
So Im thinking about getting Insanity but I wont have the money to purchase the workout after stuff like the powders and it really necessary??? Also if anyone has done it before (I know its intense) did you have good luck with it??? Any suggestions for me???


  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I have done p90x and insanity, doing combo of both now. I never have purchased any of the drinks or bars. I buy mine at our local gym or GNC, I just buy other brands and they work the same. You dont HAVE to buy them.
    oh and yes, great luck with both! You will definately get results if you do it!
    Good Luck!
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I'm currently doing P90X and did NOT buy any of the powders nor am I following the nutritional plan (bought only the DVDs to save some money). I make sure I eat extra protein on days I do weights and make sure to eat food to keep a balanced day between carbs/protein/fat. During the 8 weeks I've completed, I've lost 9 lbs, 2" off my waist, 1.5" off my thighs and 1" off my butt. So, imo, no, you don't need the powders.
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    I have done p90x and insanity, doing combo of both now.

    Is there a reeason out of curiousity that you are doing both p90x and insanity since ive seen many people do both and im just wondering if its really needed or if i could just live off one since i know i wont be buying both
  • easy2lov3
    easy2lov3 Posts: 98 Member
    I couldnt keep up with Insanity, but my brother did it without buying any of the drinks and he got great results. Now he is doing the P90X. You will do great. All the best:smile:
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I have done p90x and insanity, doing combo of both now.

    Is there a reeason out of curiousity that you are doing both p90x and insanity since ive seen many people do both and im just wondering if its really needed or if i could just live off one since i know i wont be buying both

    I done a round of p90x and part of a round of insanity. I was 5 pounds from my goal, and had a big plateau for 4 weeks. I love p90x but I think I got used to the cardio, so I am doing the strength training in p90x and the insanity cardio (cuz it is higher intensity than p90x) to get me out of the plateau and it worked, I finally broke it.
    You can totally do insanity and get great results. I took the parts I like of each system to create my own that I feel gives me a good workout!
    Insanity is hardcore, p90x I feel gives me more strength training.
    make sense?? Hope I ddint confuse you even more!!:ohwell:
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I have done p90x and insanity, doing combo of both now.

    Is there a reeason out of curiousity that you are doing both p90x and insanity since ive seen many people do both and im just wondering if its really needed or if i could just live off one since i know i wont be buying both

    I done a round of p90x and part of a round of insanity. I was 5 pounds from my goal, and had a big plateau for 4 weeks. I love p90x but I think I got used to the cardio, so I am doing the strength training in p90x and the insanity cardio (cuz it is higher intensity than p90x) to get me out of the plateau and it worked, I finally broke it.
    You can totally do insanity and get great results. I took the parts I like of each system to create my own that I feel gives me a good workout!
    Insanity is hardcore, p90x I feel gives me more strength training.
    make sense?? Hope I ddint confuse you even more!!:ohwell:
    That's a great idea - I'll have to keep that in mind for when I finish P90X end of this month and complete a round of Insanity (starting sometime in July).
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    I have done p90x and insanity, doing combo of both now.

    Is there a reeason out of curiousity that you are doing both p90x and insanity since ive seen many people do both and im just wondering if its really needed or if i could just live off one since i know i wont be buying both

    Insanity is hardcore, p90x I feel gives me more strength training.
    make sense?? Hope I ddint confuse you even more!!:ohwell:

    glad to now know that insanity is high in cardio and p90x is high in strength.. thank you, glad to know these things before getting it
  • gking72
    gking72 Posts: 7
    Insanitity works...I know someone whom is using this to lose weight and the results are great....try muscle milk and lean body shakes pre-mixed shakes...gnc or the vitamann shoppe have great products....also if you print the coupons off the vitaman shoppe website they will honor the price difference online vs in-store
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    I STILL havent gotten it (lack of funds) but is almost done in saving up for it :)
    What do people tend to have for meals during people add certain foods before and after the workouts
    does anyone know how many calories one can burn from a workout so I could add it on MFP
    I noticed that on Day 7 is rest day...what does that usually mean???? being a lazy bum??? going for a light run?
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I STILL havent gotten it (lack of funds) but is almost done in saving up for it :)
    What do people tend to have for meals during people add certain foods before and after the workouts
    does anyone know how many calories one can burn from a workout so I could add it on MFP
    I noticed that on Day 7 is rest day...what does that usually mean???? being a lazy bum??? going for a light run?

    Rest day means you rest. You'll WANT that rest day after 6 days of Insanity workouts.

    There's been a lot of talk regarding Insanity now that people have done multiple rounds and such. It is a fantastic cardio program...I really leaned out a TON doing my 60 days, but it was hell on my knees and low back. If you have issues with knee or back pain, you might reconsider.

    With regards to nutrition...seriously, it's not about bars, drink and such. It's about eating 5 nutritious meals that are fairly well-balanced nutritionally.
  • bhelmreich
    bhelmreich Posts: 254 Member
    I love Shawn T! Insanity will kick your *kitten* but I lost 10 inches in 2 weeks. His body is also a nice distraction from the fact that you're dying. I burn about 600 cals per workout without pushing myself too hard.
  • kamsue101
    kamsue101 Posts: 33 Member
    I tried Insanity and did it for 2 week, then I decided that I needed to do another round of P90X to build my muscle strenght to try and protect my knees and lower back. It really was hard on my knees. I hope that, after building a little more muscle in my core and legs with P90X, I will be able to do 60 days of Insanity. It was very intense but I did like the workouts. Also, I have plantars facia in one foot, and all the jumping in Insanity kept my foot hurting all the time. It's like 6 days of plyometrics. Even the recovery day was really intense. But I'm not going to give up on it. I'm still going to give it a try. Just putting it off for awhile.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    What do people tend to have for meals during people add certain foods before and after the workouts
    does anyone know how many calories one can burn from a workout so I could add it on MFP
    I noticed that on Day 7 is rest day...what does that usually mean???? being a lazy bum??? going for a light run?
    We do Insanity in the mornings at 5am. You don't want to eat before the workout. We drink Fuzion AKG by Nutrisport before the workout. You have to eat clean and stay away from processed foods. Regarding the rest day, yes you stay away from exercise on rest day. I usually do X Stretch on Sundays (my rest day). No impact and that is what my body needs after several days of Insanity.