just heard "Diary as part of a diet is no good"



  • watchhillgirl
    watchhillgirl Posts: 597 Member
    I was sitting here wondering how tracking food could be bad for a diet. Then I realized that you meant "dairy" not diary, lol. Anyway, I don't believe in cutting anything unless it has an adverse effect on your body. If you get along with dairy, don't worry about your friend.

    I was thinking the same thing!
  • nondomesticgoddess
    Dairy is not a natural part of the diet of a mammal past weaning age. Also dairy that you dont get from a farm raw is probably full of a lot of nasty stuff incl. pus. Of course you could try to eat only pastured (grass fed) butter. And its your choice what you eat of course. I still eat reg. Yogurt sometimes bc i like it even though it isnt optimal. I do prefer kerrygold pastured butter over standard but its like standard american dairy has some good stuff in it but its also kind of gross whats in it and how its made.

    Uhhh...yeah...not sure what exactly a natural diet is once a human is weaned. Whatever we can crawl across a field and graze on? We are hunter gatherers. We have a highly developed brain - probably because of the nutrients we go the extra lengths to find. I don't see where plucking grain, or pulling roots is any more natural than reaching under a chicken for an egg or pulling a teat on a cow or goat. Yeah...American food with all it's hormones, pesticides and growth aids is messed up. That doesn't make the orginial food source bad. Choose carefully...locally grown, organic, free range...if you are that worried about it, but most importantly balance what you enjoy and be active.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Dairy is not a natural part of the diet of a mammal past weaning age. Also dairy that you dont get from a farm raw is probably full of a lot of nasty stuff incl. pus. Of course you could try to eat only pastured (grass fed) butter. And its your choice what you eat of course. I still eat reg. Yogurt sometimes bc i like it even though it isnt optimal. I do prefer kerrygold pastured butter over standard but its like standard american dairy has some good stuff in it but its also kind of gross whats in it and how its made.

  • Spadowski
    Spadowski Posts: 38
    a friend at work said this and he is a big health freak. Semi body building and takes tons of vitamins. Then he said that.... now i lost weight with string cheese, greek yogurt and skim milk. But i cant seem to find that to be true. Unless maybe he is trying to get cut...

    your opinions?

    If this friend were eating a well-rounded diet, he wouldn't need to take any vitamins. And if you Google 'vegan bodybuilder' you'll see that you can get ripped eating a vast range of foods. It's true that a large percentage of people are lactose intolerant to some degree, but the more cultured the dairy is (yogurt & cheese) the easier it is to digest. Also, goat milk is easier to digest than cow milk, and is very popular in the eastern hemisphere. It's so cute when people proclaim that their way is the only way to do something. One size does not fit all. As far as arguing what is our 'natural' diet, I don't recall seeing any detailed food journals on ancient cave paintings. People naturally eat whatever they can get their hands on, whether it be wooly mammoths or Haagen Daas...
  • Spadowski
    Spadowski Posts: 38
    Dairy is not a natural part of the diet of a mammal past weaning age. Also dairy that you dont get from a farm raw is probably full of a lot of nasty stuff incl. pus. Of course you could try to eat only pastured (grass fed) butter. And its your choice what you eat of course. I still eat reg. Yogurt sometimes bc i like it even though it isnt optimal. I do prefer kerrygold pastured butter over standard but its like standard american dairy has some good stuff in it but its also kind of gross whats in it and how its made.

    Uhhh...yeah...not sure what exactly a natural diet is once a human is weaned. Whatever we can crawl across a field and graze on? We are hunter gatherers. We have a highly developed brain - probably because of the nutrients we go the extra lengths to find. I don't see where plucking grain, or pulling roots is any more natural than reaching under a chicken for an egg or pulling a teat on a cow or goat. Yeah...American food with all it's hormones, pesticides and growth aids is messed up. That doesn't make the orginial food source bad. Choose carefully...locally grown, organic, free range...if you are that worried about it, but most importantly balance what you enjoy and be active.

    Couldn't agree more, because if you try hard enough, you can find something wrong with pretty much any food out there in the world. The key is how you balance them. But that requires effort, and some folks would rather follow a dogmatic set of rules so they don't have to think about their choices too hard. Nature is full of symbiotic relationships, so I have to just smile when someone says "That's not natural". You know what's not natural, is counting calories on a smartphone made in China and then talking to ya'll about it over the Internet.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    mannnnn no way for me to edit... i meant dairy... not diary... doh!
    Shame because I only came here because it might be some crazies eating books :-)