Motivation and please:(



  • beckimj
    beckimj Posts: 186 Member
    Do you have other friends who belong to your gym? When I first started I found it very challenging, and intimidating. In the beginning, I picked a friend to go with every time. I had my built in support structure. Then, as I gained confidence, I used different pieces of equipment and went at different time, even by myself. Since 11/1/12, I have lost 50 pounds. It just take the first step through the door. You can do it :)
  • Spadowski
    Spadowski Posts: 38
    I just wanted to say I totally understand where you're coming from. I joined a gym and had so much anxiety about being judged that I didn't go for FIVE MONTHS. I kept telling myself "I'll just workout at home" but honestly, I get too distracted. Then finally I just picked a day and a time when the gym wouldn't be busy, and I made myself go for 30 minutes. It's like starting the first day of school...everyone's a little awkward and nervous on the first day, then it gets easier and more familiar with each day. Now I stay at the gym for about an hour or so because it's so peaceful and I can focus on my fitness goals. I don't compete with the girl jogging next to me. I compete with myself. I know the machines might seem intimidating, but most of them will have instructions posted on how to use them. There's also staff who can show you what to do if you're unsure. Ask questions; it's why they're there. They're not getting paid just to fold towels. It took me a few minutes to figure out the treadmill on my first day, but now I have my fav and I go watch HGTV while I jog since I don't have cable at home. Time flies when those tall, sexy Property Brothers are on!!! :love: Helpful Hint: Don't close your eyes while jogging on a treadmill. I went flying off mine last week. Oh those distracting Property Brothers!

    The cool thing is that these fears are all in your head and a good workout will help clear your mind. I used to work with the tiniest, skinniest girl, and she enjoyed working out but was SO anxious about being judged, so be aware that this fear definitely goes both ways.

    As for your hubby, I'm married as well, and I adore my husband, but he's not always the most empathetic listener...which is why I have girlfriends. But I can definitely vouch for the guy who said men just want to fix things. Let your hubby help you, and make it clear that him getting frustrated is not helping either of you. Don't beat yourself up about not going to the gym so far. It's in the past. It's done. Be kind and forgiving of yourself. Then pick a day, a time, and honor your commitment to your health. If you pick a day together and he shows you some exercises and how to use some machines, I think it would help you a lot. Best of luck!
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    When I first went to the gym I had no idea how to use any of the machines either. I would go on the treadmill or elliptical and then watch to see how other people used them, lol. Once I grew a pair and went to check it out I seen that there's little stickers on the machines explaining how to use them. :/
  • donnam40
    donnam40 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm probably going to sound a little harsh here, but my daighter was the same about the gym or exercising when anyone could see her. I just told her to get over herself. Honestly, no one is that interested in what you are doing at the gym. Everyone is there for their own reasons and generally people watching is not one of them.

    As for not knowing what to do, this is an ideal time to get your hubby involved. Ask for his help here. When I started at the gym 25 years ago, my boyfriend (who is now my husband) took great delight in showing me how to do things at the gym - it gave him a chance to show off. Get him to show you then start and do your own research into what else you can do. NROL4W is a great program with detailed explanations on how to execute the exercises.

    Apologies if I sound harsh, but sometimes we need it.

  • spicacio
    spicacio Posts: 33
    Jessica, NO WORRIES at all. You have to tell yourself that no matter what, people are going to stare. It's a gym. Also, you have to tell yourself you are there for YOU and not for them. What fitness place are you a member at? If you have a membership they should have a staff that will show you around and give you a basic working knowledge of all the equipment they have on the floor.

    About your husband, it's tough when a married couple try and workout together. It's hard to not "be in competition" with the other person. Not to say that's what your husband is trying to do. Try and listen to him, he may want to coach you through on how to use the equipment. His frustration comes from feeling like you two may be wasting money on a membership however it is probably coming from wanting to spend some time with you and sharing a common goal/interest and he can't because you bail.

    Just walk in with your head held high and SCREW what everyone else thinks. Remember, you have to do this for YOU first and then you can worry about others later. Good luck and let us know how it all pans out.

  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Of the people who even look up from what they're doing, a few may have unkind thoughts. Luckily, they don't matter. More (again, of those who are paying attention at all) will think you're doing a great thing. Because everyone was new to it once :)

    Some people (like people on treadmills) are just zoning and staring for no reason at all, their eyes just kind of fall places.

    Like everyone said, get someone to show you equipment so you feel comfortable.

    The first time I went to a gym as an adult, felt the same as you. I thought I'd be clumsy, I wanted to feel invisible. I wore the things people who are new wear - baggy shirts and all that. (I think people wearing those things get a bit of slack.)

    It didn't take long to learn enough to feel ok, and in a few weeks I was over it. Had to get smaller clothes not too long afterwards :) Can be the same for you :)
  • pg3ibew
    pg3ibew Posts: 1,026 Member
    Nothing to worry about with people staring or watching you. We stare at and judge people all the time, not just at the gym. We all do it. In the mall, restaurants, everywhere.

    I will tell you this. If you go to that gym, 4-6-8 months straight and drop a few pounds, Strangers that you were too afraid to look at, the ones you thought were judging you, will be coming up to you and complimentng you on your hard work. There ain't no feeling better than that.
  • HealthWoke0ish
    HealthWoke0ish Posts: 2,078 Member
    My wife liked working out more after I bought her some "cute" (I say "smart") looking workout clothes. I don't know what your budget is, but perhaps if you use a little wardrobe manipulation to help your confidence, attending the gym will be a little easier? My wife also will put on her headphones before she enters the gym and then remove them only after she's finished her workout...she says that way she feels like she's in her only little private protected world.

    Regarding the "dressing up" thing to workout, ever since playing ball in college and high school, I've had my workout ritual where I bathe, dress in my favorite workout clothes (I love all nike/adidas/etc. and all black), tie a bandana on and set my ipod to my favorite music (back in the day it was a discman, and before that a walkman...haha) and then go do my thing. The whole warrior-going-to-battle prep thing has usually worked for me.

    Ask your husband for patience. Just straight up tell him that even though he's eager to have you join him, his approach turns you off and doesn't help. Just ask for patience and promise you'll do your best, and then deliver!

    Whatever happens...good luck to you! :)
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Pretty much no one cares what you're doing anyway (unless you are overtly rude and obnoxious). Why not have your husband show you the ropes. Start super simple and if possible, try coming in when the gym isn't really busy. The longer you go the more comfortable you'll feel. If all you can do is get your nervous little self on a recumbant bike, then that's a small victory and you can build from there. There are probably a few A-holes here and there who might be judging you, but who cares. Feel sorry for them, cuz that's pathetic. Please don't give up on the gym! It gets so much easier once you get used to it. :heart:
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    I just joined a gym this week too :-) When I got the walk through I asked when the gym was the most quiet as far as the hours I'd be able to make it. Sounds like you joined without a free trial? During that period I confirmed it's super quiet 9 - 11pm and that's when I go. I made it a point to be friendly with every staff person I saw - from security to janitorial. Now they all greet me like family which helps.

    I got some new physical therapy exercises this week to do while at the gym and will no doubt look ridiculous doing them. In my mind I can hear a chorus of MFPers saying "look at her wasting her time balancing on a bosu ball with 5 lb dumbbells, she should lift heavy!" :laugh: But I want full range in my shoulder back. I want to jiggle less. And I know the gym will get me there if I get myself there.
  • G__Force
    G__Force Posts: 280 Member
    Your husband sound like he would be happy to show you the ropes, how to use all the machines tht is. He has been doing it for a while he can help you out. Dont worry about what everyone else thinks most of them were in your shoes at one point in there life. Get in there and get moving!!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I just want to encourage you too. MFP threads notwithstanding, most people are into themselves at the gym, i personally don't notice anything that doesn't WANT to be noticed, if you know what I mean. Everyone's ideas here are sound and I hope u take certain one's to heart like just use treadmills for awhile until you feel acclimated. Then also try the trainer showing you around and/or hubby showing you stuff or going with you one or a few times if it helps then on your own if that's more comfortable for you. I personally could not stand my hubby to see me, I'd die. Seriously, today I got sick after trying a gross home remedy and the look of dissappointment on his face nearly killed me, so I totally get you.

    Finally, my all time favorite blahs buster is to lure myself step by step. I'll let myself have a yummy healthy snack if I at least get dressed in the gym clothes. Then if i at least step in the gym even to just weigh myself or use the spa, another reward. Then while I"m there i might as well check out the buttons on the treadmill & just see how it works. then since I'm at it might as well just walk on it for 5 minutes on low, just to say I did treadmill. then when 5 minutes goes by it feels like i could double it...and so on. YOU CAN DO IT.
  • Justjamie0418
    Justjamie0418 Posts: 1,065 Member
    I have not read the previous replies so I am sorry if I am out of line in anyway.. but I know it's hard to hear those things sometimes but I think its great he wants to support you... even if he isn't the best at it sometimes.

    Mine discourages me because he is too lazy to do something himself and wants to sabotage me. he encourages me to NOT workout and shoves pizza in my face every other day!

    Hang in there! you can do it!
  • leopardjunkie
    You will probably have more people looking at you if you continue to put off your health :) My experience at the gym is that everyone is pretty much their for themselves and will either help you out or ignore you :)

    When you go in for your first workout ask the manager if they have someone that can show you the proper way to use the equipment for free. Alot of time they will show you how to set up the machines so they are set for you, and can answer questions about ediqute too. I know at our gym there is also instructions with pictures on most of the machines that tells you how to use and shows what muscles you should feel being worked. and you can allways ask someone if you see them doing somthing you want to learn, just don"t expect them to drop and stop what they are doing, they will probably want to finish :)

    people may look and stare but get up dust yourself off and get your butt back in there. If it makes you feel better I have done many embarassing things thus far and so far they have not chased me out with torches and pitch forks!! LOL One of which is when I got home I realized that I had been doing my yoga stretches the whole time I had a hole in the butt of my workout pants and(black with white underwear!) ha ha I have also almost fell of the treadmill becuase I was engrossed in my tv showed which someone unexpected got killed off and I lost my balance.

    and if after all the well wishes on here you still can"t bring yourself to do it. check your contract. I know in our state you have 3 days to cancel with no fees or penelties per state law :) so you might have an out :)
  • AdrieneJ
    AdrieneJ Posts: 141 Member
    I have also almost fell of the treadmill becuase I was engrossed in my tv showed which someone unexpected got killed off and I lost my balance.

    I fell off once watching the Winter Olympics speedstaking event. I was leaning into the turns for them. :P
  • Kttyler87
    Kttyler87 Posts: 141 Member
    I have not read the previous replies so I am sorry if I am out of line in anyway.. but I know it's hard to hear those things sometimes but I think its great he wants to support you... even if he isn't the best at it sometimes.

    Mine discourages me because he is too lazy to do something himself and wants to sabotage me. he encourages me to NOT workout and shoves pizza in my face every other day!

    Hang in there! you can do it!
    Think we married twins!
  • kathyl05
    kathyl05 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi Jessica,
    It sounds like your husband wants company. I do know the gym can be overwhelming..between the machines, the grunting and the spandex, it is not my favorite place either. Unfortunately, it can be a necessary evil and you can handle it a few ways. As others have suggested, you can have an employee show you the ropes, have your husband teach you the machines or you can do as I do...just not give a crap. I pick a cardio machine which is as far away from anyone else as possible, pull out my pad and pop on The New Adventures of Old Christine. I laugh like a moron and probably snort at times, but I just don't care...I'm doing it for me and no one else. You would be amazed at the number of calories you can burn during Downton Abbey. My suggestion is take care of yourself and forget about everyone else.:wink: