Can I eat what I want if I stay under my calorie goal?

I'm trying to lose weight but eating veggies is not my thing. I am staying under my calories, is that enough? I am walking 10000 steps a day (3 one mile walks minimum a day)



  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    As long as you stay within your calorie goal, in theory you should lose weight. However, you have to make sure you are logging everything properly.
    You don't have to eat vegetables to lose weight, it helps because it takes up a portion of your plate, but it's not necessary. Do you like fruit? You could just try to substitute vegetables with fruit?
  • You'll need low glycemic foods to also help with weight loss.
  • spantz1
    spantz1 Posts: 17
    I can eat fruit sometimes, but its been so long eating fast food and soda. I cut out soda 6 weeks ago and 2 weeks ago cut out most fast food since I cant afford 1200 calorie burger :ohwell:

  • jnn0409
    jnn0409 Posts: 171 Member
    I think somewhere on here I read awhile ago that yes you can lose weight eating twinkies and only twinkies while staying under or at your calorie is it the healthiest no but will you still lose weight yes. I eat whatever I want but in moderation and as long as it fits in my calories, although it doesn't mean I stuff my face with crap all day. I make sure to fit fruits in and veggies (i'm not a big veggie person either.) I guess in the end it's what you want...
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    If you are under your calories and walking 3 miles a day, that is a great start. I don't think you need to eat vegetables to lose weight, but eating vegetables does allow you to eat more food over all.

    I would keep doing what you are doing for a few weeks and re-evaluate then.
  • herebeeri
    herebeeri Posts: 39 Member
    Start off staying under your calories eating what you want to eat. If you're anything like me after a couple of weeks you'll automatically be choosing healthier foods because they fill you up/make you feel better. You may even find you want to eat vegetables, but don't worry about it too much straight away - take it one step at a time :)
  • spantz1
    spantz1 Posts: 17
    Start off staying under your calories eating what you want to eat. If you're anything like me after a couple of weeks you'll automatically be choosing healthier foods because they fill you up/make you feel better. You may even find you want to eat vegetables, but don't worry about it too much straight away - take it one step at a time :)

    Thanks! That's exactly what I am going to do.

  • -- eat fewer calories and be more active -- I do think you can eat anything as along as your burn more than you consume.

    The Dietary Guidelines (USDA) encourage you to find the balance that's right for you between calorie intake (food) and calorie expenditure (physical activity). That balance is unique to each person, and it depends on many factors, including the goal weight you set for yourself and whether you're trying to lose weight, maintain your weight, or prevent gradual weight gain over time.
    I think of it like this,
    When you take in the same number of calories that you use up, the scale dishes are balanced, and your weight stays the same. That's what you strive for if you want to maintain your current weight. If more calories come in from food than you burn up in activity, the scale tips to the left, and you gain weight. On the other hand, if your body uses more calories than come in from food, the scale tips to the right, and you lose weight. Weight management is simply a matter of calorie input and calorie output
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    I'm trying to lose weight but eating veggies is not my thing. I am staying under my calories, is that enough? I am walking 10000 steps a day (3 one mile walks minimum a day)

  • wmoomoo
    wmoomoo Posts: 159 Member
    Losing weight doesn't mean you have to eat only vegetables. As long as you stay under your calories goal, meeting all the macros, you will be fine. But make sure you log calories for everything.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    IIFYM. Learn it, love it, don't abuse it.
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    I think part of the reason people fail at losing weight is they try to make too many changes at once. It is an all or nothing approach that seldom works.

    It's like
    quitting alcohol cold turkey
    quitting pizza cold turkey
    quitting cheese burgers cold turkey
    quitting chocolate cold turkey
    quitting soda cold turkey
    and on and on and on
    and then forcing yourself to exercise on top of that

    no wonder we fail
  • I've spent the last 20+ years eating mostly from drive thru bags and have never been a big vegetable fan. A couple of years back, I cut the fast food and soda and started with simple things like carrots and celery and raw broccoli with ranch dressing. Last fall when I decided it was time to start losing weight, I added a few different vegetables into the variety and have even discovered that I really like Kale of all things! Staying under calories and exercising will work but as you make some progress and get a little more motivated, try some different things. You may find something you really like!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Start off staying under your calories eating what you want to eat. If you're anything like me after a couple of weeks you'll automatically be choosing healthier foods because they fill you up/make you feel better. You may even find you want to eat vegetables, but don't worry about it too much straight away - take it one step at a time :)

    This is good advice. Veggies are good for you and I'd encourage you to find some that you like and work them in. But they're not necessary for weight loss.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Oversimplification, but basically:

    Calories = weight loss
    Macros = energy (carbs), body composition (protein), fats (healthy body functions and hormones)
    Micros = health.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Oversimplification, but basically:

    Calories = weight loss
    Macros = energy (carbs), body composition (protein), fats (healthy body functions and hormones)
    Micros = health.

    I like this. Nice simple way to get to the bottom of the differences.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Can you? YES
    Will you still lose weight? YES
    Is this an ideal way to get healthy? NO
    Should you keep trying to incorporate healthier choices into your diet as you progress? YES, YES, YES

    You might find that if you get away from eating unhealthy 'junk food' that your body will stop craving that stuff, and you'll develop taste for better things...

    Good luck, and please keep trying new things till you find some choices you love (they are out there somewhere!!) :drinker:
  • JessicaP327
    JessicaP327 Posts: 64 Member
    I think somewhere on here I read awhile ago that yes you can lose weight eating twinkies and only twinkies while staying under or at your calorie is it the healthiest no but will you still lose weight yes. I eat whatever I want but in moderation and as long as it fits in my calories, although it doesn't mean I stuff my face with crap all day. I make sure to fit fruits in and veggies (i'm not a big veggie person either.) I guess in the end it's what you want...

    Haha I just found out that the replacement faux-Twinky is called the "Cloud Cake" (or something like that), I've never liked twinkies, I just thought that was amusing, otherwise, I have nothing really to add to this thread.
  • AlyssaJoJo
    AlyssaJoJo Posts: 449 Member
    I'm guessing you're losing weight to be healthy, and I'm guessing you got here by being unhealthy, so I would say no. You can't just eat whatever you want an expect a good outcome. If you are eating healthy foods that aren't veggies you're going to be golden. If you're eating a big mac every day you're going to kill your muscel mass and have a heart attach soon. Just saying.
  • Luvmesumkenny
    Luvmesumkenny Posts: 779 Member
    Oversimplification, but basically:

    Calories = weight loss
    Macros = energy (carbs), body composition (protein), fats (healthy body functions and hormones)
    Micros = health.