Days like these I want to give up



  • Fatandfifty3
    Fatandfifty3 Posts: 419 Member
    There's a 30 day shred group starting today. The workout takes 20 minutes and the video is on YouTube.

    You can do anything for twenty minutes !!

    The people on the group will help motivate you, as they did me this morning.

    I did 35 mins on elliptical and 20 mins of jillian michaels. Peer pressure is a wonderful thing :)
    I'm having a bad day too. Where is this?

    A lot of good advice here. For what it's worth my twopenneth is, don't worry about what happened this morning. It's what you do with the rest of the day and tomorrow that counts! I keep going over my cals on a daily basis but even so I lost 1.2lbs this week! Log what you ate and eat sensibly from This Moment on. It's hard once you've slipped but you can do it.
  • genablue
    genablue Posts: 52 Member
    This is a life styel change, something you will do everyday of your life....Is everyday of your life always perfect???? Your food choices won't be either, don't beat yourself up, learn from it, move on and get right back to it......

    Always remember, your not where you want to be but your not where you were either......always strive to move forward and stop going around the same mountain! Chin up, you can do it....
  • x3na1401
    x3na1401 Posts: 277 Member
    I found it on groups. I'm sorry I don't know how to forward a link
  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    I ate 4000 (FOUR THOUSAND!!!!) calories yesterday, 2500 of which were late night overeating. I understand the feeling but I'm going to pick myself up and keep going. If I can come back from 4000, you can come back from 990!

    That is true. I ate a better lunch or so I thought but still ended up over. Guess today is going to be a bust day. No I am not saying **** it! I am still trying but it just seems to be a really off day for me.
  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    The time to get it right is the MOMENT you take that last bite of a poor choice!!

    So you went over on calories for breakfast? Walk an extra mile - do 25 jumping jacks - jump rope for a half hour. . . BURN THEM!!

    The will power comes from within my friend. YOU are the one in control!! YOU are the one that has to tell yourself no. We are all here for support and can give suggestions til the cows come home - but in the end YOU are the ONLY one capable of changing your eating habits!!

    With that said - You are NOT alone. I struggle each and every moment of each and every day. I have such a bad habit of eating sweets after a meal it's not even funny. Cookies, candy bars, Little Debbie cakes - UGH!! Last night I struggled and struggled - finally I caved and went for the Little Debbie cakes. There are two in a package - instead of eating both - I gave one to my hubby. . . PORTION CONTROL is a MAJOR help in this battle we fight!

    What is the point? Why even bother? Because obviously you are not happy with where you are and you want it to change - and guess what? You are SO worth it!! You are SO capable of reaching your goal!! You will look back a year from now and think "wow why did I think it was so hard?"

    Forming a habit takes like 3 weeks - BREAKING a habit takes a LOT longer!!

    Hang in there - you will be so proud of yourself for it!!

    Thank you, what you have said is true. And I do know that I am just having a pity party right now. I am in the habit of exercising (still working on doing more). The habit of fixing my diet has been the toughest struggle ever!
  • TdaniT
    TdaniT Posts: 331 Member
    What did you eat for breakfast?

    Don't give up. Just plan your meals ahead of time (and only buy what you need for them) so that you aren't faced with as many difficult decisions. On the weeks when I brown bag breakfast, lunch and snack to work, I do better and I save money! That's win all around.

    :blushing: I ate a pepperoni and cheese bagel melt from Wawa and got a 20oz Coke. I know it wasn't good, it was things like this that I used to eat. I was just craving something "normal". Okay, I know that isn't what normal for me should be.

    Today at lunch I thought I was choosing something healthier. I was at Applebee's with some ladies from work and I did the pick and pair lunch. I got the Fiesta Chicken Chopped salad and the Chicken Fajita Rollup. And a glass of water with lemon. Turns out that is 1,020 calories worth of food!!!
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member

    Feeling bad about what you ate, feeling bad because you didn't work out -- that's just a trick to get you to give up, to get you to throw your hands up in the air, say 'what's the use' and then eat a bag of chips, or a box of cookies or a gallon of icecream.

    Don't do it. Don't fall for that.

    Whatever you did or failed to do -- that happened, it's done, now move on. Don't make it a 'bad day' - make it a 'bad morning' .Don't let it take over your whole day or your week. Eat a smaller lunch, take a walk in the afternoon or do extra reps in your workout, and have your regular dinner. Just keep moving forward in body and thought, and don't worry about 1 morning.
  • cnlargent
    cnlargent Posts: 199 Member
    What did you eat for breakfast?

    Don't give up. Just plan your meals ahead of time (and only buy what you need for them) so that you aren't faced with as many difficult decisions. On the weeks when I brown bag breakfast, lunch and snack to work, I do better and I save money! That's win all around.

    :blushing: I ate a pepperoni and cheese bagel melt from Wawa and got a 20oz Coke. I know it wasn't good, it was things like this that I used to eat. I was just craving something "normal". Okay, I know that isn't what normal for me should be.

    Today at lunch I thought I was choosing something healthier. I was at Applebee's with some ladies from work and I did the pick and pair lunch. I got the Fiesta Chicken Chopped salad and the Chicken Fajita Rollup. And a glass of water with lemon. Turns out that is 1,020 calories worth of food!!!

    Planning is great for situations like this where you are going to a chain restaurants. Often, their salads are loading with fat and calories, especially the dressing. In the future, you could survey the menu online, or ask for nutriton information in the restaurant if available. Avoid anything breaded or with a sauce, if you must have it, ask for it on the side and add a small amount. Grilled chicken (ask for it to not be grilled in oil or butter) and broccoli, or steamed veggies are available at almost every restaurant when in doubt.
  • cameronburns1982
    cameronburns1982 Posts: 18 Member
    Like everyone's saying, don't give up. Start afresh tomorrow. If you know breakfast caused the problem, try to plan ahead and that might avoid the problem.

    I have a tendency to snack a lot late at night (the fact that I'm a nit owl doesn't help) but you can't let one bad meal stop you from achieving your goals.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Dear OP: Here's something to keep in mind. What is your real TDEE? My own "goal" for the day is often 1500 calories. But my real TDEE is anywhere from 1800-2500+. For me, any day I eat my TDEE or less isn't a day I feel bad about EVER. Even going over your TDEE 1 day out of 30, won't cause weight gain overall in the long-term. There's no reason whatsoever to give up or feel bad. Just think about what made you choose that meal, and decide if you're going to make that choice again next time. Learn from this. Learn what your triggers and habits are. And then change them, so your "default mode" eventually changes, too. That's my thoughts about it.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    mmm wawa.. I miss wawa.. I'd kill for pork roll egg and cheese.. lol

    Get back on the horse! You can't change the past only affect the future!

    And sometimes you just gotta have wawa..

    I feel fat today becuase i upped my calories and actualy ate them yesterday.. not very hungry today.. Not good.. but one step at a time!! LOL
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member

    Today at lunch I thought I was choosing something healthier. I was at Applebee's with some ladies from work and I did the pick and pair lunch. I got the Fiesta Chicken Chopped salad and the Chicken Fajita Rollup. And a glass of water with lemon. Turns out that is 1,020 calories worth of food!!!

    yes.. gotta watch those resturants.. I went to outback and my salad was twice the calories of the steak! Figure that one out! LOL. It's about what they put in it and what they use to cook it with, not what they call it on the menu. Fitness and health is a learning process.. Obviously we all have a lot to learn or we woudln't be here. The people who know thier **** have been here awhile, but likely started out just where you are. I have since altered my selections at resturant and am a much better picker at them. Of course occasionally I gotta have boneless buffalo wings.. mmmmmm.. buffalo wings.. (clearly I am hungry for lunch!!LOL) If you know you are going, check out thier menu in advance.. most places like that post their nutirion online. Just be aware of what you are choosing. Step one is to recognize your personal issues. Step two is to correct them one at a time. All or nothing approach rarely works. Find what works for *you* and do it. Then find others who are doing what you are and chat it up.

    Also pre-log anything you can.. Mon-Thrusday I pre-log everything, Friday I leave dinner open as my guy makes those plans.. but I try to leave extra calories as he cooks like a southerner.. (read high fat, high caloires LOL) and weekends i log as I go, cause I neverk now what I am doing on them. I pre-log if I can on the weekend though. That helps me the most. You can always adjust if something comes up or something needs to change.
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    If you go over your calories by 500 for the day, technically you will gain a seventh of a pound...big deal. You can make up for it tomorrow and the next day and the next.

    if you really feel bad about, then do some type of exercise that burns off about 500 calories. This should instantly make you feel better. Take a long walk.

    And if you are ready to quit over one bad meal you are not in the right frame of mind about this....try forgiving yourself and moving forward.