Should I get checked for anemia? Please help.

I'm a vegetarian who eats plenty of foods containing vitamin c with my meals in order to increase iron absorption. However, I usually end a typical day with 50% iron. I picked up some Nature Made iron pills yesterday which I plan to start taking. Should I go get my blood checked first or just start on the pills? I have quite a few symptoms of anemia. No snarky answers please.


  • Yes, Anemia has serious issues and is often found in people who are too thin or suffer from malnutrition. You might lack protein and iron. Anemia could cause:

    Stomach ulcers.


    Inflammation of the stomach (gastritis).


    When the number of red blood cells or concentrations of hemoglobin are low a person is said to have anemia. Hemoglobin is a protein (metalloprotein) inside the red blood cells that contains iron and transports oxygen.

    Anemia is also the most common blood disorder.

    I'm a nerd omg.
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    Yes, Anemia has serious issues and is often found in people who are too thin or suffer from malnutrition. You might lack protein and iron. Anemia could cause:

    Stomach ulcers.


    Inflammation of the stomach (gastritis).


    When the number of red blood cells or concentrations of hemoglobin are low a person is said to have anemia. Hemoglobin is a protein (metalloprotein) inside the red blood cells that contains iron and transports oxygen.

    Anemia is also the most common blood disorder.

    I'm a nerd omg.

    Thanks. lol
    I get more than enough protein but I just have a hard time getting enough iron.
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    I'd suggest getting tested anyway. Then, after you've been taking the iron supplements for a while, you can get tested again and see how much difference it's made. Or your blood iron might be very low and the doctor might want you on a more heavy-duty supplement.
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Since I've been tracking my food I notice that I don't always get enough iron so I take Geritol daily which solves the problem.
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    I wouldn't just start taking iron supplements. I've been told that I was anemic and that I should take them, and when I did, I suffered from an overdose of iron - and I wasn't even taking as much iron as the doctor recommended!

    If you do just start popping those pills, please be aware of the warning signs that you're getting too much iron. Black tarry poop and stomach aches were the main symptoms in my case. The anemia just wasn't bothering me.

    If you want to try to get more iron in your diet, consider Multi-grain Cheerios. 100% of your RDA in a single serving, for 150 calories.
  • Hi,
    It is always worth gettin yah bloods done if you are worried.. Anemia is not something to mess about with (after having my son I had to have a blood transfusion due to anemia) granted I had a big blood loss but heavy periods over a long period of time can cause anemia too. I know this sounds daft but I eat marmite almost every day (it has iron and B vitamins in it) as yah B vitamins are important also when keepin anemia in mind.
  • Oh marmite is a yeast extract spread and suitable for vegetarians :)
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    Thanks guys! I'll definitely be getting my blood checked and will eat the foods you all recommended in the meantime. :)
  • Good Luck :)
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    If you want to try to get more iron in your diet, consider Multi-grain Cheerios. 100% of your RDA in a single serving, for 150 calories.

    i may need to buy some of these!!
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    Please check with your doctor before taking an iron supplement. Too much iron can very harmful to your body! When I was anemic, was unbelievably tired all the time. I was shedding more hair than usual and my skin was dry. Oh yeah-I was cold allll the time too! My doctor prescribed an iron supplement and after out a month of taking it, I felt so much better.
    Good luck to you!
  • hidensee
    hidensee Posts: 21 Member
    Always best to get a baseline check by a doc. Not to mention to have a good relationship with one to handle all the things that seem to happen as we age. They should be able to give you good advice about how to make your lifestyle work for you safely and make sure you feel well without any risk for all the scary things listed above. Also although anemia is related to all those scary things I don't think it is actually the cause of many of them
  • maddiequinlan
    maddiequinlan Posts: 46 Member
    I am also a vegetarian (recently vegan) and have always had low iron. I would recommend getting your bloodwork done just to make sure you're fully informed before you start supplementing your iron. If you do have low iron, I would recommend a plant based vegetarian iron capsule. Mine is this one ( It's very bioavailable and doesn't cause constipation which is very common with most iron supplements.

    Since I started taking this, my iron has never been so good, I'm within a healthy range and can donate blood again :). It really increased my energy and stamina and I'm no longer freezing every second of every day.

    Good luck!

    ETA: Great job with the vitamin C for absorption, this is really helpful as well. I usually take a chewable vitamin C tablet with my other vitamins.
  • like_milk
    like_milk Posts: 79 Member
    I've asked to be checked out for anemia a few times since becoming a vegetarian as I have very heavy periods but I was always fine. My doctor even told me that even though I'm vegetarian it's unlikely to cause anemia and that it's normally caused by something else (such as eating very little or other medical problems), some people are more prone to it so I think it's still worth checking. I've never taken a supplement, try adding more iron rich herbs to your diet such as thyme and avoid caffeine (especially with meals) as it can stop absorption. Good luck!