Struggling to reach daily calories!



  • amyshikarii
    If you`re not much into increasing food-wise, be it out of fear or just out of habit, since it seems like you`ve been dieting for a while ( kudos by the way), have you thought of maybe doing some protein shakes

    You can really pack in all sorts of nutrients if you`re really not able to eat more. For instance, a banana, full fat yogurt (flavour of your choice), almond or peanut butter and whatever else you like. That can easily be 200-300 if your days calories in one single drink. Won`t be hard to prepare, quick and simple and perfect after a work out and you can just keep what you`ve doing so far

    In terms of fear of undoing everything, I know how you feel. But you`ve done so great so far so be happy that you in fact got alot more control than the average person!

    Good luck hun :)

    Ohh, thank you! I wasn't so sure about protein shakes if I'm being honest but everyone seems to love them so I will definitely give them a go! They sound really great.

    Thank you so much! You're so lovely!
  • Psychedelicately
    Psychedelicately Posts: 81 Member
    Eat a few spoonfuls of peanut butter. Problem solved.
  • saltedcaramel86
    saltedcaramel86 Posts: 238 Member
    I've been having this problem so trying to add in an extra spoonful of peanut butter, lump of cheese, a boiled egg, oil, etc. Great calorie dense foods with healthy fats, etc (a tablespoon of oil is 135 cals, and the flavoured/infused ones are a great addition to Quorn fillets in my case). Seems to be working as I'm hitting my goals without having an extra meal, and I was eating loads but because they were fairly low cal (veggies, etc) and feeling full so I was struggling to get them in. But these seem to be helping. I might get some protein shakes as well, just for busy days when I may be way under.
  • kurbangrl
    kurbangrl Posts: 4 Member
    Are you low in a particular group? Carbs. Protein. Sugar. Etc...try to build up or u may be defeating yourself by going into starvation. U may have t go under those calories as you continue to lose and plateau.

    I start losing hair if not enough protein..maybe add a protein drink or two in the day...:smile:
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    eat some cookies. seriously.