
Hi everyone, my name is Sara and in April I issued myself a challenge, for the next 365 days I am going to take steps towards a healthier lifestyle and get fit! In March I had my second spinal surgery in less than a year, and I've been home trying to recover. My ability to do physical activities is currently limited to walking and the exercises given to me by my physical therapist (and the occasional Wii Fit sessioin and swimming) but I've adjusted my diet to water, lots of fruits and veggies, I'm watching my carb intake and enjoying lots of lean protein and I'm happy to say that since March I've lost 21lbs :) I am only a few pounds away from ONEDERLAND and can't wait! I've lost a total of 3.5 inches off my waist. I have two weddings to go to in October (and its also the month I turn 28) and one of them is in Florida so I would love to feel comfortable in a swim suit, or maybe even a strapless dress.

I love to cook, and I'm having a great time figuring out how to make old staples into healthier versions. I look forward to losing weight and getting on the road to health with all of you.

Feel free to add me as a friend so we can motivate each other!

Take care.


  • Rhonnie
    Rhonnie Posts: 506 Member
    You sound so positive and already very successful, even with your challenges - I think you'll be the one providing inspiration!
  • bombus
    bombus Posts: 44 Member
    wow, that is amazing, you must be so pleased. You sound so positive and have made real progress. I hope the back is better and that you're recovering well. Will certainly add you as you're an inspiration. :smile:
  • 365healthchallenge
    Aw thanks so much guys! :)

    My back is doing much better (I just wish I had some of my flexibility back already...I still have to use a grabber sometimes to pick stuff up), I feel so much better in fact that I get so frustrated when they tell me I can't do things yet (like jogging) because the impact can affect how my bone graft sets...oh well...hopefully soon. I really want to do the C25K :)

    There's a 5k in August I'd love to do.