Neighbor smoking pot. What would you do?



  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    Did people miss the part where the kids said they don't care if mom is told meaning they're not going to stop because mommy says so? Telling her will make her aware but will not stop the problem. If these kids had any respect for anyone around them they would have respected your wife's wishes. Everyone keeps reiterating that its illegal but don't say call the cops lol. I don't understand.
  • luvmysweet2th
    Talk to the mom see her take on it. She may or may not know he's smoking weed. If she gives you problems explain you and your wife's position and you will if you have to talk to higher authorities. Your family has to make a living. Nobody wants to rat anyone out but there's a way to do everything. Good Luck.
  • icandowhateveriputmymindto
  • gooseberrypink
    Call the cops, no question. Your wife has tried the diplomatic route enough times now and nothing has changed. These young men don't seem to care much about authority, so I'm not sure what Mom can do. Waiting even one more time before calling the cops gives the children's parents one more chance to smell it and pull their kids out. Your wife's business trumps any kid's desire to light up.

    And I am so, so happy I live in a nice, suburban community where we "snitch" over a lot less than pot. It's nice to live in a clean, safe community. Pathetic thugs can keep their "snitches get stitches" mentality.
  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    Bit of no brainer really. If the activity is illegal and its impacting your business, liberties, freedoms etc., call the police

    Historical note: back in the 1960's, the cops would be phoned, the cops would phone the FBI, The FBI would phone the National Guard, guard dogs would be loosened, the National Guard would nuke the neighbourhood, neighbourhood rioting and race riots would occur, everyone involved would get life in prison for even being there, everyone 18 -21 who wasn't sent to prison would be sent to Viet Nam. Still others would be branded commies or terrorists in a dope wide commie conspiracy, and others would escape to Canada.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    I agree with the one guy....hose em down with a water hose. And buy yourself some pepper spray and tell them you have no problem with them doing that so many feet away from your property but if they so much as set foot on your property you have pepper spray its not illegal to carry that and you aren't afraid to use it.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    Bit of no brainer really. If the activity is illegal and its impacting your business, liberties, freedoms etc., call the police

    Historical note: back in the 1960's, the cops would be phoned, the cops would phone the FBI, The FBI would phone the National Guard, guard dogs would be loosened, the National Guard would nuke the neighbourhood, neighbourhood rioting and race riots would occur, everyone involved would get life in prison for even being there, everyone 18 -21 who wasn't sent to prison would be sent to Viet Nam. Still others would be branded commies or terrorists in a dope wide commie conspiracy, and others would escape to Canada.

    I'm so glad its not that intense now. Interesting fact.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    Also, there's a difference between snitching and speaking up, you should be careful when teaching your children that.


    Your friend is doing meth. You speak up.
    Your friend is suicidal. You speak up.
    Your teacher/coach/babysitter is touching you inappropriately. You speak up.
    Some guys are bullying another kid at school. You speak up.

    Someone cheated off their neighbor's test. Worry about yourself.
    Someone lied about not doing their homework. Shut up.
    Someone called you a name. Deal with it.

    I think I've got a good grasp on when I advise my children to speak up. The problem is, many people who use the phrase, "Snitches get sticthes" are referring to the first category above. True story.
  • ChrisinGA
    ChrisinGA Posts: 116 Member
    Call the cops now, I mean they doing something that is not legal and should not be done anywhere near a house with young kids.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    I hope the OP posts the decision he makes, I'm curious what route the kids respond to.
  • Pink_Pandas
    I love how people are like: It's just POT, let them do what they want!

    Except smoking pot is illegal.

    So these kids are very blatantly breaking the law in their backyard.

    If my neighbor was burying bodies in the backyard I'd call the police.
    If my neighbor was handing alcohol to their underaged kids in their backyard I'd call the police.

    If you're stupid enough to do it in a place where others can catch you at it, you're stupid enough to have the police called on you. Period.

    OP: I really hope you get this sorted out. I'd talk to the mom one last time and let her know you WILL call the police if it continues because your wife runs the risk of losing her business and that's not acceptable.

    So... you'd rather call the police and risk that event tarnishing your business with an unsuccessful raid / successful bust that spreads rumors about drugs being rampant in the neighborhood and gets EVERY parent to pull their child from the daycare, rather than try to resolve the issue quietly? That seems smart.

    I highly doubt that one report would result in a "raid" -- he could just inquire and ask for advice from the police, or ask that they just stop by and place a warning. Its not always some huge flashy show. Most likely just one visit will give them the intimidation factor to just take it inside.

    I dunno, smelling it and witnessing them smoking seems like probable cause for search and seizure to me. The problem with dealing with the police is, you can't actually control their response...

    Making an inquiry and filing an actual report are two different things. Unless they are just ridiculous all he has to do is ask what the best option would be in his case. The person he's speaking with will either give them a personal opinion (which in most cases is what happens) or some cookie-cutter out of the book response because they just don't care.

    My good friend's husband is a cop, and he explained to me once that unless its a very, very small town (or just some redneck morons, in which case is where I live) the marijuana drama is usually put at the bottom of the list. They have much more important things to do than to care about than dumb teenagers. Like sleeping in their car on the side of the road, or doughnuts. Something stereotypical like that.

    I guess in all reality it doesn't really matter how we see it. I hope he comes up with a solution that he and his wife are comfortable with.

    The other issue that OP mentioned was that any consequences for the kids might blow back on the mom. Even though an inquiry would be less involved, it could still arouse suspicion for the teacher mom, especially if it's a small area or she works for a large public school. Unless she's encouraging or enabling her kid's use, it wouldn't really be fair to jeopardize her career, especially if she doesn't know about her son's behavior. The main point I've been trying to make is that with the one exception of the mom being a sh!tty parent (which could very well be the case), the best solution is the quietest one, and that means not bringing the police into it at all. But OP will make his own decision that will be best for his wife's business, and that is ultimately all he can do.

    I agree with you, I think whatever is most peaceful or quietest is the best way for everyone involved. I wish his neighbors would have just been a bit more respectful. If someone were to ask me instead of just calling law enforcement or jumping in my face I would have thanked them rather than being a jerk.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I would talk to the mother to see if she will be reasonable. Kids are kids and smoking weed really isn't that big of a deal, so it would be a shame for either your wife's daycare to be shut down or the neighbors mother to lose her job. Explain the details and IF she doesn't care or it continues, just go ahead and call the cops. It isn't you or your wife's fault that they can't smoke responsibly.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Call the cops now, I mean they doing something that is not legal and should not be done anywhere near a house with young kids.

  • fatgirljessica
    My wife runs a home based day care and, a large part of this day care is outside time in our back yard.
    The problem is that the teenager next door and his buddy enjoy smoking pot outside. The smell is strong enough to come into the back yard.
    It is also strong enough to where I can smell it as soon as I get out of my car (approx 50 yards away).
    My wife has talked to the kids (well, 18 years old) and explained that the state could potentially shut her down because of the unsafe environment.
    One parent who smelled the weed has threatened to pull her kid out already.

    It happened again today and my wife went over there to explain it one more time but this time, she said that she was going to talk to the boys Mother.
    The reply was "go ahead and tell her. I don't care".

    So, should I
    1: Talk to the Mom?
    2: Just have my wife call the cops the next time?

    The problem with calling the police is that if word gets around that dope was found in the house, the mother could lose her job as a school teacher and that would suck.


    I smoke weed and this is how I would react. They clearly don't respect your wife or their mom so sending her to talk to their mom is not gonna solve anything. They would probably smoke more in spite because they are immature 18 year olds. If you care to, as the man of the house I would let them know that smoking weed or any illegal substance within 10 feet of a daycare will get them more jail time or a higher fine if it gets to the point where police are called. Ask them not to smoke that close to the fence during business hours. If the problem persists the next day and you still don't want to call the police buy your wife incense for outside or start growing lavender. Otherwise call the police on them because they obviously don't care. Don't threaten to call the police, just wait until they are smoking, dial 911 and say I have a day care and my neighbors are doing drugs in their backyard and this is bad for the kids. The mom will not lose her job unless she is the one who is arrested for drugs or unless someone says hey this teacher's son just got arrested for smoking weed. Even if the cops don't get there in time to find the evidence the neighbors will know its not a joke and try to be more discrete (in theory).
  • brandiputney7
    I would go tell the mother - then call the police not so much to get them in trouble but cover your butt in case someone does smell it
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    1) first and then if things dont change call the cops.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    I agree to try the Mom, than if nothing is done, call the Police. If the State is against Pot, than your household income is what comes first.
    Pot smokers don't care who they offend, they lose that part of the brain when they increase the THC in their blood.
    Go with what is right.

    Please don't generalize all pot smokers. I smoke and I am respectful to my neighbors and I care if I offend someone. People don't smoke weed and turn into *kitten*, they are *kitten* first and then become weed smoking *kitten*.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I agree to try the Mom, than if nothing is done, call the Police. If the State is against Pot, than your household income is what comes first.
    Pot smokers don't care who they offend, they lose that part of the brain when they increase the THC in their blood.
    Go with what is right.

    Hooray for negative stereotypes! You clearly know what you're talking about.
  • zumbajheri
    zumbajheri Posts: 200 Member
  • leopardjunkie
    If you want to attempt to keep a decent relationship with your neighbors then talk to them first. they are probably not going to stop so maybe ask if they would smoke inside during the hours of operation or somewhere else like inside the house. let them know you have allready talked to the son and there will be no more chances and hold to it. They have to be responsible for their own outcome after that.

    If you have no intentions of keeping a hospitable relationship with your neighbor, than just call the cops and get ready for the fun to begin. Call the cops each time you have an issue :) but don"t except that it will be a pleasurable expereience if the mom is supporting his behavior :) good luck
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