If you lost your PHONE..............



  • apg2302
    apg2302 Posts: 667
    Not bothered in the slightest. Just get a new one and download my back up :)
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    I probably wouldn't notice for a while.
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    If I lost my phone I'd be lost simply because I don't know anyone's phone numbers anymore. Convenience has led to laziness on that front. There are plenty of times I don't take my phone when I'm with my husband but if I'm without him I never leave it.
  • Syndri
    Syndri Posts: 46 Member
    I would feel as if my life had ended!! Not being able to contact my friends would be torture for me.
  • NotThePest
    NotThePest Posts: 164
    How much does it impact your daily life? Personally for me, it'd just be an inconvenience because I'd have to use a land line to make a call, but I could definitely make it easily without it.
    I don't own a "smart phone" and just have a regular flip phone to get messages, texts and calls from family and clients.

    So how about you?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I only have a regular flip phone that I was using for emergency - basic Verizon Service and I rarely went go over the allotted minutes. I use my cell phone for when I visit my son and daughter-in-law (no land line); and currently I'm using my cell phone to get calls from my contract agency. Was laid off in February so I'm doing contract work. If I continue doing contract work, I may have to break down and get a smartphone, I'm directionally challenged and that would help me find the client.
  • benum21121
    benum21121 Posts: 200
    It would just about kill me. I use my phone for everything from an alarm clock to a daily to-do list to entering my calories on MFP to full contact with family and friends via email, text, etc. I've had phone issues for a few days and it was really hard for my OCD-esque personality regarding my to-do lists not being accessible!! :-/
  • PonyTailedLoser
    PonyTailedLoser Posts: 315 Member
    I would wander around aimlessly after searching everywhere for it. I know this for a fact because that is exactly what happened last year when someone stole it from me at work :(
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    I'd be really upset for the pure fact I lost my phone and it's worth a lot of money.
    But I can easily cope without a phone, just my parents would probably be ringing my boyfriend a lot to see if I'm okay.
  • BoomstickChick
    BoomstickChick Posts: 428 Member
    I don't like to lose my phone because my mom has medical issues and currently without internet right now. So, I freak a little when I don't have my phone on me. I don't have a smart phone either, and I don't care about losing it for anything special, but if my mom needs to contact me, I hate not having it on me.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I've got 2 phones, just in case I misplace one. I've got the family plan with both phones on or near me at all times.

    ETA: You know, just like any good spy has a secreted gun, I have a secreted phone. :glasses:
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I lost mine and used the AVG app to find it. This is a free app.
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    It was such a relief to not have people bugging me.
  • Spook_Nuke_Em
    Spook_Nuke_Em Posts: 408 Member
    My life would shatter into pieces! Sha-tah Sha-tah (Mick Jagger voice) It's how I use MFP when I'm out of the house. And I've grown to be too dependent on my phone. So, I'd die.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    It wouldn't affect me unless I was in the midst of an emergency and away from home. I never activated the voice mail and keep the phone in my purse or pocket (turned off) when I am away from home.
  • DeborahBatewell
    DeborahBatewell Posts: 147 Member
    I'd be just fine. I don't use a cell phone. I don't like them. I have one, but only charge it up if it's nasty out or I'm going a distance so that I can call 911 if necessary. I see families out to dinner and everyone's on the phone and not talking to each other. I've had people hit with shopping carts because they aren't paying attention because they are to distracted and then tell me to to watch where I'm going. I've been rear ended a couple of times by people talking and texting. I've seem parent's loose their children in the mall because they are to busy paying attention to the phone and not their children and or get hurt.
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    What is this landline you speak of? Lol, just kidding. Of course I know what's a landline, but we canceled ours ages ago.

    I don't know, I'd go crazy. Half my life in on my phone. The music, the photos, my mail, all my contacts, apps... I don't even want to imagine what would happen.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I didn't lose my phone, but it is unusable right now. The battery will not hold a charge. The stores in my area do not carry the battery. So I have had to order one online. I haven't had a working phone since Thursday night. I can plug it up and get enough charge to update my food log, then it is back out.

    I have been having cell phone withdrawals. I am on the verge of breaking down and crying. My battery will not be here till Monday or Tuesday, and can be as late as Thursday or Friday. :sad:
  • EvilDollee
    EvilDollee Posts: 386 Member
    If I lost my phone, I would be worried about who would see the contents in it.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I'd immediately have it remotely erased because my entire life is on that phone. All of my credit card information, passwords to EVERYTHING, social security number... albeit they're all tucked away in a locked application, but who knows how crafty the person who finds it is... they might know a way through all that and get it.

    Important (and private) phone numbers... addresses, appointments, reminders, alarms, photos, documents... jeez, I'd be toast.

    A lot of the apps I use are very convenient and make life a lot easier, and I certainly could make due without them, but it'd be a rough time getting over not having them available.
  • missjojo31
    missjojo31 Posts: 150
    I don't think it would bother me any more, I don't have a smart phone, just a little nokia.