It's really hard to quit everything all at once though. Stick with the calorie counting for a few weeks and get used to it. Then start working on the fat or sodium, one at a time. Get used to the new foods and then go on to the next thing. It will make it easier to stay on target. This really worked for me, now I'm pretty much under on both.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    Congrats to your 'Ah Ha' moment and being ready to take on a Healthier you!!!!

    You already have some great idea's.

    I've made my biggest changes with cutting way back on all the processed JUNK! (still having issues with my family getting on board).

    I'm 47, work full time, married and two young kids. Making time for "US" is hard, but yet we are doing it for Them!!!!

    Feel free to add me - same with anyone else here looking for friends.
    I've been a bit 'slow' in posting the last few weeks with being sick, but I'm coming out of that fog!

    I'm ready to get going on reshaping my body so I can buy some cute summer clothes!

    I don't have 100 pounds to lose, but I have friends that do, and Love being able to walk the path wtih them for motivation.
