Count calories and exercise? You must be brain dead...

Does anyone else feel discouraged when people ask how are you losing weight and then they literally roll their eyes and say, “Oh… never mind” when you tell them that you’re counting calories and exercising. What is that all about? One woman told me recently, “Yeah, I’ve tried that several times. It doesn’t work for very long.” Then she proceeded to tell me about her no bread, no sugar, no flour diet that was just the greatest thing ever, and how she never had to count calories, etc. Last night I just got the ‘never mind eye-roll’ from another friend. It wasn’t a great feeling to have all my efforts dismissed like that. Has anyone else experienced a similar reaction when asked about how you’re losing weight? Just trying to figure out why people think calorie counting and exercise is such a useless waste of time.


  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I hear ya!!

    Every time someone asks me what I'm doing to lose weight and I tell them, "I'm just watching what I'm eating" - they look at me like I'm from another planet. Like, either it can't be that easy, or I wasn't doing strange things like eliminating carbs or having just protein and nothing else. It's almost as if - if there isn't some gimmick to it like taking shots or having nothing but grapefruit and cabbage soup all day, then it most not really work or it isn't something they can do.

    Nobody can believe that I haven't exercised very much at all either.

    Those are the people who aren't ready to change though, so I try not to let them bother me.
  • Kevin_Rex
    Kevin_Rex Posts: 127 Member
    I don't feel discouraged, per se, but when I told folks I was starting my new life of health, fitness and well being, and that it was based on "Calories In/Calories Out + A Little Bit Of Exercise", I heard it all...

    "Oh, you need to join a gym if you want to stay motivated"
    "Calorie counting? What is this 1982?"
    "Have you tried lowering your card intake first?"
    "Go vegan"

    There, of course, were those that were supportive and excited for me, but I never understood the negative responses to a responsible and (relatively) easy approach to weight loss. I can see getting negative reactions if I threw out the "Well, I gotta lose weight fast so bring on the meth." but I was surprised to see it with calorie counting.

    But, ah well, I've been at this for 6 weeks and have lost 24 pounds... so I am a firm believer that calorie counting (well, counting as to ensure you don't eat too many as opposed to counting them just to count them :) ) works like a charm! As does a little bit of walking around my neighborhood!

    Don't let the doubters discourage you... once you, and they, see results, they'll button their lips :)

    Take care and happy weekend!
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I think people see calorie counting as too much work when compared to eliminating a food or food group. They only see the short term. Is it easy now to just not eat bread? Maybe. Will it be easy to never eat bread again? Probably not. But it will be easy to know how many calories are in that bread and plan accordingly so you can eat it!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    When people ask me, I just tell the simple truth - I stopped eating like a pig. Makes them giggle usually and no eye rolls!
  • jackiedski
    I just smile and say yeah I tried that and lost weight but then it all came back when I stopped doing it. Any weight loss method requires making it a lifestyle choice and a lifelong commitment and I'm sorry but I can't give up potatoes, bread, pasta, etc...for the rest of my life.
  • ladypenel
    ladypenel Posts: 88 Member
    I just say, in a shocked way, " you think I've lost weight?" "I'm just eating more!" Which essentially you can eat more if its the right stuff! Peeps r just jealous, ignore and keep going! :D
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I've been told the same, "Oh counting calories. That's such a joke." My mom once even told me "You exercise too much and neglect Jeremy, the poor guy just sits at home waiting for you to return." referring to my husband. lmao
  • MNTom
    MNTom Posts: 18 Member
    There is only one diet that works. I call it the "Four Word Diet". EAT LESS, DO MORE! :happy: All diets are variations of the Four Word Diet.
  • essaryswife73
    essaryswife73 Posts: 81 Member
    Does anyone else feel discouraged when people ask how are you losing weight and then they literally roll their eyes and say, “Oh… never mind” when you tell them that you’re counting calories and exercising. What is that all about? One woman told me recently, “Yeah, I've tried that several times. It doesn't work for very long.” Then she proceeded to tell me about her no bread, no sugar, no flour diet that was just the greatest thing ever, and how she never had to count calories, etc. Last night I just got the ‘never mind eye-roll’ from another friend. It wasn't a great feeling to have all my efforts dismissed like that. Has anyone else experienced a similar reaction when asked about how you’re losing weight? Just trying to figure out why people think calorie counting and exercise is such a useless waste of time.

    I think they think it's a waste of time because it doesn't get the super fast results that cutting out entire food groups does. It takes time and effort and dedication to your health and well being, and it's not a quick fix. That's what so many people in this world are still looking for, and those of us on here, really working at it know that there isn't a quick fix. These eye-rollers just don't have a clue. It's just one of those things we're going to have to deal with. And when we've reached our goal, and have kept the weight off, we can roll our eyes at the "quick fixers" who have gained all their weight back and then some. Maybe then they will listen!! Keep up the good work and try to not let them get to you! I have lost 22 pounds since Jan.1 and most of the people in my family are completely amazed that I still eat whatever I want, within reason. I've hear "I thought you were on a diet, how can you be eating that?" SO many times!! Good luck to you and roll your eyes right back at them!!!!!
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    I think people see calorie counting as too much work when compared to eliminating a food or food group. They only see the short term. Is it easy now to just not eat bread? Maybe. Will it be easy to never eat bread again? Probably not. But it will be easy to know how many calories are in that bread and plan accordingly so you can eat it!

    Yup, I agree with this. People are looking for the easy diet plan...not a life style change that takes time, hard work and dedication. I just ignore the eye rolls or give it back to them when they tell me about their no bread, no dairy diet or their eating seaweed soup for X amount of days and then switch to dandelion purée for X amount of I know the truth and the "magic secret" to weight loss that works and it's not a fad diet or pills
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    My BIL, when asked how he'd lost a lot of weight, replied "eat less, move more". That sums it up, but most people are still looking for a magic bullet.
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    I never got eye rolling but people did sort of lose their "excitement"---like they had thought I would tell them about a magic pill or something
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I doesn't discourage me to get that reaction - it is surprising sometimes though. Usually the person asking will latch on to the fact that I now exercise. Like, oh, it's because of all the exercise so you can eat whatever you want? To me, though, the exercise is part of getting fit, not just losing weight. Plus it makes it so much easier to stay within the calorie limits. The key for me is no longer overeating (often without even realizing it). It takes 40 minutes of fairly hard cardio to burn off 400 calories. I can eat 400 calories in a couple of minutes and not even feel remotely full, depending on what I'm eating (potato chips, I'm looking at YOU).
  • angbieb
    angbieb Posts: 692 Member
    I hear ya!!

    Every time someone asks me what I'm doing to lose weight and I tell them, "I'm just watching what I'm eating" - they look at me like I'm from another planet. Like, either it can't be that easy, or I wasn't doing strange things like eliminating carbs or having just protein and nothing else. It's almost as if - if there isn't some gimmick to it like taking shots or having nothing but grapefruit and cabbage soup all day, then it most not really work or it isn't something they can do.

    Nobody can believe that I haven't exercised very much at all either.

    Those are the people who aren't ready to change though, so I try not to let them bother me.

    Congratulations on your 117 lb. weight loss! That is such an amazing accomplishment!!! Please message did you do it? Any tips/tricks? You are an inspiration!!!:heart:
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    It's not that they think it's a useless waste of time, it's that they are looking for a magic pill or some secret potion that allows weight to magically melt away with zero effort. Counting calories and exercise is "work" and therefore it's an unacceptable approach. I have recently begun telling people that I'm just kidding about eating better and exercise. The secret is really using Sensa as bath salts with a 1:3 ratio of raspberry keytones and green coffee extract. Soak for an hour a day. It's magic!
  • schmern2
    schmern2 Posts: 5
    I get the same thing when people ask. I eat less and work out and lost 43 so far. Woman at a bookstore informed me I won't lose a thing unless I give up wheat. When I told her I lost 43 and haven't given up anything she stuck by her theory that won't work at all. I would think it would be liberating to know you can live life, albeit smaller portions.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    I get those looks when I say that I've added using light weights into my workouts. That's what gets the eyerolls for me.

    As for the weight itself, I've had most people look impressed that a simple calorie reduction has made a difference, lol. As for actually counting calories themselves, there's no way I ever would have bothered with it, without this website. I wouldn't have ever just sat down and done all the math every day, no way. But this site makes it easy. I tell people that it's just a tool that helps me learn to be accountable for what goes into my body. I'm learning to be accountable and learning to make wise choices, and being aware of how much exercise I'm actually doing. No more faking more "Oh, one more indulgence won't make a difference, one more skipped exercise day won't make a differece" Because it does.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I think usually these people want to hear that you took a magic pill or had some procedure done. They want a quick fix. That's why people go on these crazy diets to begin with. They couldn't possibly be fat because they eat too much.
  • ACrowsDay
    ACrowsDay Posts: 66 Member
    I think people see calorie counting as too much work when compared to eliminating a food or food group. They only see the short term. Is it easy now to just not eat bread? Maybe. Will it be easy to never eat bread again? Probably not. But it will be easy to know how many calories are in that bread and plan accordingly so you can eat it!

    Yup, I agree with this. People are looking for the easy diet plan...not a life style change that takes time, hard work and dedication. I just ignore the eye rolls or give it back to them when they tell me about their no bread, no dairy diet or their eating seaweed soup for X amount of days and then switch to dandelion purée for X amount of I know the truth and the "magic secret" to weight loss that works and it's not a fad diet or pills
  • ACrowsDay
    ACrowsDay Posts: 66 Member
    Your right! We have the "magic secret"...when they roll their eyes... I think Ha! Ha!
    I think people see calorie counting as too much work when compared to eliminating a food or food group. They only see the short term. Is it easy now to just not eat bread? Maybe. Will it be easy to never eat bread again? Probably not. But it will be easy to know how many calories are in that bread and plan accordingly so you can eat it!

    Yup, I agree with this. People are looking for the easy diet plan...not a life style change that takes time, hard work and dedication. I just ignore the eye rolls or give it back to them when they tell me about their no bread, no dairy diet or their eating seaweed soup for X amount of days and then switch to dandelion purée for X amount of I know the truth and the "magic secret" to weight loss that works and it's not a fad diet or pills