I have been working out religously 6 days a week for the last 3 weeks. The scale didnt move at all. I have been tracking my calories and eating right....just annoyed because this isnt the first time this has happend......


  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    For some people it takes a while to see changes on the scale and they might see changes in their body first. I know you want to see that number go down on the scale, but have you taken measurements?
    Also, sometimes we might get better results if we do something different with our diet. If you want to share some more info (weight, calorie intake, open your food diary, etc) people might be able to give you some advice.

    But I totally understand if you just wanted to vent. This can be very frustrating at times.
  • Thanks! I am 5 3 and weight 176. I have dropped 4 pounds in 3 weeks. I do zumba 6 days a week and eat around 1200 calories a day (somtimes less). Next week I plan on making sure that I eat 1200 exactly or even a little more.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Thanks! I am 5 3 and weight 176. I have dropped 4 pounds in 3 weeks. I do zumba 6 days a week and eat around 1200 calories a day (somtimes less). Next week I plan on making sure that I eat 1200 exactly or even a little more.

    I am lost nothing in three weeks (ie, four pounds over a six week period) or you lost four pounds in three weeks?
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Four pounds in three weeks is good! Have you thought about eating the calories you burn? It's an option.
  • Ahh! Ok, there will be people that will be happy to counter me on this and if it's working for them, then I say great but because not every body is the same I will offer you this:

    definitely eat more.

    Six days a week of Zumba (which if you're working it, is hard!) and 1200 a day or less is probably freaking your body the heck out. It's likely to be storing water and other goodies because of this activity "attack".

    I finally broke down and got a heart rate monitor this week to see what I was really burning during my workouts. Holy cow! I work hard and if I didn't eat enough, I know my weight loss would be nill.

    Like I said, there are plenty in the 1200 cal/day camp who say differently and if it's working, then great. But it sounds like maybe you're body isn't that type.

    Also...are you doing measurements? I can lose inches and not pounds for weeks in a row. That keeps me motivated to not quit.

    Good luck and congrats on your loss!! :)
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Thanks! I am 5 3 and weight 176. I have dropped 4 pounds in 3 weeks. I do zumba 6 days a week and eat around 1200 calories a day (somtimes less). Next week I plan on making sure that I eat 1200 exactly or even a little more.

    I am lost nothing in three weeks (ie, four pounds over a six week period) or you lost four pounds in three weeks?

    I was a bit confused about this, too. I thought from the OP that she hadn't lost any weight. Then she said 4 lbs in three weeks. If that is the case then what's the problem?:laugh:
  • I was hoping for more of a 2 pounds per week!
  • I am sorry for the conufusion, i meant my scale didnt move last week! hoping for some this week!
  • Superchas
    Superchas Posts: 129 Member
    Too many variables to expect scale to move each week

    Keep at it