Funny thing you miss now you've lost weight...

We all talk about what we like about getting fitter but what about the funny things you miss now you’re not as heavy? I’m not talking about food or drinks but anything else you miss BECAUSE you’ve lost the weight.

I posted this topic weeks ago and a lot of new people have come along and others may have missed it so pipe up and post about anything you MISS about not being overweight…

These are mine:

Wooden or other hard seats:
Aaarrgghhh I hate these now! :laugh: I used to have quite a big backside so I could sit on anything and not be uncomfortable but now? OUCH! My backside has no fat left to act as my inbuilt cushion so I’m pretty much sitting on a bit muscle but mostly bone. After just 10 minutes of sitting on anything un-cushioned it gets really uncomfortable.

Folding arms
I used to have a 38” waist which meant I had a lovely big bump to rest on my arms on when I folded my arms. Now at 30” waist I have nothing left but the skin covering my ribs. No matter how I position my arms now I cannot get them comfy when crossing my arms :laugh:

Any others?


  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Haha, absolutely!

    I'm still quite near the beginning of my loss so I can't really look back that far but I do get a bit frustrated when clothes that I adore don't fit me anymore. I wore a beautiful dress last night which means alot to me because it's the first one I had to get a smaller size in and that's getting to be too big. At the moment you could say it fits perfectly but I like it to be snug rather than loose. The other day I spotted that my favourite vest top doesn't fit anymore because it's at least one size too big. Not quite small enough to buy a new wardrobe (also not rich enough! :laugh: ) but I do miss some clothes.

    I have one to add on the folding arms thing! My main muscles are my biceps, now, so whenever I fold my arms they tense up a bit and I end up hitting my fist quite hard unintentionally, especially when I'm cold and I tense up.
  • justesje
    justesje Posts: 37 Member
    My watch not grazing my wrist bone.

    Still on my way to my goal weight but lemme tell you, my wrist is hella boney at the moment. I am constantly taking my watch off so much so, I have now lost my really expensive one with no idea where I left it.
  • clairebear82
    Warmth lol, I feel the cold a lot more carrying less weight, having been used to the added padding for so long!
  • SimonLondon
    SimonLondon Posts: 350
    Wow I can relate to both the watch and the cold.

    I had to take a link off my watch two weeks ago so it correctly fitted and the cold...Brrrrrr I really suffer from it now :laugh:
  • tjptaylor
    tjptaylor Posts: 21 Member
    My rings keep twirlling - drives me crazy!
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    I miss my favourite jeans! They were so comfortable, but now they're even too loose to wear with a belt. Even my shoes are starting to get too big, and I can't wear my high heels anymore!

    I also miss the warmth, when others are out in t-shirts I still have to have a jacket on!
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    I miss not worrying about my wedding rings falling off. I really need to get them resized. :laugh:
    I totally hear you when it comes to hard chairs....ouchie!
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I've never had a big butt, so I've always hated hard chairs :ohwell: but I can't WAIT to finish my weightloss specifically to be able to cross my arms! My ... ahem ... "achievements" are in my way and so I can't reach around!! One day though :smile:

    Things I miss so far: my suits (thank God for another year of law school!); warmth; anonymity (lose almost 40 pounds and dye your hair red and see if you can hide!); the little bit of butt I had; I was a better sleeper then, because I slept WAY too much.

    But truth be told, I'm still learning how to be thinner. I just hit a big number overnight, and so I'm on my way!!
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I miss not worrying about my wedding rings falling off. I really need to get them resized. :laugh:

    This too!! And mine is an eternity band!! I guess I'll ask the jeweler if they recommend one of those interior bands...
  • CreativeRedhead
    CreativeRedhead Posts: 2,166
    So far my wedding ring not falling off..........I usually just take it off now it's so loose. I really miss my clothes not fitting well, most of my pants just fall off. :tongue:
  • RhondaCrombie
    Warmth! All that blubber was FINE insulation. Now, without it, I am much more cold-natured.
  • kwaters7
    kwaters7 Posts: 129
    Bath time

    I used to take long baths with the speakers from my Mac slid under the door, lots of juice and sometimes candles. Was proper therapy. Now the cushion is gone and I cant get comfortable for more than a few minutes.

    I also miss not EVER counting calories and just eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted...
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    yup warmth for sure.....and I do miss some of my old favorite big clothes.