Hello all!

Just wanted to say hello to ALL and good luck on your personal fitness goals!!

I just joined this site on the 1st of July. I have ALWAYS been a fitness junky! Ate whatever i wanted and NEVER gained a pound!
Well, in Aug of 2007, I had to have an abdomenal surgery in which I was told I wouldnt be able to exercise for 6-9 months after that. Fast forward. I had 2 more of the same surgeries within the next 2 years. :0( Not being able to be active I have gained 30 pounds in the last 3 years.

Well, I have FINALLY been released to work out! And Lord knows I am SO excited! I can't wait to get this body back in SHAPE!
This site seems like it will be the support and help that I need.

Good luck and GOD bless!
