What are your rewards for reaching your goal weight???

Hey everyone! =)

How are you going to reward yourself for reaching your final goal weight?
And do you guys have rewards for smaller goals?

I've decided I shall have the tattoo on my stomach retouched and added to etc since gaining weight destroyed it!
Hopefully I'll have a somewhat flattish stomach by the time I'm 4 stone lighter (3 stone to go now =)).
And since I love food and I always will, I'm rewarding myself with a lovely dinner out with the boyfriend everytime I lose a stone!
I know some people say not to reward yourself with food but tough, food makes me happy so =P

What about you guys??? xxx


  • MsDover
    MsDover Posts: 395 Member
    My reward(s) for reaching my goal, other than the obvious one of better health, looking better, etc., was buying a bunch of new clothes. The only glitch in that was I bought all new bras (mail order, because that's the only way I can get the ones I like) and discovered that while I had been a C cup since I was about 14 I'm now very definitely a B cup. I shrunk everywhere! So, I look great in my new jeans but I've got 4 brand new ill fitting bras with wrinkles that are clearly visible through any top that's even remotely tight. Guess my daughter will get these and I'll have to spring for 4 more new ones!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Well, I'm going to have to get lots of new clothes. One thing I'm probably going to do is take a week 'off" ....when my husband finished P90X and before he started Insanity, he took a week off - on Monday he had a pan pizza for lunch, on Tuesday, he had a full-leaded coca-cola (with all the sugar), and wednesday he had a mcdonald's cheeseburger - basically he had one "treat" a day that he had been depriving himself of - that's the sort of thing I want to do.
  • Kevin_Rex
    Kevin_Rex Posts: 127 Member
    Great question! I think the variety of answers will help folks not feel so bad if they are questioning their Goal Rewards (like I did).

    I started out at 228.

    - When I reached 220, I ran to the top of a hill near my house, looked out over the view and thought "I made it up here" - very rewarding
    - When I reached 215, I bought a new pair of running shoes I've wanted for quite some time
    - When I reached 210, I climbed 2 mountains hear my house and took pics along the way
    - When I reached 205, I joined a gym

    And now...
    - When I reach 200, I'm having a plain Ultimate Cheeseburger from Jack In The Box
    - When I reach 195, I'm going to buy a new hiking backpack
    - When I reach 190 (my goal weight) I'm going back up to the top of that hill near my house, and let the realization that "I made it!" truly sink in... (and then I'm going to Claim Jumper for prime rib and lobster) :)

    I look forward to seeing other MFPers rewards!

    Happy weekend folks!
  • tiffanyheth
    tiffanyheth Posts: 510 Member
    For getting into the 100s-Reward will be my first 5K race.

    When I reach my first big goal-I want to get a new tattoo and have my shunt removed, if possible.

    When I reach my ultimate goal, I'm going to buy new clothes and get some surgery to make it all look awesome!
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Hopefully, being able to enter a zombie run. If I haven't already done it by then.
  • angellepen
    Buy a whole new wardrobe :bigsmile:
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm going to get myself a really nice pair of jeans, like Diesel ones, and buy a couple of sundresses. Hopefully I'll be at goal weight by June.
  • coleeli
    coleeli Posts: 40 Member
    These are mine!
    [x]GW1: 175: Dye hair/get it cut
    [x]GW2: 165: New workout clothes
    []GW3: 150: Pedicure
    []GW4: 140: New outfit
    []GW5: 130: Tattoo

    Can't wait until 130 because I reaaallly want a new tattoo! :)
  • NaeNaeJanae
    NaeNaeJanae Posts: 261 Member
    For the small goals, I buy small workout items, like a timer watch, or weights or new shorts...I'm looking at a cute running outfit from Title Nine when I reach my ultimate goal! To wear while I do an Olympic Distance Tri in June, right after I turn the big 4-0!!! Yikes!
  • SuicideMaiden
    125lbs~New mascara
    When I'm back at 120~some kind of bakery treat:P
    115~pink skinny jeans
    110~tons of bracelets
    Randomish but yeah ...
  • TrishLG
    TrishLG Posts: 173 Member
    My reward for each 5 pounds lost is a hot fudge sundae with nuts.
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    Not sure about the goal weights right now, as I want to gain more muscle now and be leaner, tighter etc, but my rewards are:
    new bikinis for summer, new curler (I have a reaaallly bad one and I do use it quite regularly), better workout gear.
    and ofcourse the biggest reward is going to be that hot body I'm after! :D
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    Mine kind of go in increments of losing ten pounds (from when I started I wanted to lose 30-35), and I started at 159:
    At 149 - TV marathon of whatever show I really want to watch when I reach there! And a new mascara.
    At 139 - Total home spa night - bubble bath, face mask, and a chick flick!
    At 129 (or whatever my goal weight ends up being, it really will depend on how I look and feel once I get around there) - Shopping for new clothes, specifically bikinis for summer!

    I reached 154.5 yesterday, after dieting for three weeks, and as a mini reward I bought myself a toning workout DVD - maybe that's not what people would think of as a "reward" but I'm really excited to start using it!
  • SuperBecki
    SuperBecki Posts: 3 Member
    My goal, 150, will be rewarded with a 5K obstacle course, and a pinup girl dress I've had my eye on for a year. :)
  • wildaaron
    wildaaron Posts: 163 Member
    My reward as lame as it sounds will be to reach that point - of course everything that comes with it, longer life, clothes from a normal store, I'm probably gonna by myself a lot of costumes just to make up for all the years I couldn't wear them lol
  • wildaaron
    wildaaron Posts: 163 Member
    These are mine!
    [x]GW1: 175: Dye hair/get it cut
    [x]GW2: 165: New workout clothes
    []GW3: 150: Pedicure
    []GW4: 140: New outfit
    []GW5: 130: Tattoo

    Can't wait until 130 because I reaaallly want a new tattoo! :)

    Actually I forgot about that, It's been a goal for years now - When my body is more of a regular shape I will get more tattoos, I've been wanting them but I don't want to get anything big now and then have it warp and disfigure
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    Nothing really, I already have clothes ready for when I get back into the size I was last year...hmm...I wonder if I should treat myself :)
  • styledsky
    styledsky Posts: 121 Member
    Depends on how long it takes and where my eventual goal ends up being. Might get inked though.
  • CuddlyIrish
    CuddlyIrish Posts: 149
    I really want to do a skydive when I lose my weight :-)
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    First of all, congrats on your weight loss so far!

    I have a few weigh loss rewards, some for along the way, and some for when I finally get there.

    When I finally get there, OBVIOUSLY new clothes.
    Along the way I'd like to get my belly button pierced, and also a tattoo.

    Also, a vacation somewhere nice where I can show off my new hot body :)