vitamin B12 questions

I was just diagnosed through blood work as having a B12 deficiency. They gave me oral drops and I'm supposed to put it under my tongue every day...I figured this was easier than getting shots. My question is has anyone with a DIAGNOSED deficiency seen significant weight loss after supplementing with B12? I know it is supposed to improve energy and supposedly metabolism. I'm just wondering if it is realistic to think that I will start losing at a faster pace when I begin supplementing. Also, has anyone experienced any side effects from taking it? Thank you!!!


  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    I wasn't tested for a deficiency, but I was prescribed the shots because of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. My fatigue has other causes, so the supplementation didn't help me for very long (around a week). Anyway, I didn't have any side effects from it.
  • missmegan831
    missmegan831 Posts: 824 Member
    Vitamin B12 enjoys a reputation as a weight loss aid, but it's one that isn't warranted, according to the Office of Dietary Supplements, or ODS. Weight loss clinics often administer intramuscular B12 injections which purportedly boost your metabolism, and online supplement peddlers allude to the "energy vitamin's" weight loss benefits. Doctors use this vitamin to treat health conditions associated with B12 deficiency; however, vitamin B12's value as a weight loss aid is unproven.

    Read more:

    I take B12 supplement for a deficiency however I contribute my weight loss from calorie deficit and exercise
  • Territravel
    Territravel Posts: 165 Member
    I don't suffer from a deficiency, but I take a monthly B12 shot. It really helps to boost my engery level, with no side effects. I can't say for sure that it aids in weight loss, but I have lost 76 lbs the last nine months.
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    I was only recently diagnosed with a B-12 deficiency as well as hashimoto's thyroiditis, so i can't answer your question. I lost a little more than 100 pounds BEFORE diagnosis and it was hard to even convince the endocrinologist that something was wrong. I have been taking B-12 (not sublingual) for 3 weeks and haven't noticed any surge in energy or increased weight loss as of yet.
  • chimpy_chimp
    chimpy_chimp Posts: 106 Member
    I supplement with B-12 as I am a vegan (no meat or dairy). I experience no side-effects with taking B-12, nor do I see any great benefits. It is an essential nutrient that all human beings must have. Other than that, I don't think it helps or hinders weight loss.
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    i was taking vitamin b, my hair and nails got a lot better but my appetite went crazy!
  • danno52000
    danno52000 Posts: 2 Member
    I was diagnosed w/ b12 deficiency a few years ago. I was (and am) very active (running/working out every day) in my late 20's but was sluggish all the time (despite having less than 10% bodyfat). The doctor prescribed vitaminb12 pills. When I asked why I couldn't just buy my own b12 supplements she said "because these ones have 4000% of the daily dose". As I learned, the human stomach is NOT efficient at absorbing b12...this is THE MAIN REASON so many (otherwise healthy) adults have a b12's also why orally injested pills don't work....because only about 3-4% of the vitamin gets ingested. Thus began my crusade to learn about b12:

    I started taking injections and saw an immediate difference (read about it above)...but, admittedly, injections are not for the squeemish and are a little inconvenient. I mainly use the patch now and it works great (you'll have to get used to timing around showers, etc.) I'm a firm believer that EVERYONE should supplement their diet with b12 and TRY DIFFERENT delivery mechanisms (patches, injections, sub-lingual drops, etc.) because all our bodies respond differently.

    Good luck and be well!
  • jenniferluck35
    Look for these new Vitamin B12 Vitamins they are Intra-Cellular Vitamin B12 products or Intra-Cellular Liposomal B12. This liposomal vitamin b12 is better than sublingual or injections. These are the new supplements for this generation. Very powerful and absorbable. You will not be dissapointed.
  • LegzyK
    LegzyK Posts: 172 Member
    Bump , thanks for posting :smile:
  • amye004
    amye004 Posts: 32
    I was just diagnosed through blood work as having a B12 deficiency. They gave me oral drops and I'm supposed to put it under my tongue every day...I figured this was easier than getting shots. My question is has anyone with a DIAGNOSED deficiency seen significant weight loss after supplementing with B12? I know it is supposed to improve energy and supposedly metabolism. I'm just wondering if it is realistic to think that I will start losing at a faster pace when I begin supplementing. Also, has anyone experienced any side effects from taking it? Thank you!!!

    I am diagnosised deficient through bloodwork and I have to take 1200mg a day in order to avoid the shots. I would not put stock on losing weight faster when you begin supplementing because everyone's body is different and not only B12 will affect your matabolism. It hasn't made a noticeable difference in terms of weightloss for me but I do have better balance and trip less. Since I could trip over air, this was a very nice change!