About that calorie counter.....



  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    Nice to meet you! You sound like you're working hard to get on the right track for your health. It is sometimes a big change in the foods you're used to eating, but find the foods that fill you up without all the fat and calories. You don't want to be hungry. The payoff is worth all the exercise and eating right. Good luck to you.
  • You can do it!

    I don't remember a day when I was skinny, but last year, I noticed that my weight had gotten to a point where I don't want it. So I began to exercise. I don't eat that much to begin with since being poor means I have to stretch out what little food I have, so I often skip meals, but I'll have little healthy snacks through out the day (sometimes I'm bad about not listing my little snacks). Sadly, because of my diet, my weight loss is probably a little slower than it should be, but because of this, I've picked up a new hobby, belly dancing.

    After a month, I already see results. My arms and legs are slimmer. My thighs are getting toned. And my butt is getting round and perky.