how to slim down calfs??????

how do i slim down my calfs?


  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    Oh, I wish I knew! Mine actually have gotten slimmer as I have lost weight and I know this by how my knee high boots fit (the only two pairs I've ever found to fit are now a little less tight) and how the legs of some pants fit. However, my calves are still large in comparison to the rest of my body. In addition to pretty muscular calves, I also definitely have stubborn fat around my calves and ankles. I swear that I will get lower-leg liposuction some day!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I have big muscular legs and running has slimmed them down a lot. They are more toned now instead of getting bulkier from running... give it a try!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I'm just posting here to watch for answers.....I've got huge legs in general.......but even at my thinnest (10 years ago) my calves were big and I could not get rid of them.
  • kalebsmama07
    kalebsmama07 Posts: 503
    ill try running!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I have big muscular legs and running has slimmed them down a lot. They are more toned now instead of getting bulkier from running... give it a try!

    What type of running volume are you talking about here? I do run, but I've never seen a big difference in my calf size. However, I've never done a lot of miles/week (because, frankly, I'm just not a fan).

    Just anecdotally, I know a woman with even more monstrous calves than me who runs a LOT more than me. I don't think she is a marathoner, but she does 10Ks and some half-marathons. So, when I see her legs I have my doubts that running can help my situation! :ohwell:
  • Connie68
    Connie68 Posts: 18
    I've got nothing for you either, I'd like to see answers also. Large muscular legs (especially calves) run in my family. I'd love to slim mine down. My legs are my best feature, but it's my calves that seem overly large in my opinion!
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    Try adding Pilates to your routine, it lengthens and tones.
  • MyKidzMom
    MyKidzMom Posts: 97
    I am so glad to see I am not the only female with this issue......
  • Callmefia
    Callmefia Posts: 42
    I wish we could work magic on those things! I'm a horseback rider and developed a lot of muscle there. I try to avoid anything that will build muscle there. I hope some weight loss helps because my calves are soooo big that I have a hard time buying tall horse riding boots. argh!
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    My opinion is to embrace your calves if they are strong and muscular. Keep dropping body fat through caloric deficits but don't fret if your calves are noticeable due to muscles. Just my 2 cents.
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    My calves are definitely smaller than they were when I was 65lbs larger, however they're still larger than I'd like them to be...but I take solace in that they're all muscle..ya know? :) I'm a runner and that's what helped me lose the majority of my weight. Some say running helps, some say it contributes. I think I'm just genetically dispositioned to having larger calves. But I've gotten some compliments on them lately when I wear heels so they can't be all THAT bad :)
    I say focus on toning and once you've done that, try and embrace how awesome and strong they are
  • cranky2003
    cranky2003 Posts: 72
    I like to know how to slim down my calves too...but I was told once that some people are born with big calves and some with small calves...just like some with big boobs and others with small boobs. =)
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    I have big muscular legs and running has slimmed them down a lot. They are more toned now instead of getting bulkier from running... give it a try!

    What type of running volume are you talking about here? I do run, but I've never seen a big difference in my calf size. However, I've never done a lot of miles/week (because, frankly, I'm just not a fan).

    Just anecdotally, I know a woman with even more monstrous calves than me who runs a LOT more than me. I don't think she is a marathoner, but she does 10Ks and some half-marathons. So, when I see her legs I have my doubts that running can help my situation! :ohwell:

    I don't run too much maybe a few times a week with jogging and walking mixed in. I'm sure losing over 50 pounds has a lot to do with my legs slimming down, but I did notice that even when I stayed about the same weight for a while and was running/jogging for most of my workouts (about 45 minutes 3-4 times a week) that my legs did slim down considerably. I know it depends on the person (guess I got lucky), but it's worth a try if nothing else is working.

    But I'll admit I still have bigger legs.. and they're actually one of my favorite body parts because they are strong and can take me through my challenging workouts. :happy:
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    I have man calves. Don't ask me :)

    They're very large, but mostly all muscle. The dooms of a lifelong horseback rider :)
  • oliveoil7979
    oliveoil7979 Posts: 112
    I have been running for about 6 months now, and while I am losing weight I was getting really anoyed my claves aren't getting any smaller...until last week.
    My husband was laying on the couch, and my daughter was behind it playing peekaboo with me. I would lean over the couch and say boo! While I was leaning over, my husband grabbed my calf and tried give me a love pinch. He said "Holy Cow your legs are like rocks!"
    That totaly made my day and I have given up worrying about their size. They are toned and healthy, they are serving me well and I wont critique them any more!:wink: