1200 Calories a day, but shoot, I'm hungry!



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Are you protein numbers in line with MFP targets? That's where I tended to go over and couldn't lose weight. Once I started keeping protein in line (which is super hard if you eat any meat), I started losing.

    Yikes. MFP's protein goal is already low and should be treated as a minimum to pass instead of a maximum to stay under.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    also, is your weight loss goal reasonable? if you are at the low end of the BMI range for normal, you may be asking your body to go to a weight level below where its healthy. is your calorie deficit modest?

    This is a really good point, too. Too many people see a little extra fluff on their body and immediately think, "I need to lose 10 pounds."

    With proper nutrition and strength training, you can get rid of that extra fluff without losing a pound. Sometimes even while gaining weight.

    Please check the photos in this thread. You'll see what I mean. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/886672-1-5-million-calories-in-775-days
  • bmansur1
    bmansur1 Posts: 3 Member
    My first two weeks were so hard. Trying to revamp my eating habits all the while my stomach is crying. Try to replace your empty carb grams - ie: bread, corn, peas and meal bars, with more vegis, low carb fruits and nuts. Keep away from processed food that includes ingredients that are man-made and added nitrites. I am using my fitness pal to track my carbs due to health reasons. Right now, my nutritionist is concerned with my carb intake and it seems to work. I eat three meals and two snacks. I do not work out as much as others do, but I am getting there.
  • melwindsor
    melwindsor Posts: 1 Member
    Fit in more protein.. I was the exact same way. My calories were set at 1200/day. My trainer put me on a strict diet with tons of protein, like 100g/day or more since I wasn't noticing any changes. I will tell you after I started this diet I'm never hungry and when I am it's time for my next meal. I have 7 small meals a day and the calories are approx. 1600-1700 per day. I'm losing more now then I was when I was on 1200/day. He said I wasn't eating enough and all the wrong things. I'm 6 days in and lost 3lbs. Good Luck :)
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Don't skimp on protein. We are made from amino acids. Protein. If we damage our protein through training, what will we repair the damaged proteins with?

    (Clue, not fat or carbs).
  • parkygirl
    parkygirl Posts: 37 Member
    You could try mixing in a tablespoon or two of oat bran with your greek yogurt. It will keep you full longer. Works for me!
  • Slugsasarus
    Slugsasarus Posts: 76 Member
    Lots of good discussion going on here, lovin it!

    Okay, so to answer some questions and give some feedback to the lovely feedback you guys have been giving me.

    -I am focusing on losing 10 pounds, because I gained 10 pounds. That's pretty much as far as that thought process has gone in my head.

    -1lb a week may be a bit aggressive, I agree! I have a bikini clad vacation coming up and (maybe I should have started this whole trying to lose the weight I gained sooooner but I am but mere mortal) and hoping to get these 10 lbs off by then. However, I think I may lower it to .5lb per week, gosh you guys are observant, I didn't even think about that!

    -Okay, you guys are making good points for raising my overall calories. I wrote this thinking "I know everyone is going to say 1200 is to low, but they're wrong, wrong I say!" But okay, maybe you're right. I'm going to raise up to 1400 for 2 weeks, and see if that can tame the monster in my stomach (which is actually probably so angry because of the new 10 lbs it has been having to carry around. huh? huh?)

    Thank you so much for the advice and keep it coming. I'm serious grabbing bits and pieces of knowledge and past experiences from every post! MUCH appreciated!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    I wouldn't want to be around me if I only ate 1200 a day which is what I'm set at as well. I workout quite a bit, too, and something I found is that muscles are hungry!! the more muscle I build and fat I burn, the more I need to eat. I eat well as well, basically follow a whole foods plant based diet & when I focus on truly clean eating, I average around 1600 cals a day (including grains, fruits, veggies & oil/fats) and maybe a couple extra hundred when I drink wine or other adult beverage. It is hard, as I'm in the 10lb rage as well, but when I focus & truly think about what is best for me & listen to what my body & mind want, I do much better.

    Feel free to peek at my profile & add me if you think we can motivate each other :flowerforyou:

    NOM. Your profile pic looks delicious!

    And so I'm not off-topic. OP, I would look for even more protein and fiber filled foods. Try mixing your canned chicken with avocado for a healthier chicken salad. It's delicious and has lots of healthy fats. Almonds are also a good go-to snack for me.
  • Shana82
    Shana82 Posts: 19
    Wanted to throw in I have found the importance of getting healthy fat and protein into my diet early in the day to keep me from being hungry. So maybe use the whole egg or add some avocado to your breakfast and see if that helps.

    I eat between 1200-1300 most days and am not hungry. I stepped down to 1200 though, getting used to 1400 first then scaling back when I realized many days I was not hitting that number. The first week or two there was a bit of an adjustment to get used to eating at that level, but now it is normal. I realize everyone here thinks its terrible, and I agree it probably is for a lot of people. I have PCOS though and my body likes to hold on to anything it gains :) Keeping the diet clean, keeping dairy to a minimum and making sure carbs are from super healthy sources are what has worked for me. That is probably not going to work for everyone. Our bodies are super complex individual systems. Unfortunately it takes a bit of experimentation to find what your body runs best on.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member

    Yeah, that. With only 10 pounds to lose, you should be set to 0.5 pounds a week and eat most of your exercise calories. Alternately, calculate your TDEE to include your average exercise, and eat 10% below that.

    I'm a lot older than you, and I lost effortlessly and happily eating 1350-1600 plus exercise calories, or a total of 1800-2000+ total.
    THIS! Read that link - excellent info, and what gave me the best success over the past year. I'm also older and lost effortlessly with about 1800+ cals a day.

    If you're hungry all the time, I think your body is trying to tell you something - "FEED ME"! :tongue:
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Almost no one really should be at 1,200 calories a day. As you're within about 10 pounds of your goal, you should probably set it to 1/2 pound per week. And you should be exercising and eating back most of the exercise calories that you work off.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Eat more dense food/fiber : Beans, pasta,
    Exercise more, try to burn 400+ Calories, which will allow you to eat more
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    How much do you weigh? When I lose weight, I am always hungry. To say 1200 isn't enough without knowing bodyweight and activity level is not the approach I would use. You need a complete picture to give good advice.
  • whatjesseats
    whatjesseats Posts: 228 Member
    Add more vegetables! Throw some broccoli, spinach, peppers, etc into your egg whites at breakfast. Put extra in your salads and on your sandwiches and wraps. Dip them in your Greek yogurt at snack time. This will add volume, fiber, and great nutrients to your meals, but not increase the calories much.
  • ngressman
    ngressman Posts: 229 Member
    I am doing the 1200 calories a day, and if I don't make good choices then I am hungry. Protein with every carb seems to help. I also try more veggies and big salads with chicken or some other protein. I eat 300 calorie meals with 3 snacks in between. I don't workout consistently yet, but when I do I eat every single calorie back or I do get too hungry and over eat. Give it time you will get used to it.
  • Just2Bhappy
    Just2Bhappy Posts: 113 Member
    That's 1,200 NET calories. You can eat 1,500 and burn 300 and hit your goal.
  • fxnytro
    fxnytro Posts: 1 Member
    Try Juicing!! I make a juice with fresh fruits and veggies everyday and it lasts me about 2-2.5 hrs before I have to eat again. and there isn't that many calories in a "juice". I have to eat every 1-2 hrs also. I find I'm hungry alot and almonds are great, my most favorite snack is cauliflower, broccoli and carrots with just a little bit of thousand Island dressing for flavor. I'm down 28lbs!! Good luck!! remember is does take a while for your body to get back into a routine. I start my lifestyle change in oct and nothing happened for 3 weeks, I was about to give up and my husband said just wait you'll start to loose weight! Just keep it up and it's worked so far!!!
  • SillyFitMe
    SillyFitMe Posts: 130 Member
    My fiancee is pretty little and she eats 1600-1700 calories for 3days and 1 day at 2300-2400 calories and then repeats it. She's little at 5' 3".

    And before anyone shoots me/her down, she's been doing that since she started training with me when she was little and without her lean muscle.

    It is too little.

    It's only fair to include your fiances fitness regimen as well so the OP knows what kind of output is required to maintain that caloric intake.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    Get something to track what you burn in a day. I start at 1460, but because I wear a fitbit every day, I end up earning back 200-600 calories every day based on how active I am. Or you could do the math to figure out your TDEE, but I find it easier to wear a tracker. MFP expects that you are going to earn exercise calories (that you are supposed to eat) on top of that 1200. Other than that, 30% protein, 30 grams of fiber, and water, water, and more water.