Exercise with a knee injury

I tried to do the C25K app on my phone. I was on week 1 day 3 when my knee started screaming at me. I went to the Orthopaedist and through an MRI it was determined that I have a stress fracture in my medial tibial plateau, an MCL sprain, joint effusion and a Baker's cyst. I am on non weight bearing orders for 6 weeks. Since I just started my weight loss journey (again), I do not want to stop exercising while my knee is healing. Are there any ideas as to what I could do at home? I have a gym membership but it is a small gym that doesn't have a lot of newer, up to date, machines. I am doing crunches, butterfly curls and triceps with little 5 lb hand weights at home. I am also doing 2 ViSalus Shakes a day but NOTHING is helping. I am either maintining or losing small amounts like 0.2 lbs a week. I want REAL results but I don't know if that is possible while I am non weight bearing.


  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I'm not sure, but I'd love to hear responses. I'll be in the same boat after knee surgery next week.
  • dewgirl321
    dewgirl321 Posts: 296 Member
    Go to the gym and do upper body lifts. Even if they don't have a lot of machines, I bet they have dumbbells bigger than 5 lbs! Work on your biceps, triceps, chest, back, and shoulders.
  • eAddict
    eAddict Posts: 212 Member
    I blew my knee out doing a 5K and was out for 2 months. I just really watched what I ate and took care of my knee. I figured being out a few months is better then being out of the game forever. Patience is biggest key. Let the knee heal. Look up foods that help with healing - lots of good articles on the net.
  • natecar
    natecar Posts: 11
    When you are recovering from an injury like this, it's not the time to try for big weight loss. Let your body heal before abusing it.
    That being written, there are ways to do MILD exercise to keep your metabolism up with recovering.
    If your doctor OKs it, very light work on a bike might be OK. Like on level 1. Add more time to make up for the lack of intensity.
    The arm ergometer is a good option, if available.
    And do pushups throughout the day.
    But, mainly, get well first.
    (I'm recovering from a Meniscus repair right now, so I'm doing a lot of time walking on a treadmill and biking at very low intensity)
  • cljabusc
    cljabusc Posts: 48
    you could try swimming, great workout, fun, and if ur gym doesnt have the equipment you need right now, to accomodate your injury, is it really worth the money you're spending?
    also, start with 10 lb weights....5lb are probably not enough if you arent seeing results. you won't bulk up with 10 lb weights, trust me.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    are you allowed to swim? You can get a good cardio workout from that, if it's OK by your doctor.
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    I had knee problems from overuse when I first started at the gym and I decided to ignore it and keep pushing myself which led to on-going issues until I did low impact for 5 weeks and it got better. Definitely do not push it on an injury because it will get worse.
    I did the stationary bike which is great for cardio without affecting the knee. You can stick with weight activities and the bike and still see results, but it will be at a slower rate. Good luck with recovery.
  • UsaJewels05
    UsaJewels05 Posts: 229 Member
    Are you able to do the stationary bike at very low resistance? If so, I would do that and upper body weights, and crunches.
  • NicholeElizabeth92
    NicholeElizabeth92 Posts: 186 Member
    I had a serve knee injury my Junior year of hs (3yrs ago). I had to quit hockey and pretty much do nothing for the first year then light exersicing for the next year and now finally I canreally hit the gym and start to lose the weight that I put on. I really recomend yoga or pilaties. They really work your whole body and if the poses are to hard to do with your knee no one will judge you if you take a break because they were all there once. I found the people in yoga really supportive. You could also put focus towards lifting (of course nothing with legs or standing) and work on toning your upper body. Me...I didn't listen to the doctor and after the first year tried to push it at the gym which led to me going back on crutches and taking a few months longer to recover. I hope this helps.
  • dsgoingtodoit
    dsgoingtodoit Posts: 803 Member
    If you by chance have an indoor pool nearby - you could ask your doc if pool jogging would be permitted after a couple of weeks. Basically you jog one direction with another person or two or more and then turn around and go against the current you all just created... or - you could swim laps - again if the doc says it's okay.

    Many articles call cycling non-weight bearing...so if you doctor will permit that...you could ask if sitting in the bucket style would be okay...WITH VERY LOW RESISTANCE....

    just some thoughts for you...best of luck...it's so frustrating to have a small injury...but when you have been working so hard I know it's even harder to take....; good job not letting this stop your efforts! you may have to become the abs and back rockstar for a bit... - work on your triceps and biceps...but you aren't quitting...you're just healing... ;D
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Why don't you ask your doctor what exercises you can do that won't effect your injury?

    If you feel the need to do weights then go to your gym and do upper body but I personally wouldn't do any standing exercises.

    Again, talk to your doctor. Eat at a deficit and just let your knee heal.
  • Godan2b
    Godan2b Posts: 57 Member
    I had knee surgery in August of last year. They went in to fix my MCL and LCL and found out I had a meniscus tear as well. They fixed that latter but the other two were beyond repair so they were cleaned up and my next choice is a knee replacement. I started out slow of course but now most of my workout is uppe rbody, squats are still out, but stiff leg dead lifts seem to work and I've just began incorporating kettlebell swings into the workout. I also started back up with martial arts in October.

    You can continue your workout and if you eat 'clean' can drop weight. I actually lost 7lbs according to my last doctors visit during my rehab time period so it is possible. :)
  • Brandiharden
    Thank you all for your advice and encouragement. I was given the go ahead today to do the recumbent bike so I will start back to that tomorrow along with upper body and crunches. I am also joining a bigger gym that has more machines and a pool in the next few weeks when the doctor says I am up for it!