Hello fellow fat people

1fatmama Posts: 2
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Iam a over weight person who likes to eat. Looking forward to losing weight with all my friends. I am a hairdress and a purse maker and a slave to the kitchen for the family when i get home from work. Went to the dr. today for swollen ankle he said i was over weight and needed to lose half a person so here i am


  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Did you just call me fat?;)

    Welcome and good luck.
  • Welcome and good luck! :)
  • rgrijalva
    rgrijalva Posts: 1
    What a mean doctor. Well my name is Regina and I'm overweight as well. I started out at 213 and now I weigh
    197 and lost 10.5 inches off my bod by joining curves. If I can do it you an do it cause I never thought I could.

  • cerdmann
    cerdmann Posts: 60
    I certainly hope that your doctor took a look at your ankle, at least! My biggest beef with doctors is that they don't even bother to listen to overweight patients' ailments. They take one look at you and say, "you need to lose weight." WELL, NO DUH, idiot, but I'm here because I have an infected cut on my behind from running through the woods and snagging my shorts on a tree branch! Or, I have a sinus infection that's making it hard for me to breathe ... it's not the weight that's making me wheeze! I get it that extra weight can and does cause a lot of medical issues. But, NOT EVERYTHING IS RELATED TO THE WEIGHT ISSUE! You're ankle might be swollen because of a sprain or bee sting or snake bite, for goodness sakes! Keep working on the weight, exercise and eat better. You're among those who understand here! And, find another doctor who will listen to your ailments before judging you!
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    It's the same if you are a smoker...the doc's answer to your gynecological problems will be to 'quit smoking'.
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    I'm not fat! I'm just too short for my weight! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome! You'll like it here, everyone is great!
  • DwightJenkins
    DwightJenkins Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Iam a over weight person who likes to eat. Looking forward to losing weight with all my friends. I am a hairdress and a purse maker and a slave to the kitchen for the family when i get home from work. Went to the dr. today for swollen ankle he said i was over weight and needed to lose half a person so here i am

    Only half? I've lost a whole person with a half to go.. :) I'm just hoping I didn't lose the good looking parts because I didn't have much of that to start with.

    Welcome aboard!!
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    I'm not fat! I'm just too short for my weight! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome! You'll like it here, everyone is great!

    Hahaha I love it. I'm 4ft 11.:laugh:
  • Soo glad you decided to join mom. I love it here and i'm glad your finally seeing how easy and nice it is to see just how much food you really eat and the contence of them! Good luck mom i know we can do this! failure is not an option always remeber that!!
  • Hi Iam a over weight person who likes to eat. Looking forward to losing weight with all my friends. I am a hairdress and a purse maker and a slave to the kitchen for the family when i get home from work. Went to the dr. today for swollen ankle he said i was over weight and needed to lose half a person so here i am

    Only half? I've lost a whole person with a half to go.. :) I'm just hoping I didn't lose the good looking parts because I didn't have much of that to start with.

    Welcome aboard!!

    OMG, that is too funny. You've got to have a wonderful sense of humor.
  • 1fatmama
    1fatmama Posts: 2
    Thank you to all the people out there espeicaly my chloe love ya

  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
  • kirbyjbj
    kirbyjbj Posts: 40 Member
    I certainly hope that your doctor took a look at your ankle, at least! My biggest beef with doctors is that they don't even bother to listen to overweight patients' ailments. They take one look at you and say, "you need to lose weight." WELL, NO DUH, idiot, but I'm here because I have an infected cut on my behind from running through the woods and snagging my shorts on a tree branch! Or, I have a sinus infection that's making it hard for me to breathe ... it's not the weight that's making me wheeze! I get it that extra weight can and does cause a lot of medical issues. But, NOT EVERYTHING IS RELATED TO THE WEIGHT ISSUE! You're ankle might be swollen because of a sprain or bee sting or snake bite, for goodness sakes! Keep working on the weight, exercise and eat better. You're among those who understand here! And, find another doctor who will listen to your ailments before judging you!

    Argh, that makes me so mad!! I went to the immediate care place here a couple of weeks ago because it hurt to breathe. No fever, no sniffles, no cough, no other symptoms... and all the doctor wanted to talk about was my weight! That's the second and last time I will go there because it happened the first time I went there. I found a lump in my throat that wasn't there the day before, went there, the doctor did a VERY basic exam before telling me it was my thyroid and I should get my numbers checked. It didn't matter that I had them checked about three months before. He insisted it was my thyroid and I probably just hadn't noticed the lump, it wouldn't show up that quickly..... Well, it turns out, technically he was right. It was a cyst on my thyroid.

    Yes, I'm fat, I know I'm fat. My cholesterol is fine, my blood sugar is fine, my thyroid is fine. Now can we please discuss the REAL reason I'm here?!?! :) Okay, rant done....

    BTW, Welcome FatMama!!
  • hummingbird314
    hummingbird314 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm not fat! I'm just too short for my weight! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome! You'll like it here, everyone is great!

    Hahaha I love it. I'm 4ft 11.:laugh:

    I really love it I'm 4ft 10 ; )
  • sandara
    sandara Posts: 830 Member
    Everyone should go have a look at Fatmama's purses! They are great!
  • kholloman
    kholloman Posts: 10 Member
    My biggest beef with doctors is that they don't even bother to listen to overweight patients' ailments. They take one look at you and say, "you need to lose weight."

    My husband went to the dr's with severe poison ivy. Before looking at the rash the doctor did a circle motion around my husband's belly and said "you need to get rid of all this" Me being the good wife I am bursted out laughing but really, last I checked poison ivy affects skinny folks too!
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    I'm not fat! I'm just too short for my weight! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome! You'll like it here, everyone is great!

    Hahaha I love it. I'm 4ft 11.:laugh:

    I really love it I'm 4ft 10 ; )

    I think that I'd need to be about 8 ft tall.....just a guess :wink:
  • brieann
    brieann Posts: 16
    Hello OMG I am a hairdresser and purse maker as well!! girl we were ment to be friends, I come home after a hard day on my feet all day and am expected to make dinner for my family, and heaven forbid they should like healty food. ahhh!!! good luck to you, feel free to add me as a friend if you would like
  • leadvocalchick
    leadvocalchick Posts: 59 Member
    Welcome aboard! You're gonna find lots of support and lots of great new friends here! We CAN AND WILL do this!!
  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    Welcome aboard! This is a great place if you are really willing to make the effort. Lots of good ideas and supportive people.

    I hear yall about the drs!
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